Will I get heat playing at $50 min with $100 bets?

Playing in Biloxi?
I want to start playing blackchips at $100 min but I barely see $100 minimums in Biloxi. I don't go in the "high roller" room so I don't know what the minimums are.

Any experiences is appreciated.

Also on winnings... anyone experience any heat from just winning $2-$5000?



Well-Known Member
Do you have $25,000 you can throw away? You have posted ten times and not a single thing you have said indicates you are ready to successfully play BJ as an advantage player. Why in the world would you want to play at the $100 level?

Martin Gayle

Well-Known Member
project96gsr said:
Playing in Biloxi?
I want to start playing blackchips at $100 min but I barely see $100 minimums in Biloxi. I don't go in the "high roller" room so I don't know what the minimums are.

Any experiences is appreciated.

Also on winnings... anyone experience any heat from just winning $2-$5000?


If you are an AP you will get heat, even if you lose $2000-$5000. If you just are splashing black and struggling with basic strategy they will love you.

Why don't you go in the high limit pit to see what the minimums are?
shadroch said:
Do you have $25,000 you can throw away? You have posted ten times and not a single thing you have said indicates you are ready to successfully play BJ as an advantage player. Why in the world would you want to play at the $100 level?
I usually win a good amount of chips when I play, but they are usually red. I figure if I just look at the chips as units I'll get more money of course I'll loose more money too but the money I'm putting up to play won't make my life worse.

Martin Gayle said:
If you are an AP you will get heat, even if you lose $2000-$5000. If you just are splashing black and struggling with basic strategy they will love you.

Why don't you go in the high limit pit to see what the minimums are?
I've always thought it was for "big ballers", I don't consider $100 bets big balling.


Well-Known Member
Casinos are rarely bothered by people betting more than the minimum. Get close to the max sometimes even halfway or less, and they might get uncomfortable.

But again, based on the noobishness of the questions so far, there's no real indication that you're trained or bankrolled to count successfully with red, green, or black chips.


Well-Known Member
Without any knowledge whatsoever of who you are, I'm guessing you shouldn't be at a $100 minimum table.


Well-Known Member
moo321 is correct, as anyone asking such naive questions is just someone who wants to gamble.

On this site nearly all of us are interested in being Advantage Players.

I will not bother to define such for you.


Well-Known Member
Martin Gayle said:
If you are an AP you will get heat, even if you lose $2000-$5000. If you just are splashing black and struggling with basic strategy they will love you.

Why don't you go in the high limit pit to see what the minimums are?
This is something I have wondered about. Should I stay away from the high limit area? Will I be more closely watched there even betting $25 minimums?


Well-Known Member
tribute said:
This is something I have wondered about. Should I stay away from the high limit area? Will I be more closely watched there even betting $25 minimums?
It does seem to be the consensus that heat is much higher in HL areas. Plus I don't know of any high limit areas that have $25 minimums anyhow. More like $100+.


Well-Known Member
ive seen depending on the casino $100 mins. on the main floor at several of the biloxi casinos. Not sure about the HL rooms sicne ive never stepped foot in them here.

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
project96gsr said:
I've always thought it was for "big ballers", I don't consider $100 bets big balling.
Ian Andersen does.

If you haven't read his last book, read it before you bet Black: Burning The Tables, 2nd edition.


Well-Known Member
My casino in Louisiana has $25, $50, and $100 min tables on the main floor and even $25 min in the high limit room. I wonder, while playing green, should I keep away from the high limit room? Some HL areas have better rules.


Well-Known Member
tribute said:
This is something I have wondered about. Should I stay away from the high limit area? Will I be more closely watched there even betting $25 minimums?
the only way to know for sure is to sit down.

there are a mix of HL rooms nearby. some are VOID of players but PACKED with dealers and PIT people. Others have their HL mins set so that the rooms are packed and the PIT are busy beyond belief watching people bet several black a hand.

there is one pit i would play in, and another I wouldn't touch.

funny story I was in vegas recently trying to find a nice DD game at an off hour time. i found the game and the mins were too high for the time of day. i asked the pit critter politely if they could lower them on one table and he took a very harsh tone with me, so i turned around and walked away. it was quite pathetic, there was like 1 or 2 people in their WHOLE HL room.

well, here's a (pathetic) clue, it is one of the casinos facing chapter 11.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
It does seem to be the consensus that heat is much higher in HL areas. Plus I don't know of any high limit areas that have $25 minimums anyhow. More like $100+.
I know of several casinos with $25 tables in the high stakes room.