NightStalker said:
Think simple, why complicate things with the count? I am not saying that we know how many tens are remaining. I am only saying that if there is any ten in the remaining shoe, it'll increase..
Let's work out with a generic example:
Hi-lo count =0
Aaces, T tens and N neutral cards and (A+T) small cards, sounds good?
Prob of getting Ten = T/(2A+2T+N)
First card removed = Ace
Remaining composition of shoe::
(A-1)aces, T tens and N neutral cards and (A+T) small cards.. ok?
Prob of getting a Ten = T/(2A+2T+N-1)
The probability can NOT decrease in any case (Whatever composition of the deck you can come up giving hi-lo count=0). The probability will ALWAYS increase except when there are no tens remaining in the deck- then it'll remain the same =0.
In short, probability will always increase. Exception: Remains zero if no tens..
Counting system math appears to be a little different animal than the math where shoe composition consists of a known integral number of each rank.
Contrast 2 examples-
Example 1
26 cards remain from a single deck consisting of 2 each (A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) and 8 tens.
Prob(A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) = 2/26 = 1/13 = .0769231
Prob(T) = 8/26 = 4/13 = .307962
An ace is removed leaving 25 cards and probs below
Prob(A) = 1/25 = .04
Prob(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) = 2/25 = .08
Prob(T) = 8/25 = .32
Specifically removing an ace results in these changes:
Prob(A) decreased from .0769231 to .04
Prob(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) increased from .0769231 to .08
Prob(T) increased from .307962 to .32
An ace was specifically removed and that was the only rank that decreased in probability.
Ranks other than ace increased in probability.
The probs in example 1 are what are used in a combinatorial analyzer where calculations are made based upon exactly how many of each rank is present in a shoe.
Example 2
26 cards remain from a single deck and HiLo running count is 0. It turns out that regardless of number of starting decks that for a HiLo RC=0 and 1/2 shoe remaining
Prob(A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) = 1/13
Prob(T) = 4/13
provided all that is known is RC=0 (nothing specifically removed)
For number of remaining cards other than half shoe (or full shoe) the probs are generally close to 1/13 and 4/13 but aren't exactly 1/13 and 4/13.
Below shows starting probs for a single deck, 26 cards remaining, RC=0, nothing specifically removed and probs for a single deck, 25 cards remaining, RC=-1, 1 ace specifically removed.
single deck, 26 cards remaining, RC=0, nothing specifically removed
Count tags {1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1}
Decks: 1
Cards remaining: 26
Initial running count (full shoe): 0
Running count: 0
Specific removals
A: 0
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
5: 0
6: 0
7: 0
8: 0
9: 0
T: 0
Number of subsets for 26 cards: 231
Prob of running count 0 from 1 deck: 0.124165
p[1] 0.0769231 p[2] 0.0769231 p[3] 0.0769231 p[4] 0.0769231 p[5] 0.0769231
p[6] 0.0769231 p[7] 0.0769231 p[8] 0.0769231 p[9] 0.0769231 p[10] 0.307692
single deck, 25 cards remaining, RC=-1, 1 ace specifically removed
Count tags {1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1}
Decks: 1
Cards remaining: 25
Initial running count (full shoe): 0
Running count: -1
Specific removals
A: 1
2: 0
3: 0
4: 0
5: 0
6: 0
7: 0
8: 0
9: 0
T: 0
Number of subsets for 25 cards: 230
Prob of running count -1 from 1 deck: 0.124165
p[1] 0.0572156 p[2] 0.0804731 p[3] 0.0804731 p[4] 0.0804731 p[5] 0.0804731
p[6] 0.0804731 p[7] 0.078423 p[8] 0.078423 p[9] 0.078423 p[10] 0.30515
Specifically removing an ace in example 2 results in these changes:
Prob(A) decreased from .0769231 to .0572156
Prob(2-6) increased from .0769231 to .0804731
Prob(7-9) increased from .0769731 to .078423
decreased from .307692 to .30515
In example 2 when cards are specifically removed from a shoe where the probabilities of drawing each rank are computed from RC/remaining cards the dynamics are different than in example 1. A rank specifically removed not only reduces the prob of drawing that rank on the next draw but also reduces the prob of drawing a rank in the counting system card group to which it belongs.
Bottom line is that when you start by listing the exact composition that results in a given count you are reverting to example 1 and ignoring all of the other possible subsets that could have comprised the same count which are considered in example 2.