SB420 - Sonny beat me to it!
Sonny said:
You can expand it to more than one SD if you want. If you multiply your N0 by 4 you will get the number of hands you need to play in order to have a 95% chance of overcoming the variance. Here’s a discussion about how to use N0:
Nicely put.
SB420 - as far as which simulator... IMO, Both. If you really just one one, then write Norm and tell him your exact needs. He'll sell you what you need.
CVCX does lots and lots of more basic sims. The interface allows you to quickly compare all sorts of stuff. The penetration chart is great. CVData does on sim at a time. But, you can make very complex betting strategies and customize almost every aspect of the game you want to sim.
Both of them will allow you to create your own counting system and run sims. Here lately, I've been using both for something almost everyday.
Based on my post, I started re-reading BJA3 again. Its my third time through. Don is a perfectionist-I'm a perfectionist. I get motivated by his opening chapter.