i'd pay to see the act that permits one to double park in the aisle eyeballing a game awaiting that infrequent event.
I would, too.
Trying to wong 6 to 5 ploppy ripoff games would be a total waste of time. Forget about it. There are too many playable games out there to waste time on garbage.
Despite what others are saying I agree with you it is important to be able to play more then just good ole BJ. Ploppies like to play all kinds of games...even if you just figure out a way to play breakeven on a game other then BJ this is good cover and also a way to pass time while waiting on shuffles or conditions to improve...Keep it up....SM
I understand your quest to find the way to beat every game that's beatable, sure. But I doubt that standing around backcounting a 6:5 SD game waiting for a +6 count is a good way to relieve boredom. It sounds more like a causative factor. And as Bear mentioned, do you really think you'd be allowed to do this anyway?