Which game


Hi all
I have a choice between two games.

1. ENHC, Dealer stands on soft 17, Early surrender, DAS, Split x3, Double on any first two cards, Blackjack pays 3:2, 6 card deck.
2. OBBO, Dealer hits on soft 17, Late surrender, DAS, Split x3, Double after ANY amount of cards have been dealt, surrender afetr ANY amount of cards have been delat, 6 card charlie, blackjack pays 1:1 except blackjack of diamonds single deck.

I have been looking around and it seems that game #1 give the player the advantage, while game #2 the dealer because of that awful rule of blackjack paying even money. Imput please :)


SoBu Mike

I'm not good with Stats or probabilities, but I would prefer the second game in a heartbeat. I would trade black paying 3:2 to be able to double down after any amount of cards. There are many times I wish I could double after my third or 4th card brings me to 10 or 11. And a win a double down is better than a blackjack. Surrender after any amount of cards seems really good too, but I have never once surrendered a hand and don't think I ever would. I would rather go down swinging. Add the fact that it is single deck as opposed to 6 decks, and this seems to be an obvious choice.



Staff member
I don't have reference materials at hand, but I'd guess that the second game house edge is double the house edge of choice #1.

Paying even money on blackjack is a difficult hurdle to overcome.


Play the first game

1:1 blackjack payoff gives the house an extra 2.00% (I think) on top of that .20% for hitting on soft 17 along with the built in .54% advantage I don’t see the ability to double whenever overcome those odds. The times where you could use that option to double at any time and actually have the odds of the game large enough in your favor are minimal. In other words, the advantages of this game would come up so sparingly you would be spending/loosing a lot of money to get to them. So, needless to say, go for the first game, at least that game is for sure, beatable.


Thanks all :)
Thought that the first game is easily the better option. Although the second games does have spiffy options, the even blackjack payout is really a killer.
I'm from South Africa if any are interested.

SoBu Mike

I still for me, the second game is better. I do not bet really heavy, but I play aggresively. So usually my blackjacks don't make me that much extra money and I end up using the extra money for tips. Unless I am really hot, I usually don't bet more than $25, so that extra 12.50 doesn't help as much as an extra 25. And I think I get 11 after 3 cards more than I get blackjack. If you are playing on a table with only 1 or 2 players where the BJ's come up so much more often and are betting big, I do see how the 3:2 is must though.
