Why Pros are necessary

bj bob

Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
You're right in that 90% or more of us could beat the hell out of the old time blackjack if they started dealing it again. But still 99% of the people who sat down at the tables would lose. It is we who are unique... I don't believe any casino has ever suffered a major financial loss due to card counters.
Quite an interesting scenario you have proposed, MonkMan. Let's just suppose there was a large house on the Strip that decided to invite the best 20 counters from this forum and let them have their way in the pits all day. The games offered would be "retro" ala 1970's, SD, DOA, S17 with deep pen. Now suppose that this promo was heavily advertised throughout the general public and that day the place was packed with ploppies as well, who came out of curiosity. What would be the result? The first thing that comes to my mind is that the AP's would be busy hovering the pits for the emptiest tables with the best pen. If there were indeed some available, the best of the AP's (solo) would win how much? Maybe 4 Units/ hr? Now multiply that amount by 20 and you're talking 80 Units /hr and even at $100/ Unit you're talking $8 Large...chump(chimp) change! Meanwhile, back in the counting room the casino has just realized one of the best grossing days of the year." What just happened?" says the GM.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
I'm thinking of is not the average person of yore, but the gambler of yore.
In the olden days, gamblers might indeed have been a special breed of person (for better or worse).

Nowadays, gamblers are pretty much just Joe Average, the popularity has increased so much.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
No. US and state criminal law are in full effect on Indian reservations, and don't believe them if they try to tell you otherwise. So if anyone assaults or detains you, call the police, and don't ever agree to deal with tribal police or magistrates.

It's civil law that is difficult to impossible to enforce there, so if you are injured or have your civil rights violated you will have little recourse after you leave.

I know a guy who is very sue happy hes made quite the living off of it and he was touched just barley, by security at mohegan sun and scored a mega lawsuit from them. Hes not allowed back in the place forever but he took them for almost 80K. Laws and such still apply on indian land they just patrol and police it themselves


Well-Known Member


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