When the tables are full...


Well-Known Member
MartyAce said:
Dice Control

You can throw in a certain way to make seven less likely and therefore gaining an advantage over the house.
Don't forget about the part where you are targeting specific numbers corresponding to your bets...reducing the 7 is just part of the game.

good luck


Well-Known Member
callipygian said:
At every casino I've been to (which, admittedly, is not many), you are required to stand by the blackjack table if you're looking for a seat at the blackjack table. Is this not the case with you?
Yes, that would be the case, but it can take a while, so I was thinking of possible ways of taking a break from BJ, for an hour or two. Now that you mentioned this, I guess another approach might be doing a little bit of back counting instead, and betting on top of somebody else's hands, when the time is right.


Well-Known Member
If you cannot find a seat - play on days and shifts where the casino is uncrowded.

I know of no casinos that are crowded before noon or after 11:00 pm. Mon. - Thurs.

Where is your homebase ?


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
If you cannot find a seat - play on days and shifts where the casino is uncrowded.

I know of no casinos that are crowded before noon or after 11:00 pm. Mon. - Thurs.

Where is your homebase ?
Actually, I am playing on days, and even then it can be pretty tough finding $10 or $15 tables. Some days are better than others, but you never know. Quite often the greedy casinos will only have half the tables (or less) open, and set the minimum to $25 on most of them. I even see morons play $50 min, $100 max tables, all the time. They are losing their shirts, of course. As long as there are easy victims as those, casinos don't need to worry about having to open more of the less expensive tables.

I'm in Canada, btw.


Well-Known Member
DonR said:
In order to kill time, until I can find a seat, what would be the best replacement game, that still gives you a reasonable chance of making a few bucks?
How many bucks u wanna make risking how many bucks over how long?

"Reasonable chance" means what? In the next 5 minutes or the next 5 hours? And winning very little, making just breaking even, or maybe winning alot more than that?

If you want to maximize your chances of simply finishing ahead killing a small amount of time, consider voodoo.

Especially if you have a roll for a $50 min game.


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
How many bucks u wanna make risking how many bucks over how long?

"Reasonable chance" means what? In the next 5 minutes or the next 5 hours? And winning very little, making just breaking even, or maybe winning alot more than that?

If you want to maximize your chances of simply finishing ahead killing a small amount of time, consider voodoo.

Especially if you have a roll for a $50 min game.
Basically, if for whatever reason I don't feel like playing BJ on any given day (no cheaper tables available, for example), and I'm already in a casino, what would be the best replacement game? I understand that BJ is the only beatable casino game (correct me, if I am wrong). What other games would you consider playing (if any), if you were not to play BJ?

I am definitely not talking about the "hit and run" operations, like betting a $100 on red or black. I am thinking more of a game where I can spend hours, rather than minutes, and expect to at least be around break even.

Based on the replies here, I am thinking of craps, video poker and mini bac, as the best options.

Thank you all for your inputs.


Well-Known Member
DonR said:
I am thinking more of a game where I can spend hours, rather than minutes, and expect to at least be around break even.

Based on the replies here, I am thinking of craps, video poker and mini bac, as the best options.
Well - all I was suggesting, since basically most of the times all these games are -EV, using a voodoo betting system designed to increase the probability of a win, at the expense of very few but much larger losses, is something to consider for a few hours of play given a certain roll.

Video poker, while low HA, is high variance and requires skill to play perfectly. Or even close to perfectly. But, you know, maybe if it's a 25 cents machine, what the heck. Bet just 25 cents if you want rather than a $1.25 per spin.
Also many decisions per hour.

Don't know mini-bac but I gather many decisions per hour.

Is there a $1 single-zero roulette video machine around?

What's the min bet at the craps table?

It would be pretty surprising if you lost in a few hours at a crap table with a 200 unit roll in a few hours using Oscar's Grind. It could 20 or more rolls of the dice just to complete one series, maybe?
But of course you could draw one of those 6 black balls with 994 white balls in the jar on your first try :)

Just stuff to think about lol.