What was your Worst Dealer Ever like?


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Well, you know it still pisses me off. A little anyway. lol. She said it was their policy. I asked the next 10 dealers and pit bosses in different pits the rest of that day and the next and it seemed it was a policy they were unaware of.

Basically they were like that guy pissed at the guy next to him who made him lose and just steals a chip from the guy. They stole a chip if you ask me. In AC I'm pretty sure it's against the law for a casino to pay off, had I won, based on more chips than are in play.

But you know how those Indian casinos are lol. Who the heck is in charge of them anyway lol?
I know in AC when they have $15 min tables I usually try to get away with putting down a $10 bet because thats what my BR is based on. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but the only thing that happens is they tell me to start betting the $15 the next round. Were you in AC when this happened?


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The wonderful world of unregulated gambling

Kasi said:
Well, you know it still pisses me off. A little anyway. lol. She said it was their policy. I asked the next 10 dealers and pit bosses in different pits the rest of that day and the next and it seemed it was a policy they were unaware of.

Basically they were like that guy pissed at the guy next to him who made him lose and just steals a chip from the guy. They stole a chip if you ask me. In AC I'm pretty sure it's against the law for a casino to pay off, had I won, based on more chips than are in play.

But you know how those Indian casinos are lol. Who the heck is in charge of them anyway lol?
Had you been playing in an area with regulation and some gaming authority had to be called (it would not get to that point), the simple explaination is that the table minimum/max posted is simply a guideline and if the casino accepts your bet (deals you cards) that bet has been legally booked. You also know they would have never paid you $10 on your $5 bet if you had won.

Who is in charge? I have had the occassion to write a detailed letter to an Indian casino's operations manager on one occassion. This is something I do not do without a great amount of thought because if nothing else is accomplished, I am making sure this person knows who I am. Furthermore, since he took my complaint seriously, reviewed tape of the incident, and ruled that his dual rate and her pit boss were out of line and that I was correct, I have made myself fully known to the casinos whole pit staff.
So I do not do this for $5. This is done because it pissed me off so much that living with myself and not doing anything about the situation after a period of time becomes impossible. Yes, I give myself a cooling off period.
Your letter best be accurate, precise and have an understanding that you are writing to a person who probably gets dozens of sour grapes letters that just get tossed every week. For $5, telling your story at the table extracted more from that casino than they took from you and should have been a lesson in customer service (if they care).



Well-Known Member
Starting to be worst

I have a dealer that I purposily stay away from because he's such a jerk. The know it all loves to berate idiots that play poorly and the comments he makes are on the border of plain insults. This jack-### starts on me ever time he sees me about the counter ****. Two days ago the same thing only this time he is relief and I can't shake him by changing tables. The dumb-&&& thinks he so smart but screws up the pays and misdeals more than the beginners. If he doesn't stop I half tempted to complain to managemant about the jerk.:flame: blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
This is done because it pissed me off so much that living with myself and not doing anything about the situation after a period of time becomes impossible. ihate17
You make a great point - probably why I still get mad when I think about it. And I WAS going to write a letter lol. Wonder what other repressed anger I've been carrying around for years. Probably explains alot lol.

And to beat320 - thanks for the link.

Callipygian's comment made me wonder if dealer's are actually allowed to give advice? Either by gaming commmision rules or, if, not casino policy? Or maybe unless asked? Even commenting after the fact on poorly played hands (rightly or wrongly) could be construed as advice. Just wondered.

Heck, in golf, you can't even ask the other guy what club he just hit. If you haven't hit yet. 2-strokes I think for "soliciting advice".


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
No it was at Salamanca.
salamanca is the same place where i had the dealer saying "21" on all of his hands. Perhaps it was the same guy. I haven't been up there since before they moved in to the new casino, how are the tables up there now?


Well-Known Member
cc218 said:
salamanca is the same place where i had the dealer saying "21" on all of his hands.
Trouble is my wife would fall for that every time and then get so happy when she got paid lol.

It was over a year ago - right when the new hotel opened. I think at the time a nice $10 AC shoe game except with s17.

Apparently I missed the "AP" play, or so I was informed later, that I could have filled my gas tank on Indian land since their gas is exempt from federal-whatever-gas taxes lol.

Is that true?


My worst had to be.....I was splitting cards and she reached for them to split and by acident hit one card to the side of me by the bumper. I thought I would be nice and with one finger push it out where it would be easyer for her to reach. This old hag slapped my hand and cut me with her finger nail, yelling at me not to touch the cards. She cut me pretty good and she had to get the PB to get me some papertowels and butterfly bandage to close it up.

I did get a comp room for the night out of it, and being I felt like they owed me I doubled my betting spread and won about $800.00. I stayed in that same chair for 6 hours. Not a bit of heat and Never did 5 minutes go by without some someone asking if I needed food or drink. Pugi


Well-Known Member
PUGI said:
This old hag slapped my hand and cut me with her finger nail, ...and being I felt like they owed me
Wow - that's impressive - reminds me of my 80 year-old 7th grade Latin teacher except she used a ruler lol.

A dealer committing a battery on a patron - I'm sure they were thrilled you didn't sue lol.

Any blood get on the cards?

Now I know that BJ is such a demanding game that it actually will bring blood, sweat and tears.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
Wow - that's impressive - reminds me of my 80 year-old 7th grade Latin teacher except she used a ruler lol.
Sursum ad summum lol or something like that.... what's with latin teachers? ours used to throw erasers and chalk at us.
Kasi said:
A dealer committing a battery on a patron - I'm sure they were thrilled you didn't sue lol.

Any blood get on the cards?

Now I know that BJ is such a demanding game that it actually will bring blood, sweat and tears.
gives a whole new slant on this thread:


When I was at vegas, a dealer said right after she tapped into the table said to me, you tip the dealer when youre winning right? ofcourse i was down but had a lot of chips in front of me from the buy in.

Another dealer said "surveillance doesnt watch us" and then when i pushed, pushed my hand but paid his toke bet and dropped it.

Once at an isle of capri, the floor person told me my $10 min. table was going to $25 min and if i wanted to keep playing id have to raise my bet or find a new table. On top of all that he said they wouldnt grandfather me in because they dont do that.
grandfathered in????

FYI: The only place I have ever been that "grandfathers" players in a lower limits is in Vegas. No other land based, boat based, or Indian casino I've been at does that. fyi...


hmm, ive never seen nor had any problems before with grandfathering throughout the midwest... my point was usually if theyre going to raise the limit, they dont kick you off the table if you cant make the min.
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Active Member
It would go against common sense to make a player raise his bet or get off the table unless the casino was simply that busy. I'd rather have a player playing 'old stakes' than not have them playing at all, esp. if I've just pissed them off by booting them from a table.



Well-Known Member
embryostud said:
FYI: The only place I have ever been that "grandfathers" players in a lower limits is in Vegas. No other land based, boat based, or Indian casino I've been at does that. fyi...
then you haven't played anywhere in california, or no one in the pit likes you.


Well-Known Member

embryostud said:
FYI: The only place I have ever been that "grandfathers" players in a lower limits is in Vegas. No other land based, boat based, or Indian casino I've been at does that. fyi...
Let me try to remember two weeks ago: I was grandfathered at Mandalay Bay, MGM, NYNY, Tropicana, Wynn, Venetian, Mirage and I think Belaggio, otherwise as you said only the lower limit places in Vegas. You got to be kidding?

Of course none of these were $5 tables. All but one were $25 or higher tables where the limits were increased and none of the pits put a time limit or shoe limit on the grandfathering. As a matter of fact, at one large casino, I sat down at a $25 table where two people were betting $10, had been there a long time grandfathered. A new player joined the table and he liked to bet a higher amount than this casino had on $25 tables, so they upped the minimum to $100, grandfathering me at $25 and them at $10. When the shift changed I was no longer there, so the grandfathering may have ended.
