Whats this chart for?


Well-Known Member
The numbers tell you when to deviate from Basic strategy, using Hi-Lo. For example, 12 vs. 3, you should stand when your TC is equal or greater than 3. For 8 vs. 5 you should double down when TC >= 3 instead of hit and so on...


Well-Known Member
Notice how the chart emphasis'es when re-splitting tens. Thats a pretty good question? As i have ran into this scenario millions of times. Should we re-split on border-line counts?


Well-Known Member
jack said:
Should we re-split on border-line counts?

That's my guess anyway.

If I'm truncating True Counts, I don't make the TC+3 play if it's only 2.9.

If ur system is based on rounding a TC from 2.5 to 3.4 as a TC +3, then I wouldn't do it at TC+2.4.

Not that it will make much of a difference in ur lifetime.

That's just another guess.


Well-Known Member
this chart is important for knowing when to vary from bs- I'm wondering if anyone knows the +EV % following this chart vs just playing perfect bs no matter what the count is


About the surrender chart at bottom the page (Archive copy). Is it importent to learn or should I just surrender hands I think will bust when the count is high?

Expemple : 16 vs Ten with a TC of +2, I always surrender, right?
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Well-Known Member
k4ir0s said:
About the surrender chart at bottom the page (Archive copy). Is it importent to learn or should I just surrender hands I think will bust when the count is high?
Well not if the game u r planning to play does not offer surrender. Does it?

Anyway, I looked at the chart and really don't understand it at all. What game is it based on anyway? And what counting system?

Alot of the numbers are not even close to any Hi-Lo numbers I know.

Maybe someone can explain it to me.

Regardless, focus ur energies on bankroll, spread, betting ramp and ROR for a very specific game.