Wonging out in a 2D game


Well-Known Member
Basically just wondering when(if ever) I should wong out during a 2D game,
using just Hi Lo count?

Can't come in in the middle of a shoe either.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
If you wong out too frequently from DD you're liable to get tossed. It's quite obvious to anyone paying attention to you.

For 2 deck, me, personally, I take my legit bathroom breaks or trips to the beverage dispenser when the count happens to be bad. If I am not due for one of those breaks, that's what index play is for.


Well-Known Member
DeTalores said:
Basically just wondering when(if ever) I should wong out during a 2D game,
using just Hi Lo count?

Can't come in in the middle of a shoe either.
I never wong out of a 2-deck game, but it is important to select a game with good rules and pen, especially where you can't wong in. But then I'm no expert like some here--it's just what works for me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I figured it'd draw quite a bit of heat. But I play in a smaller casino where the pit bosses are pretty good friends, and not that smart ha.

On a side note would you guys rather play 6D DOA hit s17 no surrender about 75%
or 2D double on 9,10,11 no double on split aces hit s17 no surrender 75%pen but suited blackjack pays 2:1

pretty new to this. still just running sims and stuff, so sorry for being a noobie.


Well-Known Member
Thats not even a question! That DD game is dam good with that 2:1 on suited BJ. Protect that DD game with your life. You have the advantage off the top.


Well-Known Member
Look at some of the other people at your table

DeTalores said:
Basically just wondering when(if ever) I should wong out during a 2D game,
using just Hi Lo count?

Can't come in in the middle of a shoe either.

People will take the obvious restroom break but they will also get cell phone calls, need to find their wife, see a friend nearby and go to talk to him, leave a message for a host, lose a couple of hands in a row, and a bunch of other stuff that can cause them to sit out.
I think most of us can wong out of more DD games than we do but if whatever business you seem to be taking care of always ends with the shuffle, here is where you are bringing attention to yourself. Since it is DD and a new shuffle is only a few minutes away, I will often not only miss the rest of the stack I leave on but also miss the next one. You can come into the next one mid way, try to place a bet (you are a novice and do not know it is no mid shoe) and just wait a couple of hands.

If you always return for the next stack someone will correctly figure that you planned it that way.

For the comp hustlers amongst you, you might get a little more time credited with this also.



Well-Known Member
sure you can wong out of DD or any other game.
bathroom break, smoke break, just po'd break, superstition break, what ever and why not. and there is nothing in the world that says you can't take your sweet time about it, patient and on the prowl, ready to strike but not wasting energy. does the queen of the jungle spend all her time on the chase? nope, she only has so much opportunity and so much strength and energy, she conserves it and uses it wisely.

the other thing is the mental mind set of ' i got to play, play, play', maybe just me but i see it as a big mistake when you figure your probable spread limitations and the long run percentage of time your likely to spend at a disadvantage from the perspective of true count frequencies.
the idea of ' i got to play, play, play' should be when one has an advantage, otherwise chill out man. so you might be fretting over 'time wasted' getting another seat, still that time is of more value than playing a disadvantage. you will get a seat and another chance at taking your shots. patience, enjoy your self, magnificent predator that you are, then when the time is right, pounce. it's what you do, it's in your nature, it's how it works, don't sweat it.
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Well-Known Member
oh i also forgot if you get 777 its an extra fifty dollars.
and suited 678 is 100 dollars.
so yeah whats the edge then if anyone knows?
they hit the soft 17s.
not sure if i said that earlier either heh.

Also since you guys agree that wonging out is do-able. what should i wait for the count to be at in 2D games using hi lo before i go to the "bathroom"?

oh and one more thing this 2D game makes me pay a 25cent ante. where as I can play the same 2D rules at another casino but not with the suited bj 2:1
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DeTalores said:
Basically just wondering when(if ever) I should wong out during a 2D game,
using just Hi Lo count?

Can't come in in the middle of a shoe either.

"using just hi-lo count":confused: Care to explain.....



Well-Known Member
The bonuses that you mentioned ...

The bonuses you mentioned are worth so very little that Arnold Snyder, in his fine recent book,
The Big Book of Blackjack, explained why he listed the value (in terms of the house Advantage) as ZERO.

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
DeTalores said:
oh i also forgot if you get 777 its an extra fifty dollars.
and suited 678 is 100 dollars.
so yeah whats the edge then if anyone knows?
they hit the soft 17s.
not sure if i said that earlier either heh.

Also since you guys agree that wonging out is do-able. what should i wait for the count to be at in 2D games using hi lo before i go to the "bathroom"?

oh and one more thing this 2D game makes me pay a 25cent ante. where as I can play the same 2D rules at another casino but not with the suited bj 2:1
Hmm, the ante might kill it.


Well-Known Member

Paying 25 cents per hand certainly makes the game unplayable.

In a normal casino situation wonging-out of DD games is not really feasible.

You can get a way with it once in awhile, but otherwise, you are simply asking to be barred.

The best way to play DD is to use a Play-All approach with a count that is powerful
and arm yourself with a lot of Indices for use at negative True Counts.

Hi-Opt II is the count of choice for DD games.



Well-Known Member
creeping panther said:
You gotta get out more.

Ah I was unaware of the 25 cent ante when I posted this. Would you not agree though that without the ante that game is an amazing game? Player advantage off the top?


Well-Known Member

A DD game with restricted doubles and Hit 17 is NOT even a "good" game,
unless the penetration is very deep indeed and you can spread ad lib.

Without looking it up, I guess that the house advantage is worse than .40%.



Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:

A DD game with restricted doubles and Hit 17 is NOT even a "good" game,
unless the penetration is very deep indeed and you can spread ad lib.

Without looking it up, I guess that the house advantage is worse than .40%.

You missed the 2:1 suited BJ payout. That takes .53% off the house edge, which more than makes up for H17 and reduced doubling.


Well-Known Member
1357111317 said:
You missed the 2:1 suited BJ payout. That takes .53% off the house edge, which more than makes up for H17 and reduced doubling.
Don't bother THE FLASH with mere details like that.

I much prefer his admitted guesses, without looking anything up at all - go figure- in bold, large, colored fonts.

Sh*t never looked so good :eek:


Well-Known Member
Hi Opt II for double deck?
Alright thats what I'll go for then.
Found a DD game today thats about 80% pen double on 8 9 10 11 split as many times as you'd like has early surrender stands on soft 17 and a casino promo that gives 2:1 for suited blackjack ^_^.


Well-Known Member
DeTalores said:
Hi Opt II for double deck?
Alright thats what I'll go for then.
Found a DD game today thats about 80% pen double on 8 9 10 11 split as many times as you'd like has early surrender stands on soft 17 and a casino promo that gives 2:1 for suited blackjack ^_^.
DD, D9, EARLY surrender, S17 and suited BJ pays 2:1 is almost a 1% (~.88) player edge off the top.

Edit: Assumed DAS.
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