what is the player advantage?

Using Omega II advanced, full indexes, ace side count, double deck, 75% penetration, H17 das, true count of +6...what is the player advantage?


Well-Known Member
I would estimate around 1.5% based on CVCX Online. I can get more specific numbers when I get home to my laptop.

help me understand

I will get this someday even if it kills me...

Not to insult any Hi Lo players, but the general consensus is the Omega advanced with ace side count is a more effective counting method..But please help me understand my findings on the QFIT simulation...

running equal rules and stats (DD,75%,H17das) here's a sample comparison

true count frequency player advantage

Hi Lo +4 4.81% 2.19%

+5 2.28% 2.95%

+6 2.13% 3.64%

OMEGA +4 5.06% 1.10%

+5 2.80% 1.51%

+6 2.96% 1.84%

What I dont get is the true counts come pretty close to the same frequency but the player advantage is almost half as much. What am I missing?


Well-Known Member
kemperpoker said:
I will get this someday even if it kills me...

Not to insult any Hi Lo players, but the general consensus is the Omega advanced with ace side count is a more effective counting method..But please help me understand my findings on the QFIT simulation...

running equal rules and stats (DD,75%,H17das) here's a sample comparison

true count frequency player advantage

Hi Lo +4 4.81% 2.19%

+5 2.28% 2.95%

+6 2.13% 3.64%

OMEGA +4 5.06% 1.10%

+5 2.80% 1.51%

+6 2.96% 1.84%

What I dont get is the true counts come pretty close to the same frequency but the player advantage is almost half as much. What am I missing?

Umm, is it a multi-level count?


Well-Known Member
Two very different counts. Looking at only a few counts tells you little, if anything. It is the amalgam of all counts and standard deviations, and bets that matters. And if you are side-counting aces, comparison on a count by count basis is even less meaningful.


Well-Known Member
kemperpoker said:
I use advanced omega with full indices with a side ace count if that is what you mean
The ao2 is a fine count. I like to side-count "eights" for stiff-hands and use the ace side-count for some soft hands, splits, ins, and 7-11 along with for betting. I think you can get your pe to around .8 when done correctly.


QFIT said:
Two very different counts. Looking at only a few counts tells you little, if anything. It is the amalgam of all counts and standard deviations, and bets that matters. And if you are side-counting aces, comparison on a count by count basis is even less meaningful.
QFIT,so you are saying that a Ten Count that side counts aces, 8's and 9's cannot be compared to another count such as hi-lo? Can CVData contain a complex Ten Count such as this? Can you comp me your software?
