Will Sahara reopen this fall?


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
Perhaps unions can be reborn with a culture of fairness, ethics and productivity.
I have seen some evidence of it recently. In recent TV and radio ads, the companies and unions, formerly at each other's throats, are issuing joint ads assuring customers that they are working together to provide a better product or service. A good first step.


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
I believe the Dems had direct oversight of Fannie and Freddie, Barnie Frank and Chris Dodd? Oh, pox on both parties for a lot of things.

Also, many don't consider the Bush's conservative's.

You can believe anything you want, it doesn't make it true. You seem to think you know how Congress works, so explain how a minority party would have direct oversight on anything. Every committee has a majority Chairman running it, and the Republicans ran the house from 1994 to 2006, so explain how a Democratic Congressman like Barnie Frank ended up with direct oversight on a committee that he was a minority member on.

Billy C1

Well-Known Member

Yes, civility between companies and unions would be lovely but my cynicism tells me it's unlikely to happen because of their huge differences in political philosophies.


Billy C1

Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
You can believe anything you want, it doesn't make it true. You seem to think you know how Congress works, so explain how a minority party would have direct oversight on anything. Every committee has a majority Chairman running it, and the Republicans ran the house from 1994 to 2006, so explain how a Democratic Congressman like Barnie Frank ended up with direct oversight on a committee that he was a minority member on.
Who was that majority Chairman?


Well-Known Member
Billy C1 said:
Who was that majority Chairman?

Of what Committee? Fannie and Frddie were overseen by various committees. Here is a FACT you won't hear discussed much- At the time the government took them over, 98% of their loans were considered to be timeley, above the national average.
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Billy C1

Well-Known Member
Please interpret

shadroch said:
Of what Committee? Fannie and Frddie were overseen by various committees. Here is a FACT you won't hear discussed much- At the time the government took them over, 98% of their loans were considered to be timeley, above the national average.
I'll readily admit that I DON"T know a lot about how Congress works and many times wonder if it does work. You appear to have more knowledge there than I do------I'll give you that. Now please define what you call "timeley" loans (not delinquent in repayment?)
Not giving you a bad time but I think it's spelled timely.


blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Not Me Saying Anything

shadroch said:
You can believe anything you want, it doesn't make it true. You seem to think you know how Congress works, so explain how a minority party would have direct oversight on anything. Every committee has a majority Chairman running it, and the Republicans ran the house from 1994 to 2006, so explain how a Democratic Congressman like Barnie Frank ended up with direct oversight on a committee that he was a minority member on.

notice the first paragraph
fannie and frieddie expanded under clinton
Rep. tried to slow it down
dems under frank blocked it


this link points to a NY TIMES article that also talks of Dems blocking fannie and freddie reform.

It's farily common knowledge that fannie and freddie were growing problems, reps tried to reign it in and dems fought it. The dems were trying to social engineer the governmnet into providing homes for all. Including those that could not afford them, which led to economic catastrophe. Heard the report on housing lately? It's still a mess.

Social engineering to provide home ownership for all has cost many their homes

Every step the government now takes to interfere with the free market is just making things worse. Things will improve once the market corrects. A perfect example, there has been talk of eliminating the home mortgage deduction by Dems? This is an incentive to buy homes, the morons! Just that statement further declines home sales. The time to consider eliminating the mortgage deduction is when there is a housing bubble to slow it down!
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Well-Known Member
Billy C1 said:
I'll readily admit that I DON"T know a lot about how Congress works and many times wonder if it does work. You appear to have more knowledge there than I do------I'll give you that. Now please define what you call "timeley" loans (not delinquent in repayment?)
Not giving you a bad time but I think it's spelled timely.


I honestly am not sure what the definition of timely" is, but the loans backed by these two agencies were considered more timely than those given by Citibank, Washington Mutual, Wachovia and Chase. The problem wasn't with the loans themselves, it was that they had given too many loans out. Good accounting practice allows you to lend $20 for every dollar in assests you have, they were approaching a 70-1 ratio.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Credit Run Amock

shadroch said:
I honestly am not sure what the definition of timely" is, but the loans backed by these two agencies were considered more timely than those given by Citibank, Washington Mutual, Wachovia and Chase. The problem wasn't with the loans themselves, it was that they had given too many loans out. Good accounting practice allows you to lend $20 for every dollar in assests you have, they were approaching a 70-1 ratio.
Yes. loans were timely (mortgages paid on time I belive), the economy bubble was great, until the collapse. That is how bubbles work. Credit run amock. I have talked of this in other posts.

The boom and bust of an economy is very wasteful. There are many unfinished homes across the nation rotting, wasteful. It's kinda like betting double kelly, you just bob up and down. By removing some/all credit you have slower but sustainable growth.


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:

notice the first paragraph
fannie and frieddie expanded under clinton
Rep. tried to slow it down
dems under frank blocked it


this link points to a NY TIMES article that also talks of Dems blocking fannie and freddie reform.

It's farily common knowledge that fannie and freddie were growing problems, reps tried to reign it in and dems fought it. The dems were trying to social engineer the governmnet into providing homes for all. Including those that could not afford them, which led to economic catastrophe. Heard the report on housing lately? It's still a mess.

Social engineering to provide home ownership for all has cost many their homes

Every step the government now takes to interfere with the free market is just making things worse. Things will improve once the market corrects. A perfect example, there has been talk of eliminating the home mortgage deduction by Dems? This is an incentive to buy homes, the morons! Just that statement further declines home sales. The time to consider eliminating the mortgage deduction is when there is a housing bubble to slow it down!
The link does not go to a New York Times article. It goes to a right wing blog that selectively quotes a few lines from a five year old NY Times article, and then expresses the authors conservative agenda and views. Nice try.
Now if you can explain how the minority Democrats kept the President and the majority Republicans from doing what they wanted in 2003, you might be on to something.
BTW- both those links are filled with malware. I hope that wasn't intentional.
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blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member

shadroch said:
The link does not go to a New york Times article. It goes to a right wing blog that selectively quotes a few lines from a NY Times article, and then expresses the authors views. Nice try.
now if you can explain how the minority Democrats kept the President and the majority Republicans from doing this, you might be on to something.
The second link in the above post supports the first link, WHICH YOU DID NOT QUESTION. The second link quotes the times article.

Having a majority in congress does not mean total sway. that comes with a super majority.



A few more talking about fannie and freddie needing more oversight and the Dems blocking it. The 2nd one is USA today.

You did teach me to consider the source more carefully:
Washington Post and USA today are highly respected? Perhaps liberal? I posted their articles.

I will say again, pox on both parties


To get back on topic, spoke with someone from the Sahara today. They are going to close down for "several years" for extensive renovations. Employee was unclear whether they would keep "sahara" name.


Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
malware? No not intentional, they just came up on google search and I cut and paste.
BlackJackAvenger knock it off.....You know better than to try to persuade a few of the members on this site...LOL....
Definitely not worth the effort.


Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Unions drive worker pay up.

This is good. That keeps people who work for a living from being broke. Then these people can buy products and services to keep the economy going.

Keeping wages suppressed destroys the middle class. This results in a few people with lots of money (CEOs and such) and a lot of people with virtually no money.

But yeah, a nobility and peasantry system, like low taxes for rich people and the fall of organized labor are creating for this country isn't a bad thing. IF you're part of the nobility!

A lot of american workers are jealous, because they've been tricked into thinking union workers get paid too much, and have too many rights at their job. Maybe instead you're not getting enough as a non-union worker?

A race to the bottom for wages (which is what happens when you eliminate collective bargaining) is bad for everyone except the top 1% income earners. If you like the idea of America being a third world country, then yes, DESTROY ALL UNIONS! Because that's what will happen.


Well-Known Member
These people sat back and watched Americans lose jobs overseas because they were happy with getting their tvs and toasters for less money. Then they allowed their local governments to woefully underfund their future pension obligations because they liked paying less in taxes.
Now the bills are coming due and its all THE UNIONS fault. Rather than man up and pay the bills they always knew were coming, let's attack the evil unions.


Well-Known Member
Calm down Billy! Lol. The war is being won..........
THE BLAME GAME we always hear isn't working very well for the other side.
But yet they keep yaking away....lol
May we all see 5$ dollar gas......and another 4 years of what we are experiencing....How bad can it get? Of course it's our fault Billy! LmAO


Staff member
shadroch said:
BTW- both those links are filled with malware. I hope that wasn't intentional.
Anyone else having malware warnings with those links? Do they need to be removed?