Where can I find specific details about the Trespass Law in Nevada?


Well-Known Member
Ran it up recently playing with a VERY aggressive spread because I doubt I'll ever be back to Nevada.

Anyways, was kindly asked to leave, one place even told me I could play but flatbet only. But the last place went straight to trespass, no warning, I was actually losing at the time.

What I'm curious about though... I don't think they did it right.

The security guard who walked me out was a young guy with an ego. He tried to read the trespass act from memory. I interrupted him to ask a question. He didn't finish reading it. Then as I'm walking out the door, a support staff of some kind ask security something. Security responded "refused". So I turned around and said... "Hold on... I've cooperated completely, I haven't refused anything." Then he said "I don't suppose you want to give me your ID?" I was already outside, so I said "Nice try" and kept walking.

So there was no "card" that people talk about them reading from. He didn't read or finish the entire statement. I'm unsure if they even had my ID (I think there was a notice put out with my face on it... because my last 2 backoffs happened without ID and they knew my name).

I don't think this qualifies a the correct procedure. But I'd like to understand what exactly is required, in the off chance I find my myself on this corporation's property in the distant future.

Thanks for reading. Any articles or source material would be helpful. I did try the search bar but didn't find what I was looking for.


Well-Known Member
LV Bear said:
This is a perfectly legitimate trespassing. You might find some helpful information here: Links to Media Coverage of Casino Abuse of Patrons
Yeah I guess what I was asking is if he misreads the trespass act statute and doesn't finish it. And also never asks me to sign anything, and never gets my ID (though the suit who pulled me off the table called by name), did he do it "wrong?"

I can't imagine it would stand up in court (not that I want to go there).

I'm not trying to start a lawsuit or something like this, I'm just trying to verify if they failed todo the trespass 'correctly' if that means it's not valid