So, for background, I'm a new counter using KO, spreading 1-10 in a 6 Deck H17 DAS LS RSA game with 80% pen. and LL9 sidebet. Recently, I've been playing around with adjusting the "key count" according to the number of decks in play. This had been going quite well. (btw, could anybody give me an estimated expectation for this, ignoring the modified key count if necessary? thanks!)
Then, reading these boards, I realized that estimating the number of decks remaining to the nearest 1 deck was good enough for True Count conversion in High-Low in 6 decks. The reason I didn't learn High-Low is that I thought I'd have to multiply by numbers like 7/2. Dividing by an integer is easy! Maybe even easier than what I've been doing.
So, my question is: should I try switching to High-Low? I've been doing KO for 2 months now. Ignoring 7s now seems a little tricky. Also, for anyone that has switched counts, does it get easier or harder to switch after you're more experienced with your first system?
Also, do the indices for high-low basic stragegy deviations change for a H17 game compared to a S17 game? Thanks for your advice.
Then, reading these boards, I realized that estimating the number of decks remaining to the nearest 1 deck was good enough for True Count conversion in High-Low in 6 decks. The reason I didn't learn High-Low is that I thought I'd have to multiply by numbers like 7/2. Dividing by an integer is easy! Maybe even easier than what I've been doing.
So, my question is: should I try switching to High-Low? I've been doing KO for 2 months now. Ignoring 7s now seems a little tricky. Also, for anyone that has switched counts, does it get easier or harder to switch after you're more experienced with your first system?
Also, do the indices for high-low basic stragegy deviations change for a H17 game compared to a S17 game? Thanks for your advice.
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