Zen betting schedule


davidpom said:
I'm here - are we about to have enlightened discussion? How should I respond? :)
David, where'd you go? Some questions have arisen regarding your recommended betting strategy for DoughBoi. zg


well, decided to go with the following which was recommended by QFIT in another thread:
tc / bet
1 / 10
2 / 30
3 / 60
4 / 80
5 / 120

What kind of winnings per hour can i expect with this if i leave the table at -1 tc? AC rules, 8 deck, 75-80% penetration


dough_boi said:
well, decided to go with the following which was recommended by QFIT in another thread:
tc / bet
1 / 10
2 / 30
3 / 60
4 / 80
5 / 120

What kind of winnings per hour can i expect with this if i leave the table at -1 tc? AC rules, 8 deck, 75-80% penetration

1 / 10
2 / 30
3 / 60
4 / 60-60
5 / 80-80


Well-Known Member
question - why not spread to 2 hands as soon as you have the advantage (at +2 for the zen count, though this question is general enough for any count system)? you would get more money out on the table with less risk (or same $, less risk).

i guess first thing to check would be that playing additional hands won't deny you additional rounds of +EV, but assume you have 2-3 others at the table with you or that the count at which you gain the advantage occurs so early in the shoe/deck.

is it because most places wont let you spread to multiple hands of the minimum bet? if this is the reason spreading to multiple hands as soon as you have the advantage is not recommended, i should point out to east coast bretheren that ive done this on several occasions in AC on graveyard shifts (so maybe that's why they didnt care?)

was always curious about this -


rukus said:
question - why not spread to 2 hands as soon as you have the advantage (at +2 for the zen count, though this question is general enough for any count system)? you would get more money out on the table with less risk (or same $, less risk).

i guess first thing to check would be that playing additional hands won't deny you additional rounds of +EV, but assume you have 2-3 others at the table with you or that the count at which you gain the advantage occurs so early in the shoe/deck.

is it because most places wont let you spread to multiple hands of the minimum bet? if this is the reason spreading to multiple hands as soon as you have the advantage is not recommended, i should point out to east coast bretheren that ive done this on several occasions in AC on graveyard shifts (so maybe that's why they didnt care?)

was always curious about this -
Thats fine, especially for 6-8D:

1 / 10
2 / 20-20
3 / 40-40
4 / 60-60
5 / 80-80

BUT, first I want to here what DAVID POM has to say! zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Thats fine, especially for 6-8D:

1 / 10
2 / 20-20
3 / 40-40
4 / 60-60
5 / 80-80

BUT, first I want to here what DAVID POM has to say! zg

I dont think he's coming back.


Well-Known Member
dough_boi said:
well, decided to go with the following which was recommended by QFIT in another thread:
tc / bet
1 / 10
2 / 30
3 / 60
4 / 80
5 / 120

What kind of winnings per hour can i expect with this if i leave the table at -1 tc? AC rules, 8 deck, 75-80% penetration
This is very similer to the way i play except i play two hand on anything with a positive expectation, my averages were aroun 22/hour, so ima say yours will be only slightly less, maybe around 18ish. This not based on sims but my own playing averages.

And yo dont fukcing trash talk the 8 deckers, i kick the crap out of the 8 deckers you guys dont even know.:eyepatch:


zengrifter said:
Thats fine, especially for 6-8D:

1 / 10
2 / 20-20
3 / 40-40
4 / 60-60
5 / 80-80

BUT, first I want to here what DAVID POM has to say! zg
This is the one, but first, David, we need your bloody input here! zg


Well-Known Member
If your back counting this doesnt really matter since youd only be losing your time but if not....dont leave the table at -1; not all the time but if you stick around enough you will see that sometimes the count will turn tables on you and youll score some advantage hands at the end of the shoe.

If you leave too many tables liek that you will miss out on those hands, and those hands only occur a certain percentage of the time, if you cut them off your list by leaving everytable you might not make it to positive expectation. because your playig too many losing hands

Look at it this way if you just played a bunch of hands at nutral count it cost you money so you better at least wait and see if you get a chance to win it back.

Sit out the hands instead and count your chips or stare in a drunnken tired stupor and after a while the dealer just forgets about you. Iv seen peopel sleeping at the table a few times while their freind is playing, it not totally unheard of to sit at a table and not play.

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Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
This is the one, but first, David, we need your bloody input here! zg

I think I figured it out zg, maybe his betting schedule was one he used while playing on CSMs? :joker:


Unshake said:
I think I figured it out zg, maybe his betting schedule was one he used while playing on CSMs? :joker:
Exactly, he devotes a few pages at his website for beating CSMs! zg


Patience, patience

Calm down, clear your mind and your wallets for just a moment, and relax. I have returned. Calm your engines, daddy is home.

Right, now that I've responded to the torrent of unfair and childish abuse thrown at me by the retired (possibly almost brain dead) player(s) who shall not be named by myself, let me thank you all for your submissions on this enthralling post.

Thank you firstly to our sim man who calculated the 62% risk of ruin. If you're playing a 1:16 spread as you suggest (as I've said in earlier posts, my spread is more 1:8 units - don't believe me? Hunt down those earlier posts... I know someone here will, because some appear to have too much time on their hands (and maybe no friends to spend that time with)), then that is highly likely. Clearly, a 6K session bankroll is hardly sufficient if you're playing 300-400 dlrs per hand REGULARLY. I ALWAYS recommend a minimum 50 times AVERAGE bet for any table game...

Now I know there are some in this forum who like to misquote out of context from my blog, but here's an article which says what I say above:

http://beatthecasinos.blogspot.com/2008/02/coping-with-losing-gambling-sessions.html (Archive copy)

That is my response.


davidpom said:
Calm down, clear your mind and your wallets for just a moment, and relax. I have returned. Calm your engines, daddy is home.

Right, now that I've responded to the torrent of unfair and childish abuse thrown at me by the retired (possibly almost brain dead) player(s) who shall not be named by myself, let me thank you all for your submissions on this enthralling post.

Thank you firstly to our sim man who calculated the 62% risk of ruin. If you're playing a 1:16 spread as you suggest (as I've said in earlier posts, my spread is more 1:8 units - don't believe me? Hunt down those earlier posts... I know someone here will, because some appear to have too much time on their hands (and maybe no friends to spend that time with)), then that is highly likely. Clearly, a 6K session bankroll is hardly sufficient if you're playing 300-400 dlrs per hand REGULARLY. I ALWAYS recommend a minimum 50 times AVERAGE bet for any table game...

Now I know there are some in this forum who like to misquote out of context from my blog, but here's an article which says what I say above:

http://beatthecasinos.blogspot.com/2008/02/coping-with-losing-gambling-sessions.html (Archive copy)

That is my response.
Okay, I may have spoken out of turn here, so I'll do the work. I hope I'm posting this in the correct forum. If not anyone just speak up.

Here, I think is the most relevant 3-tips from your blog article and links -
From David "Daddy" Pom's
Coping With Losing Gambling Sessions (Archive copy)

Tip 3: Do you have the right bankroll for your game?
Every game can have swings and variations. You need to ensure you have a bankroll that can accommodate reasonable swings based upon a formula called "The Kelly Criterion". This specific formula has been calculated to give players the greatest probability of winning, and the lowest probability of losing everything. The following are the recommended session bankrolls required for various games: slots 250 times your average bet (so if you play 20 lines at 5c, = $1 per spin, then you need a bankroll of $250); poker 100 times your average bet; other table games 50 times your average bet (so if you play 2 hands of blackjack at a time for $25 per hand, then you need a bankroll of $2500). I once wrote this article about "Money Management In Casinos (Archive copy)" - you might find it helpful.

Tip 4: Are you playing the games well?
When you play your favourite casino game, are you playing the optimal strategy? For example, are you covering only a few numbers on roulette (good strategy) or covering every number for every spin (bad strategy)? If you're playing blackjack, are you sitting on 15 against a dealer picture (bad strategy) or pulling a card (good strategy)? On Carribean Stud Poker are you betting with lower than a pair of jacks in your hand (bad strategy) or betting with a pair of jacks or better (good strategy)? It's important that you play ANY game to an optimal strategy - otherwise you're more likely to be giving your money to the casinos. There's no excuse for bad play - there are plenty of books available to read (i.e. "Casino books worth reading (Archive copy)") and plenty of good internet sites to visit that can teach you about optimal gambling strategies. Or you can email me at [email protected] and I'll do my best to help you. Play well, or reap the consequences!

Tip 5: Play with a positive attitude
I've always believed you should play with a positive frame of mind whilst in any casino. We're optimists right? All gamblers want to win. And now and again we actually do take the casino's money home! Playing with a positive attitude not only helps you to enjoy the games more, but it puts you in a more stable frame of mind that will hopefully help you to better avoid making silly playing decisions. Go into the casino with the attitude of a WINNER. The moment you start thinking "I'm a loser" is the moment that you become what you think... so go in assuming you'll win, and then don't be surprised when you get that jackpot!

I hope you've found my tips useful. They've been hard learnt over my 15 years of play - and, in the long run, casino gambling has been PROFITABLE for me... hopefully you'll get similar results when you follow my tips and advice. Good luck to you!



Well-Known Member
davidpom said:
Calm down, clear your mind and your wallets for just a moment, and relax. I have returned. Calm your engines, daddy is home.

Right, now that I've responded to the torrent of unfair and childish abuse thrown at me by the retired (possibly almost brain dead) player(s) who shall not be named by myself, let me thank you all for your submissions on this enthralling post.

Thank you firstly to our sim man who calculated the 62% risk of ruin. If you're playing a 1:16 spread as you suggest (as I've said in earlier posts, my spread is more 1:8 units - don't believe me? Hunt down those earlier posts... I know someone here will, because some appear to have too much time on their hands (and maybe no friends to spend that time with)), then that is highly likely. Clearly, a 6K session bankroll is hardly sufficient if you're playing 300-400 dlrs per hand REGULARLY. I ALWAYS recommend a minimum 50 times AVERAGE bet for any table game...

Now I know there are some in this forum who like to misquote out of context from my blog, but here's an article which says what I say above:

http://beatthecasinos.blogspot.com/2008/02/coping-with-losing-gambling-sessions.html (Archive copy)

That is my response.
I did NOT misquote you and I did NOT suggest a 1-16 spread. You suggested a $25 min bet given a large spread. I took this from your post in this thread. To wit:

davidpom said:
By the way, that 6K bankroll is impressive. I'd be inclined to sit on a $25 min table though to get the sort of spreads you mention with some certainty of coming out ok in the end. With high spreads you could be putting in 300-400 dlrs per hand.
I repeat, this would give you a 62% RoR.

Now you are suggesting a 1-8 spread. That drops your RoR to 61%. You simply should not be betting this much with a $6K bankroll at an 8 deck table.

And please, let us dispense with comments like "brain dead," and "some appear to have too much time on their hands (and maybe no friends to spend that time with)...." This is not useful.


Thanks for the feedback.

I agree comments like "brain dead" etc are not useful - but I'm a bit sick of having some guy who clearly thinks he's a God poking sticks at me all the time and taking my posts out of context. That's the online equivalent of bullying, and I won't tolerate it. These same people reply to themselves over and over and over in a thread with no other posts in between - the online equivalent of "talking to yourself".

If they're THAT DESPERATE to get some recognition, why not just go on a TV game show or something?

When the bullying stops, my posts will also be considerate of others.

We're all players, we're all entitled to an opinion.

Heck, in the US right now you've got a weak dollar, crime on the up, and houses floating down the river in the midwest by the dozen. Why anyone is concerned enough about blackjack to be bullying others online at a time like this is beyond me.