"You've Got Heat" back in stock


Well-Known Member
Speaking of Barfarkel

Little Nicky-

I see Barfarkel is registered here, but has never posted. Do you suppose he's ever going to?


Active Member

...I can't have a book boycott because I've been so busy I haven't had time to post here, or anywhere else for that matter.

Zengrifter has always had a talent for getting people to open up and share info, so here's my fave places to play in Vegas:


Vegas Club


Palace Station


New York New York



Suncoast (short sessions only - it's heat city)


El Cortez (also very heaty)





Green Valley Ranch

That's enough for now. I don't want to see these games overrun by counters from this and other websites, but I feel I owe it to the group on this site to give out my "go-to" casino's. So this will be the only place I'm revealing them.

Of course, most of you already know about most of these places, especially if you subscribe to CBJN.


Signed Copy

I have a signed autographed copy of your book.......and I really enjoyed reading every story in it. Before your book came out I couldn't wait to get BJI newsletter to read about your most recent escapade to Vegas. [side note: You gotta slow down on your trips up there or you will not only be getting heat from the Suits, but also from the CHPs].

Does the picture of the player at the table on the cover of your book resemble you? The last couple of times that I have been in the LV Club, I have looked around for someone resembling the picture, cause I wanted to introduce myself to you and tell you how much I enjoy reading your stories.

Since you have a close affilition with Henry T thru the newsletter and your book, have you learned the GTBJ system of counting or do you use a different one? The people over their are a great group of people.

Hope to meet you soon.........maybe on one of your excursions.


Barfy plays the Silver Fox count which is similar to HiLo and was first utilized by Thorp and others in the mid-60s: 2-7 +1 / 9-A (-1).
He does look a little bit like the character on the cover, but not enough to be recognized. zg


Active Member
21 Player

I have a signed autographed copy of your book.......and I really enjoyed reading every story in it. Before your book came out I couldn't wait to get BJI newsletter to read about your most recent escapade to Vegas. [side note: You gotta slow down on your trips up there or you will not only be getting heat from the Suits, but also from the CHPs].

Thanks for the kudos re: You've Got Heat. Actually I have been taking it a bit slower on recent driving trips to Vegas. More of a relaxed "smell the roses along the way" approach, instead of my traditional breakneck pace. I've discovered that I only lose maybe 10-15 minutes in drive time doing this, while greatly reducing my chances of getting a ticket or becoming involved in a traffic mishap (don't wanna jinx myself by using the "A" word :).

Does the picture of the player at the table on the cover of your book resemble you? The last couple of times that I have been in the LV Club, I have looked around for someone resembling the picture, cause I wanted to introduce myself to you and tell you how much I enjoy reading your stories.

Despite Zengrifter's contention, I don't look anything like the typical nerdy card counter pictured on the book's front cover. At least I hope I don't. During the process of putting together the cover art, we scoured the internet for a face that would embody the emotion we wished to convey: the somewhat comical paranoia and fear that we counters feel when we detect that the hammer is about to come down. The face we settled upon was completely independent of any resemblance to me or anyone else I know.

Since you have a close affilition with Henry T thru the newsletter and your book, have you learned the GTBJ system of counting or do you use a different one? The people over their are a great group of people.

No, I haven't even attended one of Henry Tamburin's Golden Touch BJ seminars. Like ZG says, I still use my same Silver Fox system, which is simple and effective. As I later discovered, this count has a good correlation for making Lucky Ladies side bets, since the nines and aces are valued just like the tens - that means there's better correlation in getting an Ace/Nine type twenty, (along with blackjacks and nineteens).

Hope to meet you soon.........maybe on one of your excursions.

Perhaps one day we'll meet at the tables. Thanks again for the book recommendation.




Well-Known Member

I have almost completed your book You've Got Heat. I no longer feel so bad about my own struggles at the tables, the crazy up and downs you describe and the constant struggle with the bankroll, sounds much like my own. Now I know that I am not the only one whom has struggled with this game. This is a great read about the card counter for anyone who really wants to know what it is like to be a card counter.


Well-Known Member
I finally got around to reading this book. I must say if you are a counter this is a must read. It is well written and very entertaining and once you start reading it is tough to put down. Zen you've got to ask Barfarkel since he doesn't post here if he is going to write "You've got Heat II"?


Well-Known Member
SystemsTrader said:
Zen you've got to ask Barfarkel since he doesn't post here if he is going to write "You've got Heat II"?
He posts monthly trip reports in the Blackjack Insider newsletter (http://www.bjinsider.com/. His book is actually a compilation of his first few years of BJI articles. I've been enjoying his reports for years. It is great to look back on his progress from red chip to green chip action. And, of course, the reoccurring ZG character always adds to the excitement!



Staff member
By the way, I still have three or so copies of You've Got Heat in stock. It's officially out of print at the moment, and is only available from the publisher as an e-book. If you want one of the few printed copies left, visit the store.


Staff member
I checked, and I had four copies. Two have sold today, so there are two left.
Thanks, -Ken-


Active Member
You've Got Heat

SystemsTrader said:
I finally got around to reading this book. I must say if you are a counter this is a must read. It is well written and very entertaining and once you start reading it is tough to put down. Zen you've got to ask Barfarkel since he doesn't post here if he is going to write "You've got Heat II"?
Thanks SystemsTrader and DPMonk2003 and Sonny for the kudos re: You've Got Heat. There are no concrete plans for a sequel, although I have about 70% of the material already written. Some of you may have read those trip reports that occurred after the end of the book on the BJ Insider newsletter.

However you never know what the future holds. If I get an offer from Anthony Curtis, or Henry Tamburin or Wong or anyone else for a sequel, I'll do it. Another possibility is a screenplay. I'm hoping for Leo DiCaprio to play me in the movie and maybe Kevin Spacey for the part of Zengrifter :)

If you're going to buy the few remaining hard copies instead of the e-book, I'd like to suggest you buy them here from Ken. Once he's sold out, and posts to that effect, I'll reply with info on where other hard copies can be had, for those that may want them.

Ken: thanks for carrying the book. Good luck in your next televised BJ tournament.


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Barfarkel said:
Thanks SystemsTrader and DPMonk2003 and Sonny for the kudos re: You've Got Heat. There are no concrete plans for a sequel, although I have about 70% of the material already written.
With the inclusion of the ZG Interview that makes 100%. zg


Staff member
OK, my copies are all gone. Barfarkel, please do post information of where other hard copies are available. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
supercoolmancool said:
I hope you make a sequel. I would definately buy it.
I second that. Althoug I have already read some of his trip reports after "You've Got Heat"...