What's in your wallet?


Well-Known Member
I thought of this thread when SilentBob420BMFJ stated in another thread:

..."i buy in for as much as i feel comfortable with carrying around with me, that being $300-$400.. then again, i have lost $200 in a night flat betting $10, so thats not way too much"

I have frequently carried several thousand dollars. And yes, there have been times I sweated a particular situation (deserted parking lot, long walk between casinos, walking through a deserted casino shopping area after hours). I don't usually carry a weapon because they are illegal in places serving alcoholic beverages, but I am rethinking that decision. Do you guys trust in-room safes? Do you have other ways of safeguarding your bankroll besides leaving it at home? It would be interesting to hear your comments on this subject.


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I thought of this thread when SilentBob420BMFJ stated in another thread:

..."i buy in for as much as i feel comfortable with carrying around with me, that being $300-$400.. then again, i have lost $200 in a night flat betting $10, so thats not way too much"

I have frequently carried several thousand dollars. And yes, there have been times I sweated a particular situation (deserted parking lot, long walk between casinos, walking through a deserted casino shopping area after hours). I don't usually carry a weapon because they are illegal in places serving alcoholic beverages, but I am rethinking that decision. Do you guys trust in-room safes? Do you have other ways of safeguarding your bankroll besides leaving it at home? It would be interesting to hear your comments on this subject.
I can carry 5000 folded in my left front pants pocket comfortably, with 2000 more in my wallet for a weekend trip bankroll, and keep it on me at all times. I never pull the money from my left pocket in public, I do all my buy-ins from my wallet, and simply go to my room re-count. I have also rolled up 5000 very tight and put a rubber band around it ( always got a rubber band from cashier ) this also fits well in your pocket about the size of a cigarett lighter. When you roll it up like that it will curl the bills all up so this is a pain in the butt, when you get home.


Well-Known Member
I split my BR between several pockets. It's in packs of ten-100s folded in half with the fold alternated between each batch of ten, then rubber banded. This way I can reach into my pocket and pull out 1K without pulling out a big wad. When I cash out, I just stick the received wad in any pocket, then before leaving the casino I go to the bathroom and reorganize it in one of the stalls.

Speaking of pockets, I'm going to miss summer - it's easier and more comfortable dealing with cargo shorts and the multiple, loose pockets, than jeans, etc.


Well-Known Member
I try to avoid carrying large amounts of cash so I use casino credit, front money, etc. and when I have a lot it is usually in high value chips ($1k, $5k, $25k). Yes I do trust in room safes at nice LV hotels and I have left $50k in there without worries. Carrying large amounts of cash scares me unless I am in the casino -- and there carrying the big chips scares me (I might drop one). I can carry about $7k in my wallet but it becomes quite thick. I do not split cash up because it is harder to "track" that way -- I want it all in one place that I can feel and protect.

I really, really wish they'd bring back the $500 bill.


Well-Known Member
You can carry mace, and in most places a retractable baton doesn't count as a concealed weapon. I wouldn't resort to either unless you were getting pretty sure that this person wanted to shoot you, or was trying to make you go somewhere.


Well-Known Member
alot of common sense here.

I am a big fan of automatic knives, but never to a gunfight.


Well-Known Member
Agreed on the safe post, the reputable casinos have in room safes you should be comfortable using.

Common sense: Travel with people if walking (even if you dont know them, following a group of 10 tourists down the strip is better than walking alone....dont follow 10 drug dealers...yes stereotype, 60 year old greyhairs are probably less likely to knife you than some 20 year old kid alone right? :laugh: ). Dont walk through empty parking lots alone, especially at night. Dont whip out a bankroll unless you are at a casino table/machine. Dont forget you can ask for security to escort you anywhere on a casinos property...free...use it if you need it. :cool2:


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I don't usually carry a weapon because they are illegal in places serving alcoholic beverages, but I am rethinking that decision.
AutoMonkey had some good advice about how he carries money. I can't comment on any more than 1k....

as far as weapons go, unless you have spent at least 20-30 hours training with your weapon of choice, it will be useless against anyone who has a successful track record as a robber. you will most likely only piss someone off more and the consequences could be grave. i've been in minor knife fights before and i was unarmed and faired far better than the people with the knife.

the one exception to this RuleOfThumb is pepper spray. It is pretty foolproof, but if you think you are going to need it, you'd better make sure it is legal and secondly, if you feel threatened - you do not hesitate to use it. If someone approaches you and your 'spidey sense' goes off, you pull it out and light them up with it, what you don't do is take 2 seconds to make sure they aren't just some bum pan handling or someone lost or someone drunk trying to strike up a conversation. you just light them up, you don't say a word, and you then move quickly and directly to a safe location.

2 seconds is all it would take for a seasoned criminal to render your pepper spray either useless, or worse, use it against you. 2 seconds is really an overestimate, it is more like the time it takes to traverse from 10 feet to 5 feet. once someone is 5 feet away from you, put your fists up or forget it....


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
It would be interesting to hear your comments on this subject.
Just made me think of when my mother-in-law won $5K cash on a slot.

Once she made it back to her room, a nervous wreck, she hid the money in the oven!

Re-thinking that, she put it in a recyclable trash bag :)

It all worked out by the grace of God lol.

Personally, I pretty much limit myself to a 30-unit session bankroll.

If I lose, I lose. Then go back and get more money and try again.

Having a credit line helps too. If I want another thou or 2, because I'm stupid and insane, they'll give it to me lol.

I don't care where I put my money, or how many weapons I have, when 4 guys jump me, I'll be naked and broke.

It's very embarrassing lol.


Well-Known Member
Fact: The legendary gambler, Titanic Thompson, always carried a gun.

From the posts, I think leaving your money in the room safe except for what you need at the table seems logical. If that's all you're carrying, then you probably don't need the pepper spray. On the road between cities, I might opt for something a little more powerful.

Has anyone ever arranged for markers? I ran into a guy from England in Vegas. He was betting blacks. When he got so far ahead, the PC brought him one of his markers which he settled. He told me that he arranged for markers through his bank which made arrangements with the the casino.


Well-Known Member
I think the most I've ever brought to a casino floor in cash was $1K. I've never bought in for more than $500 at a single table though..

Aslan, about your markers question--I knew a family friend who used to use markers, apparantely they just check out your credit history, bank info, etc---Much like applying for a credit card, then they will decide how much they will let you take out in markers with each visit...also, much like an AMEX card, he had to pay off his balance each month in order to be able to keep taking out markers.


Well-Known Member
The downside of markers for a counter is they know who you are, and if you get backed off, that can be a problem.


Staff member
Frankie said:
I really, really wish they'd bring back the $500 bill.
Bringing back the $500 bill would certainly be a big help. Damned unlikely though as carrying large amounts of cash these days is already considered almost a crime. See the recent All-In magazine article by Nersesian for a frightening case.


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Bringing back the $500 bill would certainly be a big help. Damned unlikely though as carrying large amounts of cash these days is already considered almost a crime. See the recent All-In magazine article by Nersesian for a frightening case.
and the fact that the US is now making finski's pink and purple and abes head is about the size of a fist because they are now being counterfeit'd.....$500 bill is probably not worth the treasury depts hassle when you factor in how much counterfietting they have to thrawt here, much less around the world.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
There are 200 (worth $285) and 500 Euro (worth $710) notes. Guess they know something we don't...
Exactly. I don't think anyone would object if the $500 bill was ugly as sin and had tons of ridiculous security measures. It would make life much easier for multi-black betters such as myself when in Vegas. That said, I usually try to use markers and just avoid cash until necessary. The main problem with markers is that you are limited to casinos that you have markers. If a new casino opens up, or you want to try something new, it can be a pain.


Well-Known Member
21forme said:
There are 200 (worth $285) and 500 Euro (worth $710) notes. Guess they know something we don't...
The U.S. dollar is pretty much the currency of the world. Gold, Oil, etc is traded on U.S. dollars. This is why the US treasury dept has an almost unrealistic task for stopping counterfeiters worldwide. I heard some rumour like 25% of the 100$ U.S. bills outside of the US are fake.....maybe it wasnt that high, but whats stopping anyone from copying it if it cant be verified by a non US treasury.

Didnt Saddam hussien have like $100 million in $100/US bills when he was running from the "coalition" back in 2003? case in point of its wide spread use.


Well-Known Member
$500.00 and $1,000.00 dollar bills will

never be issued for many reasons . Some are as follows ! The drug dealers all over would buy every one of them up and probably pay a premium for them . People in all cash businesses are the bane of the IRS and the IRS has been the biggest supporter of NOT making large bills . with 1K notes you could walk around with 250K in your pants pockets with ease . If you get pulled over for a routine traffic stop make sure you do NOT flash money as some cops see 4-6K they automatically think you are up to no good . Canada has 500 and 1k buills for general circulation and now that they are on a par with american currency you can go that route I would assume but you will get nicked for a currency exchange fee anywhere except a casino ! FYI american banks will not accept a true 500 or 1K bill - they send you to the nearest federal reserve bank to turn them in . Have lots of I.D. and know where you got them as you will be asked . The easy way is go to a coin dealer and they will pay you on the american large bills a nice premium . They also pay cash and ask no questions either .:) :grin: ;) :cool2:


Well-Known Member
$500 bills

I haven't seen a $500 bill since the fifties. With inflation what it has been over the last 50 years, they ought to discontinue pennies and reestablish the $500 bill. $5,000 should be ten bills, not a bulging 50 bills in your pocket.
glovesetc said:
never be issued for many reasons . Some are as follows ! The drug dealers all over would buy every one of them up and probably pay a premium for them . People in all cash businesses are the bane of the IRS and the IRS has been the biggest supporter of NOT making large bills . with 1K notes you could walk around with 250K in your pants pockets with ease . If you get pulled over for a routine traffic stop make sure you do NOT flash money as some cops see 4-6K they automatically think you are up to no good . Canada has 500 and 1k buills for general circulation and now that they are on a par with american currency you can go that route I would assume but you will get nicked for a currency exchange fee anywhere except a casino ! FYI american banks will not accept a true 500 or 1K bill - they send you to the nearest federal reserve bank to turn them in . Have lots of I.D. and know where you got them as you will be asked . The easy way is go to a coin dealer and they will pay you on the american large bills a nice premium . They also pay cash and ask no questions either .:) :grin: ;) :cool2:
Yes the IRS is the primary reason. They do not like cash, in any way shape or form. $100 bills do make carrying sufficient cash difficult even for someone at my moderate betting level.

My money pouch I wear over the pelvis has served me very well- discreet and secure, nobody could go down there without putting himself in a dangerous position. There's been $14K in it without too much trouble. But I can't go down there at the table, so when I go into a casino I go in the men's room and transfer some of it to a shirt or jacket pocket. That procedure consumes more time than I would like.

If you are ever stopped by a cop and he finds your bankroll, I would advise telling him the absolute truth, in detail. If he knows you have been in casinos then he knows there is a video trail of you betting and handling the money legitimately, as well as an accounting of your time, so he is less likely to rip you off or try to frame you up for something. The risk of those kinds of charges is not worth the benefit of maintaining your cover with a mere cop. If you are charged, consider the money gone.