What is the most profitable betting spread?


New Member
The minimum bet where I play is 2 pounds. So if the true count goes above 2 and the player therefore has the advantage what would be the most profitable spread to use would it be a 1-8 bet spread? I dont think the casino is suspicious at all about card counters so i mean raising from 2 pound to 16 pounds wouldnt grab to much attention i dont think. Also when card counting and the count is plus is it worthwhile playing morethan one box?

Thanks :grin:


Well-Known Member
spllitingaces said:
The minimum bet where I play is 2 pounds. So if the true count goes above 2 and the player therefore has the advantage what would be the most profitable spread to use would it be a 1-8 bet spread? I dont think the casino is suspicious at all about card counters so i mean raising from 2 pound to 16 pounds wouldnt grab to much attention i dont think. Also when card counting and the count is plus is it worthwhile playing morethan one box?

Thanks :grin:
The most profitable would be to jump to the max as soon as you get an advantage. The RoR will be something you have to evaluate for yourself, though.

If you're only playing two hands when you have an advantage, then play two hands when you have an advantage.