Wheeling Island Casino Question


My wife and I are on our way to Ohio for Easter and will be staying over night near Wheeling, WV. Does any one have any recent knowledge of the BJ conditions at Wheeling Island Casino? Thanks ahead of time.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
According to CBJN, you've got csms on all the 5 dollar tables, and there's 25 dollar tables that are 8 deck with 1.5 decks cut. S17.


Thanx for the info. The trip went pretty well. I left the casino with about an extra 17 units in my pocket.

I didn't notice any $5 tables or CSMs. I did see maybe 3 $15 tables, several $25 tables (some of these were NMS) and a $50 and 2 $100 tables (these 3 were NMS).

The biggest downside for my wife and I was the amount of smoke in the casino. We are used to playing in AC and hardly any smoke there - spoiled, I guess (if playing in AC can be thought of as spoiled).

Overall, I think I would go back. The pen wasn't too bad (like Blue Efficacy said). It was about 1-2 on an 8 deck shoe. Even convinced one dealer to go down from 2 decks to 1.

One interseting thing happened. I was at a NMS $25 table. I jumped to 2 hands about half way through the shoe and the guy next to me had a fit (there were 3 of us playing). He called over the pit boss and complained that someone at a NMS table could not play 2 hands if he started with one. Never heard that one before. Pit boss actually sided with him but said it didn't really matter. To make everyone happy, I played 1 unit on 2 squares the first hand then jumped back to one until the count justified two hands.