You're a farce, Crown casino


Well-Known Member
Those were the words of Supreme Court Judge David Harper, in summing up Crown's questionable tactics in luring $35M loser - Australian, Harry Kakavas back from Vegas to Crown. The judge unfortunately found in favor of Crown and against Harry's civil dispute to try to recover some of his losses. He'd played baccarat very badly while turning over $1.5B in just 14 months; betting up to $300,000 a hand.

The judge continued: "Crown does present itself as a world leader in responsible gambling. It's relationship with Mr Kakavas does not give one any confidence that it deserves that status."

Kakavas was described as a pathological gambler had accused the casino of devising a plot to lure him back to Melbourne with cash incentives and use of a luxury jet.

On another matter, James Packer told a Crown casino shareholders' meeting that their acquisition of its 24.5% stake in the US Cannery casinos business was unfortunate in hindsight and that the acquisition was ill-timed. Crown had axed the value of all of its US investments to zero in fical 2009, retaining only its Cannery stake.

Combined revenue from main-floor gaming across Perth and Melbourne casinos was described being up about 4% on the previous corresponding period.

James has stacked on the weight lately, and with christmas upon us, he is likely to expand even more. He has been copping some flak over his recent conversion by Tom Cruise to the church of Scientology. It appears that believers can take all their money with them when they die. They can be transported to a distant planet where LRon Hubbard will welcome the UFO and usher new arrivals into paradise.

James Packer recently described his gambling business as "a national tourism asset." But Alice Springs tourism operator Don Wait said Crown was "about peoples' misery." "It might be his asset, but it's not the country's," he said.

He continued, "James obviously needs some time in the desert to reconnect with reality and morality. People come here to cleanse their soul, not get their wallets cleaned out. I think Crown casino is all about greed and huge profits at peoples' expense."

At the shareholders' meeting James said: "The casino business suffered from unfair and unjustified negative publicity. Our Australian casinos have paid literally billions of dollars in gaming and other taxes to governments."

Thank you very much, James. But I'd like to ask just one question. The billions your organization collected... from whom did you collect it? From the dumb-arse Australian gambling public of course, using every trick in the book to fleece as much as possible within legal limits. It was your company's right to do this, and make as much money as possible from mostly stupid gamblers, right? They all get exactly what they deserve, don't they James? Huh.


Well-Known Member
The truth hurts

Ah, Katz again speaks the truth........

I love taking your money James, thanks for the great year :)


Well-Known Member
6 decks, S17 and OBO, for starters

RingyDingy said:
Ah, Katz again speaks the truth........

I love taking your money James, thanks for the great year :)
Nice work, Ringy. Truth be known, we all love James and his Big Building, don't we dudes? After all, it's the only Joint in Melbourne where you can play blackjack without risking being stabbed or robbed in the 'burbs somewhere. Yeh, so if sometimes we are a little harsh on ya James, it's only cos we love our Big RolyPoly sweet Monopoly.

Ringy, you represent about half of one percent of Crown patrons who actually know a little something about making money from a casino at BJ. The chrismas card you sent James is most likely at this moment being scrutinized by Crown Forensic, trying to ascertain your real identity so that you can be added to his Hit List, and thus disappeared for good.

James' papa - Kerry - (before he karked it) taught his boy how to run a tight ship with sound business and management practices. HWWAAARKKKKK. WHHPPTTTOOOY! (Sorry, something green and nasty welled up in my throat and I had to clear it.)... Now, as I was saying, James learned well and now he runs an even tighter ship than his old man did. (Hack hack, there it is again. Sorry... Ptooey!)

James, your Northern Australia 'competition' - Tabcorp - gives me (and others) at least three good reasons not to venture far South to Packerland:
six decks, OBO and S17. If they can do it, so can you mate! Some of us would love to come down if you'd grace us with our own rules and own tables up there in Mahog. (I have not set foot on that hallowed ground for a long time, as it was around the time some big-time loser, despite being well-known and in full camera view, stuck up the Mahogany cage and made off with about 130grand. Of course he was nabbed by the cops a few days later.)

It's a long haul to Melbourne so we would really appreciate the services of the Crown luxury private VIP jet, even tho we are not exactly VIP's like Harry K, or dodgy Asian CEO's or something. But I understand your goodwill sometimes knows no bounds. Thanks again... mate. :cool2:

Katweezel said:
Those were the words of Supreme Court Judge David Harper, in summing up Crown's questionable tactics in luring $35M loser - Australian, Harry Kakavas back from Vegas to Crown. The judge unfortunately found in favor of Crown and against Harry's civil dispute to try to recover some of his losses. He'd played baccarat very badly while turning over $1.5B in just 14 months; betting up to $300,000 a hand.

The judge continued: "Crown does present itself as a world leader in responsible gambling. It's relationship with Mr Kakavas does not give one any confidence that it deserves that status."

Kakavas was described as a pathological gambler had accused the casino of devising a plot to lure him back to Melbourne with cash incentives and use of a luxury jet.

On another matter, James Packer told a Crown casino shareholders' meeting that their acquisition of its 24.5% stake in the US Cannery casinos business was unfortunate in hindsight and that the acquisition was ill-timed. Crown had axed the value of all of its US investments to zero in fical 2009, retaining only its Cannery stake.

Combined revenue from main-floor gaming across Perth and Melbourne casinos was described being up about 4% on the previous corresponding period.

James has stacked on the weight lately, and with christmas upon us, he is likely to expand even more. He has been copping some flak over his recent conversion by Tom Cruise to the church of Scientology. It appears that believers can take all their money with them when they die. They can be transported to a distant planet where LRon Hubbard will welcome the UFO and usher new arrivals into paradise.

James Packer recently described his gambling business as "a national tourism asset." But Alice Springs tourism operator Don Wait said Crown was "about peoples' misery." "It might be his asset, but it's not the country's," he said.

He continued, "James obviously needs some time in the desert to reconnect with reality and morality. People come here to cleanse their soul, not get their wallets cleaned out. I think Crown casino is all about greed and huge profits at peoples' expense."

At the shareholders' meeting James said: "The casino business suffered from unfair and unjustified negative publicity. Our Australian casinos have paid literally billions of dollars in gaming and other taxes to governments."

Thank you very much, James. But I'd like to ask just one question. The billions your organization collected... from whom did you collect it? From the dumb-arse Australian gambling public of course, using every trick in the book to fleece as much as possible within legal limits. It was your company's right to do this, and make as much money as possible from mostly stupid gamblers, right? They all get exactly what they deserve, don't they James? Huh.
I despise people such as this James...I know where he deserves to end up, as well as a big bunch of your POLS.:devil:



Well-Known Member
The good times.....

Ah Katz, you make me laugh, and sometimes the action at crown does too:

I've seen Harry K in action only once, and at the time speaking with a couple of my sources, He hadnt slept for 24 hours, was making piss poor decisions, crown kept handing him new money only for him to hand it right back.

Crown didnt give him the opportunity to have a break, they brought food and drinks to his table, he ate a steak at the table, god knows if he even went to the toilet or not, He is a pathological gambler who should be locked into rehab, NOT sitting at a table throwing away other peoples money. Crown of course the innocent party did NOT take advantage of him at all in any way shape or form, LOLZ.

Crowns behaviour is appalling, but of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Needles to say, Katz's words of wisdom are spot on, you dont get stabbed there, if you know what you are doing there are opportunities etc, but you really do have to work your ass off on them, but they are there.

At any rate, whilst i wont get a trip in crowns jetstream anytime soon, and i dont take them for a whole shitbag full of money, i take enough to make me feel like i am sticking it to the man, and i feel wholey content in knowing that James (and god bless his fathers soul) is one of the most bitter and twisted and unhappy people in the world, and im making it even more so.

Merry Christmas to all the BJinfo regulars, your advice, inspirations and comradeship, make the mind numblingly boring grind of what we do a whole lot more pleasant.



Well-Known Member

in your post it said " … played baccarat ... while turning over $1.5B in ... 14 months"

Are you saying that he LOST 1.5 BILLION dollars in 14 months ?
Australian dollars I assume. Correct ?
Hoe much is that in U.S.A. dollars?

In Australia is the term "billion"meant to mean 1,000 x 1,000,000 as it does in the U SA ? A thousand stacks of a million dollars each ?


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:

in your post it said " … played baccarat ... while turning over $1.5B in ... 14 months"

Are you saying that he LOST 1.5 BILLION dollars in 14 months ?
Australian dollars I assume. Correct ?
Hoe much is that in U.S.A. dollars?

In Australia is the term "billion"meant to mean 1,000 x 1,000,000 as it does in the U SA ? A thousand stacks of a million dollars each ?
turnover != losses

Turnover is the amount of money he bet in total, not the amount of money he took with him into the casino and lost.

All up he lost 35mil AUD, which about 30mil USD, give or take. A billion in Australia is a thousand millions.


Well-Known Member
Billions shmillions

FLASH1296 said:

in your post it said " … played baccarat ... while turning over $1.5B in ... 14 months"

Are you saying that he LOST 1.5 BILLION dollars in 14 months ?
Australian dollars I assume. Correct ?
Hoe much is that in U.S.A. dollars?

In Australia is the term "billion"meant to mean 1,000 x 1,000,000 as it does in the U SA ? A thousand stacks of a million dollars each ?
Gday Flash. Christmas celebrations to ya... And yep, down here in the sticks, a billion is exactly the same as a billion is in the USA. Yesterday, one Aussie dollar was trading at around 92US cents.

Yes, Harry turned over AUD$1.5BILLION in just 14 months, at baccarat. With the HE around 1.25% and he only lost $35M, you could say he played quite well didn't he, and didn't lose his EV. Cheers mate.


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Just wanted to let you know that Tabcorp-owned casinos have CSMs on the main floor. Tabcorp-owned casinos are S17 compared to Crown which has H17. Crown has H17 8 deck shoe games on the main floor but doubling is restricted to 9,10 and 11 ONLY - there is no soft doubling and no doubling on any other numbers apart from 9,10 and 11 where the player has the option of doubling.

Tabcorp-owned casinos also have restricted doubling to 9,10 and 11. I think all Australian casinos have this rule - just goes to show that we Aussies can no longer can play BJ at all. I mean through patience and determination, one might succeed in making a couple of thousands if one were to employ strong discipline and wonging.


Charles Wells said:
You can double any two cards at crown. I do it.

Called Premium blackjack.
Even on the lower limit tables? Like with CSMs?

The dealer always says 9 double, 10 double, 11 double and I've never seen someone double anything else