You're "I want to strangle this ploppie" story


Well-Known Member
Your "I want to strangle this ploppie" story

Here's my "I want to strangle this ploppie next to me" story.

This guy to my left got two queens of heart in an LL10 game but didn't have the side bet out. The old guy to my right was so enthused that he started gushing about it to the dealer, and then called over the pit boss to take a look at what an awful tragedy that the guy didn't have the side bet out. I mumbled under my breath "shut the **** up old man", but obviously could do nothing to stop what was about to happen.

What happened afterwards? Yep you guessed it. A washing of the cards and extra thorough shuffling of the cards for the rest of the session. The dealer was shuffling pretty poorly before then.

WTF did this old guy hope to accomplish by informing the pit that the 200:1/1000:1 side bet cards were close together? A portion of the winnings as a consolation prize?

I'm sorry but with all the idiot old people I see in makes me start to hate these mindless sheep even more than I hate the casino. For ****s sake, don't these people grow more wise as they age? Is this what I have to look forward to when I grow old?

I will be awaiting the morally indignant response from's resident moderator of political correctness.

EDIT: Well I guess this is way more tame than my "I want to become a serial killer of ploppies" thread.


Well-Known Member
I was mispaid on my big bet on blackjack and was informed by the jealous ploppy sitting to my right. He asked the dealer, why did you paid him 2 to 1... I had a WTF face, why did you make such a jackass move...


Well-Known Member
snorky said:
I was mispaid on my big bet on blackjack and was informed by the jealous ploppy sitting to my right. He asked the dealer, why did you paid him 2 to 1... I had a WTF face, why did you make such a jackass move...
Too many of these to remember, happens too often. Really f***ed up when it happens at a moderate+ bet.

Even worse is an a-hole AP, who audibly sighed when I was mispayed (he apparently didn't know I was an AP, dealer paused slightly trying to remember if he mispayed). Now THIS is inexcusable. Wanted to punch him in the face, or even better, tell the pit they have a AP sitting there :)

If it was one of you guys, be cool dude.


Well-Known Member
I've had the a$$hole ploppy who informed the dealer about a mispay before and all the usual stuff, but one thing that irritates me more than anything is when I get comments from ploppies like, "He must be counting cards. He never takes insurance and now all the sudden he does?" This was after the dealer did in fact have BJ. Basically comments that put your cover at severe risk.
FrankieT said:
This guy to my left got two queens of heart ...
On the average that happens a few times a day at every table. Not sure that would prompt a change in shuffle procedure unless something else was up.


I saw a guy not betting the LL get 2 queens of hearts twice in 4 hours. At the end he bet it. It was the right time. That was when the count got huge and I made a big score and promptly exited stage right. He didn't get a third however. The dealer didn't have a blackjack either time.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
On the average that happens a few times a day at every table. Not sure that would prompt a change in shuffle procedure unless something else was up.

The dealer seemed sleepy and just going through the motions and then all of a sudden woke up when the pit boss came over to see what all the fuss was about.


Well-Known Member
This thread SHOULD have been titled "Another stupid pit crew story". :laugh:

But; in answer to the question "What did the old man have to gain?" - He slowed the game down, thereby saving himself money (doubtful that he actually THOUGHT of it that way).

If THIS minor of an incident affects you THIS negatively, I'd be more worried about your anger management problem than about an old man who's simply trying to entertain himself. It may be time to see a doctor about this.


Well-Known Member
I hit an A7 against a ten. One guy at the table got so mad that the PB came over and essentially told him to shut up!
BJLFS said:
I hit an A7 against a ten. One guy at the table got so mad that the PB came over and essentially told him to shut up!
If you think that's bad, you ought to see what a Spanish 21 player has to put up with! You are hitting 13 vs. 6 all day and if you are an advanced counter hitting 15 vs. 4 and 16 vs. 3 happens often. They cannot believe you are not doing it just to screw them up.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
If you think that's bad, you ought to see what a Spanish 21 player has to put up with! You are hitting 13 vs. 6 all day and if you are an advanced counter hitting 15 vs. 4 and 16 vs. 3 happens often. They cannot believe you are not doing it just to screw them up.
I once hit 13 v 6 at a BJ table :eek: No one said anything, because dealer busted anyways. I take the dealer's 6, dealer flipped over a 10, and gets a 10. I actually would have preferred if dealer got a 2 :laugh:

Zach Black

Active Member
I also hit a 13 v 6 on the last hand of shoe that went very negative.
I received a 7 the dealer got 3 to make 19.

I had a black chip plopply that wanted to strangle me when he lost with 18 and because I took the bust card.

Had I noticed the size of his bet and the size of the ploppy, I would have stayed just to keep under the radar. I received unwanted attention for a min bet win.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
If you think that's bad, you ought to see what a Spanish 21 player has to put up with! You are hitting 13 vs. 6 all day and if you are an advanced counter hitting 15 vs. 4 and 16 vs. 3 happens often. They cannot believe you are not doing it just to screw them up.
Totally agree. Span21 players get way more pissed off at me than regular BJ players. They usually end up leaving the table because I "eff" things up for them so bad. lol :laugh:


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:
I'm sure the OP is aware of the difference between you're and your. Just a typo most likely.
I don't think so. This is one of the most common mistakes on message boards, along with there and their.


Well-Known Member
Jack_Black said:
I kinda wanna strangle the OP for using "you're" instead of "your."

Grammar ploppy!:laugh::laugh:
I want to strangle the administrator for not allowing me to edit thread titles!!!!! Yes I noticed that little grammar blemish. Yes I know the difference between "your" and "you're" - no need to bust my balls further.