Well-Known Member
Let's use 1 in 2,439.Mr. T said:Permit me to chose an arbitary figuire of pair of 9's occuring 1 in 200. ( Smarter guys than me like Sonny would no doubt have the actual correct number).
From the EV tables I linked to in my last post we can see that splitting has an EV of 22.0803% (for the 2D S17 DAS game). If we stand then the EV is only 8.5625%, so we have lost about 13.5178%. That is the conditional cost of making that play. Multiplying that by the frequency of the hand we get a total loss of 13.5178%*0.00041=0.005542% (I can feel Qfit wincing at my 8-decimal place inaccuracyMr. T said:If you don't split, what is the penalty in terms of the increase in House Advantage in % terms over BS.
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