

Well-Known Member
I have debated for about a day whether to post this or not. It may be deleted but I am going to say my piece. In the last day or two a thread here about casinos conditions at re-opening of Las Vegas was linked to at BJTF, to with Zee made the following reply that had nothing to do with the actual topic.

"That site (meaning bjinfo) banned me permanently for the slight. Thanks to Norm for letting me here. I contacted KJ to see if he could get me back on that forum but he is still angry with me for what he sees as insufficient or lack of support in his war with Norm."

This burns me a bit because it simply is not true and I don't need anyone fanning the flames of that particular situation. Zeebabar did contact me about 6 months ago asking that I help him get re-instated here. That is where the truth ends. I wasn't even aware that he was banned here, nor knew of the circumstances, so I inquired with Al Rogers. Al's first response was that he didn't remember the circumstances and asked my opinion as to whether Zeebabar should be allowed to post here. My initial response was yes, that I always sort of liked Zeebabar's posts. Even when he plays dumb and asks dumb questions it is a chance for knowledgeable people to respond, which may benefit other members. I also enjoy his trip reports from Vegas, as I am very familiar with most places. Although I am usually left shaking my head, as to the things he does that draw attention.

But I sort of wanted to know the circumstances of his banning before I really went to bat asking that he be re-instated, so I asked around via private message. What I received back was that Zeebabar had publicly mentioned buying a gun, and that he would find and shoot a member that he was having issues with, a well known AP. WoW! o_O:confused: This certainly was not ok with me. I contacted Al Rogers a second time, now a day later and withdrew my recommendation. By now, Al had remembered the circumstances and said that Zeebabar would remain banned.

It is never acceptable to threaten to find and someone on these forums and shoot them. That actually rises to a police matter. I have had that happen and the person actually showed up at my home. And even the shooting threat aside, it is not even ok to threaten to find a fellow AP. The nature of advantage player and the casino relationship is such that serious AP's value their privacy. Just talk of one AP finding and tracking down another should be grounds for banning in my opinion.

So Zee, I did attempt to help you as requested. But the circumstances of your banning were such that I could not recommend your re-instation and It wouldn't have mattered if I had. Al was pretty adamant about that.

Perhaps the thing to do is to think about the circumstances of your banning, and hopefully realize some regret, make a public apology to the person you threatened and try to move forward that way. But it had nothing to do with Norm or my situation. That is over for me and I don't appreciate you injecting that into it publicly.
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Well-Known Member
KewlJ said:
But I sort of wanted to know the circumstances of his banning before I really went to bat asking that he be re-instated, so I asked around via private message. What I received back was that Zeebabar had publicly mentioned buying a gun, and that he would find and shoot a member that he was having issues with, a well known AP. WoW! o_O:confused: This certainly was not ok with me..
This is very out of character for Zeebabar. Maybe Zee is Zenking's grandpa. Their blood is easily broiling in their blood vessel.

Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
KJ you are so wrong about Zee. Zee never threatened to find and shoot any one. He mentioned carrying a gun for his own protection. In fact, very similar to a post you once made about getting a gun since you felt threatened by an ex bj member on this and another forum.

I just dug up Zee's post and reread it. I could post it here or link to it, but I don't know if that is allowed so I won't do it. I think you owe Zee an apology. If the so called threatened member and any balls he would speak up and ask for Zee to be reinstated.
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Well-Known Member
As usual you missed the point MWP.

I owe zee an apology? For what? Because I am not comfortable recommending he be reinstated?

Look you can argue whether he actually threatened but to me when someone even brings up gun in the manner that zee did, the intent is a threat...veiled or unveiled.

So if I am not comfortable vouching for him for whatever reason, that's my business. What gives him the right to say it was about him not supporting me in a completely unrelated matter? THAT is the my gripe.
It seems like a little bit of a sucker punch to post a topic with a person's name as the title talking about stuff from the person's past on a forum where they can't even reply to defend, confess, or clarify themselves.

I've been gone from the online communities a year-and-a-half (actually just joined bjinfo for first time) and it's funny to see the Zee-bashing has continued in earnest. I'm not defending him, as I don't know any of the details of those main accusations, but it just seems in poor taste to air it all out in the open... well, open except to Zee who is unable to respond.


Well-Known Member
One of these days, all the personal bullshit will stop, and blackjack forums will discuss blackjack. Unfortunately, it just won't be this day.


Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
KewlJ said:
I owe zee an apology? For what? Because I am not comfortable recommending he be reinstated?
No, you owe Zee an apology because you lied and implied he was looking for someone and was going to shoot them. I emailed to you the statement he made, and it was only a statement of his concern to protect himself. After seeing this statement how could you continue to assert he had any intention to harm anyone except in self defense.


Well-Known Member
For god sakes MWP, Zee said he carried a gun because he felt 21forme is obsessed with him. He then stated "that old terminally ill folks don't give a suit about anything". I am not sure about the word "suit" (maybe a mistake), but that certainly seems like he is saying, he has nothing to lose and would have no problem shooting him.

It is YOU that needs to wake the fuck up, MWP! I didn't suspend him, nor did I even know about this situation. Al Rogers must read that the same way as I did and see a threat there. So maybe you should talk to Al Rogers. All I am saying is Zee asked me to help him get back here and after reading that I was not comfortable doing that. Zee then posted that I wouldn't help him because he didn't support me against Norm, which was totally made up and obviously had nothing to do with anything and I object to that.


Well-Known Member
MWP. aka the Jethro Bodine of the Permafrost, you are troling, as usual, trying to stir up trouble with misinformation. For a red chipper who plays BJ once or twice a year, you sure have a lot to say. Please crawl back into your igloo and count your rolls of toilet paper. And shut the fuck up, you dimwit.
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Well-Known Member
21forme said:
MWP. aka the Jethro Bodine of the Permafrost, you are troling, as usual, trying to stir up trouble with misinformation. For a red chipper who plays BJ once or twice a year, you sure have a lot to say. Please crawl back into your igloo and count your rolls of toilet paper. And shut the fuck up, you dimwit.
The last thing this or any forum needs is Zee or MWP...they are both trolls that make any forum they participate on much less credible. Yes they make a lot of posts and keep clicks up but they are not even real players, only trolls that can't resist any opportunity to inflame and troll.
For example on another site, Zee's most recent thread is asking how to calculate your max bet. I mean, yikes.
He claims to have been an AP BJ player for close to 10 years. He reads and posts constantly on all boards where he hasn't been permanently banned yet. He pretends that he even knows BS and gives advice to newbies, etc.

And he still doesn't know how to calculate his max bet for his bankroll? Not to mention anything to do with Kelly? I mean it's just constant nonsense. I have actually finally had enough of it to be honest, it took me awhile to realize what goes on at other forums. Happy I found this forum.
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Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
Counting_Is_Fun said:
The last thing this or any forum needs is Zee or MWP...they are both trolls that make any forum they participate on much less credible. Yes they make a lot of posts and keep clicks up but they are not even real players, only trolls that can't resist any opportunity to inflame and troll.
For example on another site, Zee's most recent thread is regarding how to calculate your max bet. Yikes.
He claims to have been an AP BJ player for close to 10 years. He reads and posts constantly on all boards where he hasn't been permanently banned yet. He pretends that he even knows BS and gives advice to newbies, etc.
And he still doesn't know how to calculate his max bet for his bankroll? Not to mention anything to do with Kelly? I mean it's just trolling or stupidity constantly.
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You are the biggest troll and trouble maker around. I can't think of one worthwhile post you ever made. I see you got yourself banned again at Norm's site. Is it permanent this time. I hope so. You agitated so many innocent folks and caused them to get banned. Your last victim was "Wave" and several before him fell into your devious trap. As far as I'm concerned you are a piece of shit.


Well-Known Member
Midwest Player said:
Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You are the biggest troll and trouble maker around. I can't think of one worthwhile post you ever made. I see you got yourself banned again at Norm's site. Is it permanent this time. I hope so. You agitated so many innocent folks and caused them to get banned. Your last victim was "Wave" and several before him fell into your devious trap. As far as I'm concerned you are a piece of shit.
Most kettles are black MWP.
You can't think of one worthwhile post I have made? Honestly? People can easily look up all my posts and see if they agree with you or not.
Ha yeah Norm temporarily banned me and Wave...do you care to say why? He does it to a lot of posters all the time.
Norm just bans anyone he doesn't like, that's obvious. It's his forum, so he can do what he wants.
You say that I... "agitated so many innocent folks and caused them to get banned"? Haha. You can't be serious guy, I didn't ban anyone.
And as far as I'm concerned, you are a troll and know little about BJ. Everyone who has been around awhile knows all about you and Zee, come on.
I guess you just call anyone a piece of shit here and think it's fine huh?
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Well-Known Member
Midwest Player said:
I can't think of one worthwhile post you ever made.
If only there was a way to measure this? :rolleyes: Oh wait, the forum in question has a helpful rating feature. Let's see here, Midwest Player has just over a 100 helpful out of over 400, for 25%, which is about the lowest I have ever seen on that forum.

And being an original member, since the day the forum started, just over 100 helpful post in 9 years. That too is about the lowest I have ever seen.

So it would seem that people in this community don't have a very high opinion of you and your contributions and it would seem pretty evident that you really aren't in this community to help anyone. It seems pretty clear your agenda is to just stir up shit. You may lie MWP, but the numbers don't. :cool:
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Midwest Player

Well-Known Member
KewlJ said:
If only there was a way to measure this? :rolleyes: Oh wait, the forum in question has a helpful rating feature. Let's see here, Midwest Player has just over a 100 helpful out of over 400, for 25%, which is about the lowest I have ever seen on that forum.

And being an original member, since the day the forum started, just over 100 helpful post in 9 years. That too is about the lowest I have ever seen.

So it would seem that people in this community don't have a very high opinion of you and your contributions and it would seem pretty evident that you really aren't in this community to help anyone. It seems pretty clear your agenda is to just stir up shit. You may lie MWP, but the numbers don't. :cool:
Hey Buddy! Let me tell you a few things. First off I have been a member of Norm's forum for a long time, but I wasn't very active on BJTF for most of those years. I spent the majority of my time on BJ21. Only since about 2017 have I been active there. Second, there is a cry baby here who likes to post negative ratings to my posts if they deserve it or not. I have posted many pictures on the social forum of BJTF of weather events in the U.P. They are not good or bad, they just show how life is. Of course the cry baby will mark every one negative, but yet he just jumps at every chance to look at them.

The rating system at BJTF does not do anyone any good. If you noticed Facebook does not have any dislike ratings, only likes. Same with this forum. You can like a thread, but not dislike it, and at this forum it will even tell you who liked it. If you dislike something have the balls to post and say so, but of course the cry baby has no balls.

By the way, take a look at the number of views on the posts I and Zee have started over at BJTF. A lot of them have thousands of views and have started many good conversations and threads.
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Well-Known Member
KewlJ said:
If only there was a way to measure this? :rolleyes: Oh wait, the forum in question has a helpful rating feature.
Everyone knows that the rating system over there is complete bullshit. Those who call out much of the ploppy crap, for what it is receives plenty of negative ratings for their lack of sensitivity. Not realizing getting a kick up their ploppy ass is just what is called for.


Well-Known Member
Midwest Player said:
First off I have been a member of Norm's forum for a long time, but I wasn't very active on BJTF for most of those years.
Ah, the good old days.

Midwest Player said:
Second, there is a cry baby here who likes to post negative ratings to my posts if they deserve it or not.
I presume you are referring to me. I rarely am the first to neg your picture posts. You must have another fan or two. Speaking of two, there are plenty of posts you make that are already negged by the time I see them. I often add my neg, just so you don't think the single neg came from me :) BTW, at BJTF, it's not whether a post is liked or disliked; it's whether or not the post is HELPFUL. There's nothing helpful about your endless supply of snow drift pictures and posts. You've probably never made a helpful post because you don't understand BJ. You rarely play and you are fixated on short-term results, just like the ploppies.

Midwest Player said:
the number of views on the posts I and Zee have started...
"Zee and I" Are there schools in Podunk? A teacher never learned you well English?


Well-Known Member
MWP says... "If you noticed Facebook does not have any dislike ratings, only likes. Same with this forum. You can like a thread, but not dislike it, and at this forum it will even tell you who liked it"

Sorry bro...I do not want to live in a world that Facebook, YouTube etc control...
We should be able to "like" or "dislike"...especially on a specific forum.
Only liking gives a very skewed landscape of opinions...

By the way, there is a reckoning coming for all social media platforms. They used to hide behind their claims that they are only open platforms for all to post their thoughts...not anymore.
Recently Facebook, YouTube etc have started editing content that "they" do not agree with.
This puts them into a whole different category...Publishers...
If they are now editing and deleting...there are Constitutional rules about that...


Well-Known Member
MWP also says...
"By the way, take a look at the number of views on the posts I and Zee have started over at BJTF. A lot of them have thousands of views and have started many good conversations and threads.[/QUOTE]"

Lol views...but no likes? That is kind of the problem with you and Zee.
Yes you are right, you and Zee get many clicks...unfortunately. And it explains a lot over there.


Well-Known Member
Counting_Is_Fun said:
there are Constitutional rules about that...
Actually not. Freedom of speech applies to government, not private companies, media or otherwise.

Counting_Is_Fun said:
you and Zee get many clicks
Right. The clicks are more for a laugh along the lines, "how can these guys be so fucking stupid after playing for so many years," In MWP;s it's 35 years and he still doesn't understand the game!

There are also bots "clicking" on forum posts. For search engines, it's to index the posts. For other bots, it could be for potentially nefarious purposes such as looking to harvest email addresses. That's why that misanthropic, legend-in-his-own-mind, bipolar sociopath on ZZ has lots of views when in reality only MWP and Bosox read his nonsensical vitriol.