when to play ?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone

I play at a small native casino that does not close. I am thinking of going late in the eveni9ng, like after midnite. It could be really quiet, so I am wondering if this is too risky of an environment to count in ? 6d, s17, das, doa, good pen(75-80%)



Well-Known Member
golfnut101 said:
Hey everyone

I play at a small native casino that does not close. I am thinking of going late in the eveni9ng, like after midnite. It could be really quiet, so I am wondering if this is too risky of an environment to count in ? 6d, s17, das, doa, good pen(75-80%)

Quiet is good, you'll have plenty of open tables to play on!


Well-Known Member
killerbot848 said:
but...wouldent they be on him as soon as he wins a bit since they got nothing else to do cause its empty!
Not if he has a good act. If you're just quietly playing and winning you might get some attention. If you look like you're having a good time, maybe throwing in some superstitious gambler lines here and there, you should be fine. Even if they know you're counting, they might not care about you if you're playing small stakes.


golfnut101 said:
I play at a small native casino that does not close. I am thinking of going late in the eveni9ng, like after midnite. It could be really quiet, so I am wondering if this is too risky of an environment to count in ? 6d, s17, das, doa, good pen(75-80%)
Naw, but act drunk. zg


Well-Known Member
Favorite time.

Local Indian place or Vegas, I love to play 3AM to 7AM or so, depending upon the casinos. I have several different acts that work well for me and really appreciate the heads up or one other player games.
The thing in Vegas is that some of the good games are located in sweat shops, so you need a better act and often a quick exit. The Indian places I frequent, tend not to back off people but instead give you the hint by killing penetration. Getting backed off does not bother me, so I will play the Indian places hard till they cut the shoe or decks badly and then it is time to leave.

The whole thing is that in these places when they are crowded, you hardly can get a situation where the count is good and you do not have to share the good cards with 5 other players, so playing at weird hours gives you that opportunity. Just be prepared not to stay if they bring heat.



ihate17 said:
Local Indian place or Vegas, I love to play 3AM ....The whole thing is that in these places when they are crowded, you hardly can get a situation where the count is good and you do not have to share the good cards with 5 other players, so playing at weird hours gives you that opportunity. Just be prepared not to stay if they bring heat.
After 3am is my favorite too! Golfnut, DO NOT FEAR the heat! zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
After 3am is my favorite too! Golfnut, DO NOT FEAR the heat! zg
It's the best time. At the casino I go to, the one 10 dollar min. DD table they have goes from full to zero players at about 1-2 in the morning. It's not the most convenient time for me to play there, but it's a good EV boost!


Well-Known Member
Early morning hours work for me as well. Saturday night when the casino is so crowded I will go to my room and turn in early. Get up at 4 to 5 AM and return to the casino well rested and clear headed. The crowd is gone and the best conditions exist for counting. I talk a lot and most the time I push my max bet out I say the dealer is going to bust, or something else stupid so they think I am another stupid Ploppy. It is easy to act like a dumbass, even say "Busted" when the dealer gets a 4 card 21, as if you mis counted her hand. The act works fine, you only need to be careful not to overdo it.


Well-Known Member
thnx all for the info

Please critique my 'covers' for such a situation as the one I previously enquired about...touching my yellow wristband that I wear in memory of my mom for good luck(and making sur the dealer knows about it)asking, after a pause of uncertainty, about proper bs plays(not that often as I know that can wear thin quickly)begging outloud for a card on a dd or split during a hi count...telling th dealer that he/she has beaten me all night when I use a KO matrix play, and that I'm gonna take a risk and 'stay on that 16 vs d10', looking scared all the while...any other ideas fellas ?

thnx for everyones time !

p.s. Zenpapa, you would have been proud of me the other night as I finally got over the 'fear of heat' and raised to a big bet during a great run, winning 64 units in 20 min ! My first big win !!!! What a rush...


New Member
All depends on how much you start winning. First night shouldn't be a problem. But if you continuously return night after night, walking out with profits, then the alarm bells will start to ring.

In fact, casinos don't mind if you win, because they know you'll be back.


Well-Known Member
golfnut101 said:
Hey everyone

I play at a small native casino that does not close. I am thinking of going late in the eveni9ng, like after midnite. It could be really quiet, so I am wondering if this is too risky of an environment to count in ? 6d, s17, das, doa, good pen(75-80%)

The quiet environment will make you be quiet too,so you can count cards by rule and line

My favorite time is 1am.