What we fight against as AP's- testosterone!


What an interesting experiment! It showed that men with high testosterone levels turned down a free $5 in a game where $40 was at stake.

Pretty easy to see how this applies to us, no? As counters we look at chip trays with more money than our bankrolls, and can never lose sight of the fact that we are only playing for a 1.5% advantage. We can't care about variance good or bad, we can't care how the whale next to us is doing, we can't care about how much money the casino has. The only thing that can drive us is applying the math of the game and taking our 1.5%.

That's not the way it works in the world of testosterone. You see $40, you want $40, and $5 doesn't give you any satisfaction. There's no way a person thinking that way could function as an AP, where we know losing less is the same as winning more, and we are always eager for an opportunity to play a game where you can surrender.

Now here's the really tough question- if testosterone influenced thinking is antithetical to what we need to do as AP's, why are nearly all AP's male?


Well-Known Member
Talk about a fight..

Watch the video and you can catch a glimpse of me..

(Dead link: http://www.myfoxwghp.com/myfox/pages/News/Detail?contentId=3703628&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=3.2.1)

I Heard a saying. If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Putting intelligent people together to use technology and systems to work the written law and having some Appellation Americans try to enforce their brand of justice makes for an interesting climax. We won.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:

What an interesting experiment! It showed that men with high testosterone levels turned down a free $5 in a game where $40 was at stake.

Pretty easy to see how this applies to us, no? As counters we look at chip trays with more money than our bankrolls, and can never lose sight of the fact that we are only playing for a 1.5% advantage. We can't care about variance good or bad, we can't care how the whale next to us is doing, we can't care about how much money the casino has. The only thing that can drive us is applying the math of the game and taking our 1.5%.

That's not the way it works in the world of testosterone. You see $40, you want $40, and $5 doesn't give you any satisfaction. There's no way a person thinking that way could function as an AP, where we know losing less is the same as winning more, and we are always eager for an opportunity to play a game where you can surrender.

Now here's the really tough question- if testosterone influenced thinking is antithetical to what we need to do as AP's, why are nearly all AP's male?
yeah that is interesting. reminds me of back when i used to play slots. back then i didn't have any understanding of what i was involved in mathematically. but i was having a lot of luck with those one armed bandits. of course it was a lot of up and down results. but one evening i remmember one of the first machines i went to i almost immeadiately hit for $50 . i caught myself ensuing to continue playing mindlessly on looking for that big score. then i have this epiphany that went like "hey wait a minute you dope you just won $50 and didn't even blink". so yeah thats the typical mindset and driving force gamblers have for which most are probably only vaguely aware if at all.
the realization of that moment and also learning about counting and knowing the relatively modest EV one can realize led me to the decision to have a lot more respect for that $5 i might win after grinding out an hours play.
but then there is a conundrum to deal with in light of this since as AP's we know we are in it for the long haul. that's where i enjoy the part-time recreational position as opposed to the pro-player. i can use some of my natural crafty sly wise old slick ways gleaned from a lot of years learning from the colledge of hard knocks and keep some of that money instead of just throwing it at the game so as to grind my way through that statistical edge.
i suppose in the end the statistics catch up with me but the maya of the present makes for a lot of happy days.


Well-Known Member
That's interesting, and it seems like a good explainer for dudes going on tilt. But what explains why so many women gamble?

mdlbj said:
Putting intelligent people together to use technology and systems to work the written law and having some Appellation Americans try to enforce their brand of justice makes for an interesting climax. We won.
I watched the video, and I have no idea what you are talking about.