"Thanks Don. I thoroughly enjoyed reading BJA3."
Glad you enjoyed.
"I am a student of Nassim Taleb's work."
I'll forgive you.
Currently rereading Antifragile for the 3rd time. I understand that an OTM Put strategy like this creates potential for a blowup risk. The risk is uncapped while the gain is capped. Taleb seems to be in favor of buying puts or calls with unlimited upside and capped downside. Trades where he will lose over 95% of the time. But when things blow up, he wins big.
I really believe that he wrote one way, but, in real life, traded the other way. Virtually all pros understand that selling options is the way to go. It's all I ever did for ten years on the trading desk. Sold strangles on the indexes. Had a motto: "There are only two things you should ever do with an option: sell it or don't sell it!"

These are times during which you
shouldn't be selling them!
"The strategy I outlined above takes the other side of this trade, so, in theory it would open me up to a massive blowup? Am I essentially doing the opposite and picking up pennies in front of a steam roller?"
Yes and no. Taleb's Black Swans don't come around nearly frequently enough to make selling not a viable strategy. But there is an element of luck involved. If you just arrived for your first day on the trading desk on Friday, October 16, 1987, and you sold strangles, unfortunately, you didn't get to have a second day. You got carried out feet first on Monday! Perhaps ditto for October 2008. But, do you understand that these events occur, what, every 21 years, and then again 12 years later? It isn't lose 95% of the time and win big the other 5%. It's lose 99.9% of the time and win big 0.1% of the time. And that's not enough to make up for the losses.
"Thanks again for the wisdom of "proceed with caution". I'm just using "funny money" at this point to validate the strategy. What other strategies would you pursue during these volatile times?"
Watching other people lose money! I couldn't trade in these times. How can you buy 50-60% volatility (just recently 80-90%!!). Hell, if I wouldn't buy 15-20%, how could I ever buy now? And selling? Fraught with danger. Couldn't ever afford to take your eyes off the screen. Not even to go to the bathroom!
"I remember reading 10 years ago when I was studying card counting that some of the OG's went to markets to continue their advantage play and receive heat."
"Do you know any of these guys personally? How did it turn out for them and are they still doing something similar? Sounds like you were trading on the floor,"
Wasn't on the floor. Was an "upstairs" trader at MS.
"so maybe you were one of the pros who took their risk management skills to trading. Are those days dead now that there are high frequency algo's doing the trading?"
My style of trading was pretty much legislated out on a lot of the IB's trading desks after 2008 and the Lehman debacle. Very different climate now than when I was trading (1985-95).