why does penetration vary at the same casino?


why does penetration vary at the same casino? Examlpe one dealer might be giving decent penetration on a double deck game cutting of about 70% While the next dealer that comes in cuts off 50%. Why is this? do some dealers have thier own rules about this, and if so why?


Well-Known Member
Probably dealers preference!

But if something like that happens live the table.
It is also one of those things in managemen just trying to mess with you, and maybe detect you as posible treat, if you leave game!
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Well-Known Member
Wondering that myself

The best pen seems to come from dealers that have a bad attitude about their job.

The most counter-friendly dealer I ever saw was a college kid who presumably knew he was moving on to better things. Always showed the burn card, and routinely cut off only 3/4 of a deck from a six deck shoe. Unfortunately, he did move on.

Got good pen from a dealer who was unhappy here, and said he was moving back to Las Vegas.

Good pen from a guy who's probably not crazy about his job. He mentioned once that he was too old to get hired anywhere else, but the casino hired him.

Also consistently get good pen from one gal. I don't know how she feels about her job, but she deals fast and deep.

Of course, the worst pen comes from the new dealers who are trying to do their job right.