Who here has...


Well-Known Member
Stevel96a1 said:
yea ok...i lose 6500$ followed by a tap on the shoulder hearing we dont want your action or better yet they shuffle up on me 20% into the shoe every time all while im down 6 grand Thanks Alot!
Evidently, you do not understand what has transpired. If you are making the proper bets at the right time but are taking it on the chin that day do you think it makes a difference to the casino that you lost $ 6K? Do you think that the session result buys you some added time to fire away? If you do you have this all wrong. First, the money you lost is the casinos' money, not yours and the last thing they want to do is lose it back and possibly more to a naive card counter who already overexposed his game. All of this should be common sense.
there ya are Lucky larry why didnt you post soonner! again i really hope this discourages people with 20 grand to their name and decide it not to put it all in 1 nest egg called BJ21 for they are in for a rude awakening as was Stabbworld.

you yoshis you kewl jays and you zenkings carry on and fight the battle

as for us billys and Jimm techs and Joel99s were gonna step back from the game
whats a worst post? some idiot claiming to have a way to beat the casino with a betting system or me telling you your destiny all mapped out and cataloged?

Choose wisely...