hawkeye said:
Is it wrong that I'm more amused by the fact that the story ended with him broke, as opposed to doubling his money?
In our defense, he was probably going to lose his last 1/4 bankroll anyway. If not for (D)DYMoDT, he would have played craps and pissed away his money on stupid field bets (which is how he lost 3/4 of his bankroll to begin with).
Mimosine said:
I think it is the novelty of it all, we ONLY EVER HEAR about when they double their money!
That happened last year - and without any goading, either.
Someone lost his wallet in a club. He was really pissed, and the bouncers were real jerks about letting him back in to try and find it. He finally went to sleep around 6am, and was woken up by front desk at 7am - a janitor found his wallet, minus cash but with all his ATM/credit cards, and turned it in. No charges to his credit cards had been made.
By late morning, he was bouncing off the walls, and right after hitting the mimosas pretty hard at a breakfast buffet, he went to the ATM and withdrew $500 in cash. As we're walking from the ATM to the pool, he yelled, "I wanna ride this feeling all day long!" and slammed down $500 on Black at the roulette table. Then switched to red. Then back to black.
The dealer looked at us like, "You're gonna let him do this?" but spun the wheel anyway when, consistent with what you'd probably expect from us, we just laughed and cheered for green.
It comes up black.

True to his word, he did ride the feeling for the rest of the day, except for getting denied entry to the clothing optional pool for being too ugly. ha ha ha
Edit: Just to be clear, I don't spend the entirety of my Vegas trips getting my friends drunk and then goading them into high-limit gambling. Drunken Double Your Money or Die Trying is only funny because it happens infrequently, and losing money is only funny to us because we tried pretty hard for many years to become blackjack and poker AP's. We're not a**holes, seriously.