Remote impoverished areas have some of the best people. Crime is usually nonexistent. Everyone waves to one another as they pass. Every encounter at a business has lots of chit chat. If you need help even though there are few people out there the first person that comes across you will do anything you need. I was barefoot in a gas station in December after a long day in swamp boots. A very poor elderly man saw me and commented how I shouldn't be walking in he swamps in winter bare foot. He told me he didn't have much but if I stopped by his house he would give me a pair of boots.
Contrast that with more developed and richer areas. Crime is more of a problem. Nobody waves to anyone. People rush through business transactions and are often short with customers. People won't even call the police if you are being killed and will step over you on the sidewalk as you bleed out. People have a garage and basement full of stuff others could use and they wouldn't even consider parting with any of it.
Contrast that with more developed and richer areas. Crime is more of a problem. Nobody waves to anyone. People rush through business transactions and are often short with customers. People won't even call the police if you are being killed and will step over you on the sidewalk as you bleed out. People have a garage and basement full of stuff others could use and they wouldn't even consider parting with any of it.