Worst blackjack player EVER


Well-Known Member
Ok, maybe this is a little too fresh to get into too many details. But suffice it to say that this guy would beat anyone, hands down, for the title.

I've seen bad, and even terrible. This guy was insane.

I'll give it a little time and then enlighten you with more details.

Think about bad.......and then think some more.......
Yes, I have done that.

Stood on hard 8 stood on hard 5.

Split 2's in a high negative count of +19.

Played for days on 45 chips.

Doubled for less everytime and still made a profit.

Could it be me???
paddywhack said:
Ok, maybe this is a little too fresh to get into too many details. But suffice it to say that this guy would beat anyone, hands down, for the title.

I've seen bad, and even terrible. This guy was insane.

I'll give it a little time and then enlighten you with more details.

Think about bad.......and then think some more.......

Was he a counter? And where was this at.


Well-Known Member
jaygruden said:
I've seen a player stand on "6" before.:eek: It can't get much worse than that.
Oh yes it does. He stood on any number of non-stiff hands.

No he didn't surrender a blackjack, not sure that would be allowed anyway since they'd just give you even money.

Not a counter. Not even sure he had a brain.

Wasn't a surrender call either. I've seen tons of idiots surrender all sorts of hands, including non-stiff ones.

I'll give you one more hint - it wasn't splitting tens vs a face either.


Well-Known Member
ringlejames said:
I forgot to say they were doritos. I played on 45 doritos for days.
ringlejames said:
Did he surrender anytime he saw a dealer 4, 5 or 6. :eek:

How many chips does blackjack play. 1 1/2 doritos.
ringlejames said:
Was he a counter? And where was this at.
Ringle, please learn how to consolidate your posts.