I didn't ask for hours worth of writing exploits of your experiences with the MIT team, just one that would not be of common knowledge. I will say that in regards to your reply to crapsmaster, that your information is not entirely accurate. Not sure if that is due to Griffin's perception of the facts vs the truth, or possibly its just what you heard. I will say I have no great admiration for Griffin, as they have pigeonholed AP's as cheaters for years. I have a copy of an old Griffin page with certain players on it I have associated with and the info it contains is a joke if not insulting. The fact you are a counter despite Griffin's ignorant approach to the game, is astounding. For all its fame connected with MIT and AP's in general, Griffin was fairly incompetent in doing its job in that concern. If you are indeed who you say you are, then you must admit at least in the well known cases of the MIT teams, it was by absolutely no skill on Griffin's part that high stakes team play was dicovered. Although its helpful to get a take on the Griffin agency's surveillence thoughts, they are usually, thankfully, very uninformed. Its usually not until after the fact that they will understand how it really works. I would rather get evasive tactic advice from a mouse that doesn't get caught, then from a cat who can't catch him. Until of course the mouse's partner turns into a rat.