When is it profitable/suggested to start playing 2 hands?



Don S is a brilliant author and more than generous with his information. I would recommend that you don't test his patience and ruin it for all of us in this community.


Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
i know TMJ, he even said on gambling with an edge he didnt play blackjack all that much or won much money, kinda reminds me of Kreese from karate kid a fake grandmaster that everyone thinks is mr know it all but reality shows different
Right you are, Steve. Have played only a couple of hands in the past 44 years, always for very low stakes, and rarely if ever won any money at this. Thanks for clearing that up.

Test what Patience? ruined it for who?his literature won't help me or save your bankroll when playing under atlantic city rules nor will it prevent you getting banned in sands pa when losing 40% of your bankroll getting tapped on the shoulder, i dont know what else is there i don't understand his writtings other than CVCV simulation and CVBJ for testing i mean really thats all you need to know your EV and test your skill, you respond to me like i never picked up a blackjack book in my life, i have dozens of books on BJ and software and i know you can easily lose 33% of your roll in a short amount of time followed by a barring thats blackjack in a nutshell dont believe me? read posts from today to 10 years ago and try simulations again its quite easy to lose alot of money in a small amount of time. and as for spelling and grammar goes im sure Bobby Fischer was called stupid and dumb and he was the world champion of chess in the 70s and im sure he sucked at spelling. (maybe)

i do have his first book, one thing i did like it in was the hours ev vs ruin chart its good to know i can still go broke after 500hours clocked in same as i read in million dollar blackjack by Ken Uston that was also mentioned on GWAE saying those were only 2 books that mention charts

no amount of charts can make a winner after 500hours or book that can protect me from getting barred/shuffled up on


Well-Known Member
TMJdoc said:

Don S is a brilliant author and more than generous with his information. I would recommend that you don't test his patience and ruin it for all of us in this community.
Thanks for the kind words, Doc, and not to worry. I take comments from where they come, and these aren't coming from anyone who has any standing in the community.

yes i do respect Don especially in his books he wrote, id still buy his book again being a novice as i were but i don't need it now
i can't believe you support the idea playing 2 hands heads up vs 1 it was either your book or Arnolds book or Kens that said spread to two if you see the cut card coming that would be the only proper time to spread to two hands, i think Sonny was against the idea playing 2 hands heads up because you increase your rate of ruin which make sense since your risking more money and a bad run of cards can destroy your session roll

but hell do what you Want i think ZK said he got crushed alot when he spread 2 hands?



Rather than make Don explain work that he has already done, you might try re-reading Blackjack Attack 3rd Edition pages 24-26. That should answer all of your questions.
sorry if im close minded but chose not to purchase his 2nd or third edition, what information in those books can help me win at 8deck h17 no surrender under ac rules or what information can those 2 books have prevent me from getting banned/barred at sands pa? all you need is cvcx to know your ev
and cvbj to test your skill , dont complicate things its as simple as that and theres no book out there can prevent me from losing all after 300hours clocked in so yea Dons writings don't have much meaning to me when im getting crushed by dealers 5s and 6s cards showing


Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
sorry if im close minded but chose not to purchase his 2nd or third edition, what information in those books can help me win at 8deck h17 no surrender under ac rules or what information can those 2 books have prevent me from getting banned/barred at sands pa? all you need is cvcx to know your ev
and cvbj to test your skill , dont complicate things its as simple as that and theres no book out there can prevent me from losing all after 300hours clocked in so yea Dons writings don't have much meaning to me when im getting crushed by dealers 5s and 6s cards showing
Well most people would not be stupid enough to even play the terrible games you mention above. And we don’t even know if you were a good counter or not? Or stayed within correct betting ROR etc etc. Yeah sure...it’s Don’s fault you lost your bankroll lol


Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
sorry if im close minded but chose not to purchase his 2nd or third edition, what information in those books can help me win at 8deck h17 no surrender under ac rules or what information can those 2 books have prevent me from getting banned/barred at sands pa? all you need is cvcx to know your ev
and cvbj to test your skill , dont complicate things its as simple as that and theres no book out there can prevent me from losing all after 300hours clocked in so yea Dons writings don't have much meaning to me when im getting crushed by dealers 5s and 6s cards showing
Steve196a1 please stop posting on this forum. Your nonsense (for years) is just ruining it for any real blackjack players uggg.


Well-Known Member
Counting_Is_Fun said:
Steve196a1 please stop posting on this forum. Your nonsense (for years) is just ruining it for any real blackjack players uggg.
I think he is banned....although probably now posting as someone else. The haters seem to just re-incarnate.