Where can I find a basic strategy chart depending on what my true count is?


BS variarion

I am still confused with these Basic Strategy variation.
Are these BS variations different for every table conditions? Are very different, similar or the same for every table condition? I have found in different books different indexes. Now I am confused because I don't know which should I use. Please help me with this. Thank you. :)


Staff member
To be precise, every rule change in a game has the potential to also change the index numbers that are appropriate. Fortunately, most numbers don't change that much. Wong's book Professional Blackjack for example has charts of index numbers for single deck and for 4-deck games (and separate versions of each for H17 and S17). Many of the numbers are identical, and only a handful change by much.

Custom generated indexes for a specific game are the most accurate, but you'll need software to do that. For most players, you'll be just fine using any decent chart, with the knowledge that it won't be perfect.



Thank you very much for your help. I have already ordered book Profesional Blackjack, I hope it will help. Could you please recommend me same really good software that would help me? I usually play 8 decks, S17, DA2, DAS, Late surrender, resplit 3*times, aces split ones + only one card, pen 66-75%I use Hi-lo system. I do not have much opportunities play different rules, because I live south-east and there is not many casinos. I am a beginner Iand I play only for 3 months. Thank you very much I appreciate you help and your pages!:)