Your biggest win?`

big win

My biggest win was +$500 on the night. Not bad considering I usually just flat bet with an occasional jump to $15 if the true count of hi - lo jumps over +6. I usually play 6 decks, H17, DAS, resplitting of aces.

A better question I would like to hear from the "pros" would be what was your biggest loss? And did you ever feel like giving up?

Jeff Dubya

Well-Known Member
$1000. Beginners luck, plus was at a really great table. It's a fun story, I'll have to tell it sometime. I sure loved holding that yellow chip.


Active Member
My best single night at BJ was a little over $4,000 at the Gulfport Grand. I won a little more than that one night at the Venetian but I was shooting craps that night. My best win of any kind was a BJ tournament that paid over 5K for first place. :joker:

Those memorable nights are of course offset by some other nights best described as nightmares. :whip:


New Member
I was over at this questionable casino in Henderson, NV outside Vegas -- rooms were cheap there. The first night I went down, lost a quick $200 at the BJ tables. The next night, picked up $40 -- honestly, being relatively new to the game, I was happy that I could pick up at least a small portion of those losses...

My best night with BJ, however, was about $100 at a casino here in California.


Well-Known Member
JJcoolL830 said:
My biggest win was +$500 on the night. Not bad considering I usually just flat bet with an occasional jump to $15 if the true count of hi - lo jumps over +6. I usually play 6 decks, H17, DAS, resplitting of aces.

A better question I would like to hear from the "pros" would be what was your biggest loss? And did you ever feel like giving up?
Biggest win was 25k, biggest loss was 30k.

The feeling of "giving up" is there of course. That is the toughest part I think about playing BJ is being able to deal with the emotional highs and lows. If you can't deal with the emotional aspect of losing it can be quite a slippery slope to losing it all.
SweetAxtion said:
Biggest win was 25k, biggest loss was 30k.

The feeling of "giving up" is there of course. That is the toughest part I think about playing BJ is being able to deal with the emotional highs and lows. If you can't deal with the emotional aspect of losing it can be quite a slippery slope to losing it all.

man, that's insane.
I get pissed when I lose $20. lol


Well-Known Member
I had a reality check the other day at the cash cage when the floor manager was beside me congratulating my 3500 dollar take for the evening. In in order to downplay this win, I mentioned that the past three sessions had me buying in for 43k in order to win a sparkling total of 3k. On further investigation of my records I realised that I've bought in for a total of 106k in the past couple of weeks for a take of 17k. Now that thought made me *almost* queasy.

Here's a story that occured on an evening where my buy in of 17k netted me 1k. I left because the table was really bad. For the past 2 hrs at that table I am sure that I was the only person who came out ahead. 1/2 after I left (story was relayed to me by the waitresses the next day) that night a guy bought in for 600 dollars. Apparently he went on one of the those win streaks where the dealer kept busting and before the pit knew it, this guy had covered every spot with 1k. He ramped up to 65k in less than 45 mins.

Then the signs of the worst type of gambler occurs...this guy goes on a slide...55k, 40k, 30k, 20k etc...The girls told me that by the end of the night he's playing on the 5 dollar tables and cashes out after three hours of play with 75 dollars!

So for those that get upset at themselves for "winning" and losing it back to the Casino...I'd probably quit for six months if I ever went up that much only to lose it back.


Well-Known Member
i have a question.. when you buy in for 17k how long does it take to change it up for colour. lol. do u have a coffee while your waiting lol.

to add to the convo. my biggest loss on a single night is "only" $600 but to me thats a fair amount of money. i think in the few last months ive lost about 2k on blackjack. from what ive heard normally every1s biggest "win" is roughly the same figure as the biggest loss one . which makes sense.. its just in between that counts. i dont take more than 600 with me into casino cause i dont want to walk out knowing ive just broken my all time losing record.. wouldnt be a fun thought for the drive home.


Well-Known Member
matteotm said:
i have a question.. when you buy in for 17k how long does it take to change it up for colour. lol. do u have a coffee while your waiting lol.

to add to the convo. my biggest loss on a single night is "only" $600 but to me thats a fair amount of money. i think in the few last months ive lost about 2k on blackjack. from what ive heard normally every1s biggest "win" is roughly the same figure as the biggest loss one . which makes sense.. its just in between that counts. i dont take more than 600 with me into casino cause i dont want to walk out knowing ive just broken my all time losing record.. wouldnt be a fun thought for the drive home.
Matt.....I think you and I could "winter" together without anyone getting their throats cut! :laugh: I think my biggest loss came on a DD game in Vegas. I had spent three days flat betting $5 and had built up to $500 in wins. Well, I got cocky and started a session betting greens and in something like 45 minutes, lost it all. Granted, there were some very bad beats on doubles and splits in that session, and I didn't hit any of the payoffs during the run. Should have quit, but I took on the faulty logic of "It ain't my money" so what the hell. I knew better, but broke my own rules that one time.

So, after losing everything I'd won to that point, I dropped back to $5 again and for the next three nights and two days, I went on a losing streak that has to me, been unparalled to this day! I lost out of pocket $800 during that time....the last $300 coming on the last hand I played. I bet two spots for $100 on each spot. One of those all or nothing moves which I'll never do again. I had been getting pretty good cards and had $200 in chips and $100 in my money clip. I got an 11 on the first hand and a 14 on the second and the dealer was showing a 4. I doubled the 11 using my clip money. I stood on the 14. The dealer drew to 6 or 7 cards and hit 21. Lost both.
Mikeaber said:
Matt.....I think you and I could "winter" together without anyone getting their throats cut! :laugh: I think my biggest loss came on a DD game in Vegas. I had spent three days flat betting $5 and had built up to $500 in wins. Well, I got cocky and started a session betting greens and in something like 45 minutes, lost it all. Granted, there were some very bad beats on doubles and splits in that session, and I didn't hit any of the payoffs during the run. Should have quit, but I took on the faulty logic of "It ain't my money" so what the hell. I knew better, but broke my own rules that one time.

So, after losing everything I'd won to that point, I dropped back to $5 again and for the next three nights and two days, I went on a losing streak that has to me, been unparalled to this day! I lost out of pocket $800 during that time....the last $300 coming on the last hand I played. I bet two spots for $100 on each spot. One of those all or nothing moves which I'll never do again. I had been getting pretty good cards and had $200 in chips and $100 in my money clip. I got an 11 on the first hand and a 14 on the second and the dealer was showing a 4. I doubled the 11 using my clip money. I stood on the 14. The dealer drew to 6 or 7 cards and hit 21. Lost both.
Aw man, that's horrible :cool: