Where have all the blackjack players gone.


Active Member
I'm looking for a good game from the heavyweights on this site. We have set up regular games at 3pm central/9 GMT and Tues/Weds at 8 Central and 8 Mountain. Come play. It's a whole new card game.


Active Member
Really? Banned?

Let's see, I'm trying to engage a group of blackjack enthusists to play online at a site which doesn't charge anything, has no advertising or any books for sale, requires no download and even some of your fellow members admit the game is fun.

Why do you keep reading my posts?


Well-Known Member
Moo's got a point, but as long as it's a good site and is about blackjack then that's okay, right? He's not forcing us or nothing lol.

Shad, cool it a bit yeah :joker: