Where to find BS cards in Veas?


I am staying at City Center the next 5 days. I ordered the BS cards from Ken b4 I left, but I did not get them in time. So I am here in Vegas w/ no BS cards. Where is a good reputable place to find them. I've heard some casinos will sell them, but they are not always correct and they can charge an arm & leg for them. Any suggestion?


Well-Known Member
Almost any casino gift shop sells basic strategy cards. They really don't vary that much and usually are only a couple bucks. There are several casinos that sell wincards at their promotions booth. The cost is $10 and they come with a basic startegy card and $15 in promtional chips, which have to be played (can't be cashed out). So the expected value of this deal is about $2.40-some cents to the good, plus you will get your basic startegy card. I forget what casinos on the strip sell these as it has been a while since I did that promotion. I think Circus Circus and Excaliber among others. Hard Rock used to have similar deal where you pay $40 and got $50 in promotional chips plus strategy card. Hopefully someone that has used these promotions more recently can advise you better.


Well-Known Member
The BS cards that come with the wincards are useless. The double/split strategies are terrible.

Print a BS card off this site. That's the only way to be sure you are getting an accurate one.

NB - Definitely take advantage of the Win Card promos. But keep the chips and throw out the "strategy" cards immediately.


Well-Known Member
i'm going to assume kewljason hasn't looked very closely at the WIN strategy cards because they suck, plain and simple. Buy them for the extra chips and the free $1 dealer tip coupon but throw away the strategy cards.
Gamblers Bookstore has a set of cards that ranges from SD to * decks, with all the variations in between.
since you evidently hve access to the internet, why not print or copy what you need from the Basic Strategy Engine on the left hand side on this site.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
i'm going to assume kewljason hasn't looked very closely at the WIN strategy cards because they suck, plain and simple. Buy them for the extra chips and the free $1 dealer tip coupon but throw away the strategy cards.
Gamblers Bookstore has a set of cards that ranges from SD to * decks, with all the variations in between.
since you evidently hve access to the internet, why not print or copy what you need from the Basic Strategy Engine on the left hand side on this site.
You are correct shad, I didn't look very closely (if at all) as I already knew the basic startegy for my games. I just assumed (and we all know about assume...lol) that they were just one of the generic type BS cards, and figured receiving the extra chips would be a good way to get the card. My apologies to the poster. :eek:


Thanks, to all. I have access to internet, but no printer. I may try to just make a few notes for myself b4 I go out.


Well-Known Member
I just dug out a wincard from aquired a couple years ago from Cannery. It's a dial type strategy card. Wow. This is crazy. Dealer hand 3 thru 6 says double on 10 and 11, not mention of 9. The split decisions all say split Aces and eights for every dealer card. No mention of splitting any other cards, especially agains dealer break cards. Also no soft doubling :eek: As I said, having already mastered BS long ago, I didn't even bother to look. They should be ashamed for peddling that crap.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully, you know the basics. Really, the ones most people struggle on are splits and soft hands.
These can be condensed to a few lines. Don't bother with the obvious- 18V10,ect.
Just make different notes for differnt games- you'll split hands more often in a game that allows doubles after splits,as an example.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Hopefully, you know the basics. Really, the ones most people struggle on are splits and soft hands.
These can be condensed to a few lines. Don't bother with the obvious- 18V10,ect.
Just make different notes for differnt games- you'll split hands more often in a game that allows doubles after splits,as an example.
18 vs 10 isn't so obvious, though! If it's soft, you hit! :joker::joker:


Back form LV, made $12,000

First time playing in LV, got hot and ran with it. I just played to the best basic strategy I knew how to. Has anyone else been that successful? My run went somehting like this:
+150: min $25, 6 deck @ Bellagio,
+700: " "
+1000: " "
+6000: min $100, 2 deck at Bellagio
-1500: " "
+5500: " "
+2700: " "
-4600: " "
+1000: " "
+6000: " "
-4000: " "

Was this just extreme luck or can this be done somewhat regularly?


Well-Known Member
Playing perfect BS is a losing game. Playing less than perfect BS is a losinger( I know this isn't a real word, but it's an apt description) game.
Can a player playing a losing game have short term wins? Absolutely.
Can you do it on a regular basis? The odds are stacked against you. Very stacked.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
Ken's BS card is the best. But some casinos do not allow you to use them if you slow down the play by refering to it often as it slow down the speed of play for the casinos.
For a recreational player playing BS is the best way to get the most bang for your buck. Better still go to the BS Trainer on this site and pratice and practice many hours until you can play without memorizing anything or even even having to think how you should the next card.
It is like the airline pilot having to sent many hours in the flight simulator so he can react instanteously in an emergency without having to memorize what he should be doing.