SilentBob420BMFJ said:
clearly we can ignore cardcounter's claim of 100 hours.. obviously he was WAAAAY off and not even thinking (as usual).. this isnt even a discussion, its like if i said "hitting a 20 has +ev", you would just be like "wow, what a dumbass".. but to be technical, there is no way you could possibly say 100 hours is a lifetime, no matter how you cut it.. 1000 hours isnt even a lifetime..
n0 is how many hands that you must play perfectly before you have played long enough to be sure that your wins are yours, not just variance. It is one standard deviation. So, when you have played a certain number of hands, you have played enough to hit the "long run" for your particular game. A weak game may take 30K to 50K hands, while a strong SD game may take only 12K.
Then you have to look at game speed. If you are Wonging in and out, you will not make as many hands per hour, but the n0 is much less. If you play-all at an average speed of 100-hands per hour, then you would need 300 to 500 hours to get 30K to 50K hands played. If you are good and find a lightening fast dealer, one can get 250+ hands per hour. If you play faster, you get more hands per hour and then play fewer hours for the same EV. Does that make sense? Blackjack Attack 3, and the BJ21 boards, are the very best source of info on n0. I'm not a math guy. It has been hard for me. I'll be a student until I'm cold.
SOOOO... If cardcounter plays single deck in Reno SD DOA R6 and spread aggressively it is easily possible that he could hit the long run in 100-hours. Oh betting like a robot, no cover. It is not likely that he can get away with that spread for more than one 15 or 20 minute session per shift, but he theoretically could do it. He’d have to play anonymously and use disguises to not be recognized before he got his 100+hours. For the DD and more so shoe games, 100-hours is way too little, unless you are very very aggressively back counting while playing with NO cover. I'm sure that 100-hours was reasonable 20-years ago, but I would bet that the average skilled player needs 20K-30K hands. Pros want to take the money home as quickly as possible. 400-hours is a number that has been talked about as a reasonable time for an average game and a good AP.
I can’t stress enough that playing a non-optimal game will affect how quickly or slowly you can reasonably expect to be profitable.
CVCX $75 vs CVData $175 or Both $200 ---I own them all, I use them all. They are dynamic, always being updated. Norm has the best support that any software company has ever given me PERIOD! I’m glad he charges a flat rate, instead of a % of my EV. lol
CVCX and CVData are different products.
CVCX or Casino Verite Chapter X gets its name from Chapter X(Ten) of Blackjack Attack. Don's book is great for intermediate to advanced counters. It is a way to quickly compare betting ramps, penetration levels, look at you n0 and do very very basic betting strategies for the sake of comparisons. It is great for quick comparisons plus much more. I won't even try to give you Don's definition, as I know I would get it wrong.
CVData is a full-featured simulator that does one sim at a time, not hundreds for comparison like CVCX. CVData allows control over almost any nuance you want. It includes CVIndex will generate index numbers for any system. You can even invent your own card counting system and run it to see how good it is. You can do very complex betting and custom features abound. Check out the differences again over at If you get CVCX, you should also get BJA3. You should get BJA3 either way.
Simulators in general are not user friendly to a novice. CVData/CVCX is by far the easiest to learn. They are both very powerful and in learning the simulators you will learn some theory without having to take a statistics or calculus course. Did I mention that I’ve never passed a math class in high school and have had college math whatsoever? I learned it all for sims, BJA3 and BJ21's archives/forums.
CVCX is all that I used for the first few weeks and then began using CVData. If you can only buy one, buy CVCX. The discount is nice for both if you know you will continue to count for awhile in your life. Even if you don't use a lot of the information that you sim, the education is invaluable.
I'm getting tired, so I hope this makes sense.