what is the craziest move you have made at the table?


Well-Known Member
Oh I have a stupider move than that.
Not crazy, just dull-witted. I don't have a good excuse,

My only excuse was that I had been playing pro for a short time.
I was in Las Vegas and my bankroll was at an all-time high.

I had accidentally bet a chocolate chip (5K) under several blacks.
There was an advantage to be had and I meant to bet just $400.
As the dealer dealt me my first card - it was a Queen, he noticed
the 5K chip on the bottom. He alerted the floor person that i was
over the $5,000 table max. The P.C. did not so much as move from
his perch 2 tables away. He said "Bet the 'five large' or bet just the
blacks. It's your call Mr. X". I got nervous and imagined that they
would no longer want my action. I also tried to compute how far off
"Kelly" this bet was. My cash BR at that time was about $300,000.
It was mathematically justifiable by a factor of TEN. But I was so
anxious that I misplaced the decimal point. I did not think about it long
enough, and I imagined that all eyes were upon me, etc. I took back the
big chip I wound up with a hard 19 and the dealer flipped over a hard 17.
There was considerable moaning and groaning all around me.
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Well-Known Member
Not crazy but felt crazy

Flash... thats just nuts... not crazy... :) :)

This happened very recently..... Was at TC+4 w/$275 in the box.

Had 9,9 vs A.... first bought insurance.... no dealer BJ.

Split the 9,9's got another 9, then another 9, then another 9 for 5 hands (unlimited splits permitted),

The other player and my wife asked me what the heck I was doing...

The players at the table to my left stopped playing and walked over to watch when they heard the commotion.

Then the table to my right were watching..

I don't remember all the hand details but the most important.......

Dealer broke and I won them all.

Cheering broke out....

Most exciting feeling (playing BJ of course) I've had in a long time


( For 9,9 vs A I use Split @ TC+2)

PS: After that, the craziest thing I ever did was eyeballed a (( huge )) pair of womens boobs rolling around on the rails at the crap table as my wife watched me.... I mean... slapped me around like a prize fighter.....It was fun while it lasted.:grin:
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Well-Known Member
I am rolling on the floor boys

Good god your all nuts. I like that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
Good humor for sure. Wish i could think of a good story. Got plenty about being escorted out, but that's not to funny. Let me think. I'll get back....



Well-Known Member
I took insurance in a Spanish 21 game once and won.

Another time I was playing blackjack and a bunch of back-slappers came in from some meeting and they all had matchplays that the casino handed out at the meeting. I think they were up to $100, but no one was playing them for the full amount! So I went around for ten minutes betting the rest of these guys matchplays. Won like $5-600.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Nothing too crazy here, but I really freaked out a table the other day when I split tens with a large bet (obviously) twice against a 6, to receive a 5, 4, and 3, in that order. Guess how that one turned out?

Lonesome Gambler said:
Nothing too crazy here, but I really freaked out a table the other day when I split tens with a large bet (obviously) twice against a 6, to receive a 5, 4, and 3, in that order. Guess how that one turned out?
I can guess, sorry it did not turn out better, but wait,... the count just went up.....the dealer busted right.......???????? Dealer pulled ace???

If not how deep into the deck's, 6d? dd?


Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
About 2 decks remaining, TC just over 4, I have TT v 6, split for another T despite the loud protests from the dealer and other players, split again and get 5, 4, and 3. Dealer flips a 3, and it almost goes without saying that the next card was a T. I was just amused by the reactions of the other players, as is usually the case when splitting tens, especially since I was by far the big bettor at the table.

Lonesome Gambler said:
About 2 decks remaining, TC just over 4, I have TT v 6, split for another T despite the loud protests from the dealer and other players, split again and get 5, 4, and 3. Dealer flips a 3, and it almost goes without saying that the next card was a T. I was just amused by the reactions of the other players, as is usually the case when splitting tens, especially since I was by far the big bettor at the table.

Ya, big reaction, I did the same, back to back last weekend, TC 20, lost 4 hands, felt like an idiot. Other players had a fit, did get rid of 3 I did not like.

I say F### them all. Actually I did the 2nd just to spite the F###s.



Active Member
I stand on 16 against the dealer's 10. I want the casino pit boss to think I don't know what Im doing. Casinos don't like smart blackjack players. They love stupid players. The casinos want you to play games you can't beat, be happy they gave you free meal, and than go on your merry way with less money.



Active Member
Here's a good way to get free comps. While the dealer is shuffleing the cards,put up a big bet, the floor person sees that bet, writes it down on a pad, and when the floor person goes to the next table, take that big down and put up a smaller bet, dig.:laugh:

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Well-Known Member
While we're on the topic of splitting tens...

I played against this fairly attractive female dealer today. Our first match I flat bet two spots the entire time - count never really went anywhere. Eventually I wonged. I go back to the table while she is on her break and play heads up against another dealer. Count goes up and I'm betting two spots of 5 units. She comes back and I lose a hand or two and she says "let's go back to black". I decline the offer. At this point the TC is right around +2 - it was a little tough to estimate, probably between 1.8 and 2.4. Anyway I'm betting two spots of purple and I lose a hand. We're a deck or two away from the cut card and the count keeps climbing. I win a hand or two and I'm at two spots of orange. I tell her "you just have to have faith" and she snidely replies "yeah, or a lot of money". I split XX vs a 6 and get a 10 and an 8, and she busts. I win about $10,000 in a few minutes and ask her "should I have switched back to black?" then take off to another table.


Well-Known Member

Think about what you said.

Much of the time the floor person will be back before the hand is resolved.

Seeing that your big bet somehow shrank, s/he will, from then on, be likely to UNDER-RATE your "average" bet as a default action.


Well-Known Member
Harry1941 said:
I stand on 16 against the dealer's 10. I want the casino pit boss to think I don't know what Im doing. Casinos don't like smart blackjack players. They love stupid players. The casinos want you to play games you can't beat, be happy they gave you free meal, and than go on your merry way with less money.

Standing on 16 vs dealer 10, certainly doesn't qualify as one of the craziest moves you can make, Harry. Although not a BS play, it is the correct move for all plus count situation, which account for 80 percent of the hands that I play.

I also don't think that move alone will make the pit think that you don't know what you are doing. Quite the contrary as a matter of fact, as the way people play 16 vs 10 is second to only the insurance decision in plays that the casino looks for in spotting counters.


Active Member
kewljason said:
Standing on 16 vs dealer 10, certainly doesn't qualify as one of the craziest moves you can make, Harry. Although not a BS play, it is the correct move for all plus count situation, which account for 80 percent of the hands that I play.

I also don't think that move alone will make the pit think that you don't know what you are doing. Quite the contrary as a matter of fact, as the way people play 16 vs 10 is second to only the insurance decision in plays that the casino looks for in spotting counters.
How about doubling down on 8 and A-8 against the dealer's 6.I have BS cards from Golden Touch Blackjack. I practive speed counting.



Well-Known Member
Harry1941 said:
How about doubling down on 8 and A-8 against the dealer's 6.I have BS cards from Golden Touch Blackjack. I practive speed counting.

Doubling A8 vs dealer 6 has a hi-lo index of +1 for most shoe games. It is even BS for hit 17 games, yet I believe this play is actually good for camo purposes as most pit critter don't seem to have the slightest idea that it may be the correct move. Anytime you can make the correct play and the most pit people don't recognize it as such is great camo. Plays like doubling A8 vs 5 & 6, doubling 9 vs 7, splitting 99 vs 7 at the proper indices are other examples. I would say doubling 8 vs 5 & 6 falls into that catagory as well, to a slightly lesser extent.