Sim results in: damn.
So, I've been silent in this thread for some time now. The reason is that I've been preparing a sim of this system I proposed. I havent shelled out the dough for a simulator yet, so I wrote a program in R (the open source version of S-Plus statistical computing software). Plus, I had to do this to test this custom system. It turns out you were right. In fact, it does worse than KO.
Game 6D H17 DAS RSA LS, 80% pen
10 k shoe sim house advantage: -.57%
I know that many hands isn't much but my program is slow and this was really just a test.
KO Preferred, IRC=0, wong in at 12,14,16,18,20 wong out at -7,-2,3,8
spread 1-10 from RC 16 to 24
50 k shoe sim: +1.07%
My KO adjusted system, wong in at TC>=1.5, wong out at TC<-1
spread 1-10 from TC=2 to TC=5, same strat deviations with hi-lo indices
50 k shoe sim: +.90%
These were run with the same starting random number generator seed, so although not likely to be the true expecation with this many hands, should be comparable.
zengrifter said:
It seems to me that you would still need IRC to be based on #starting decks -and- the indices to be recalibrated for the KO tags imbalance.
As zengrifter suggested, I would guess the problem would be the ramp and the fact that the index plays aren't adjusted for the different tags. Probably, it this were corrected, it would outperform, but eh...
I guess I'll just go back to KO with decks-remaining adjusted ramping, and work on my act!