Zen betting schedule


Well-Known Member
davidpom said:
Thanks for the feedback.

I agree comments like "brain dead" etc are not useful - but I'm a bit sick of having some guy who clearly thinks he's a God poking sticks at me all the time and taking my posts out of context. That's the online equivalent of bullying, and I won't tolerate it. These same people reply to themselves over and over and over in a thread with no other posts in between - the online equivalent of "talking to yourself".

If they're THAT DESPERATE to get some recognition, why not just go on a TV game show or something?

When the bullying stops, my posts will also be considerate of others.

We're all players, we're all entitled to an opinion.

Heck, in the US right now you've got a weak dollar, crime on the up, and houses floating down the river in the midwest by the dozen. Why anyone is concerned enough about blackjack to be bullying others online at a time like this is beyond me.

I think the reason people are flaming you is because your opinion on a reasonable spread (among other things) you present as a good idea -- When in reality using a spread like that is a terrible idea... They are showing you why you're opinion may not be as valid as theirs.


Unshake said:
I think the reason people are flaming you is because your opinion on a reasonable spread (among other things) you present as a good idea -- When in reality using a spread like that is a terrible idea... They are showing you why you're opinion may not be as valid as theirs.
David, jump right in here and clarify your opinion on proper ZEN betting schedule.

Don;t mind 'ol QFIT - he's a bloody egghead, he is.

You ARE entitled to your opinion, as long as its in the correct forum.

C'mon mate - give it the 'ol zip-a-dee-doo-dah! zg
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zengrifter said:
David, jump right in here and clarify your opinion on proper ZEN betting schedule.

Don;t mind 'ol QFIT - he's a bloody egghead, he is.

You ARE entitled to your opinion, as long as its in the correct forum.

C'mon mate - give it the 'ol zip-a-dee-doo-dah! zg
Thank you for the invite. I'll officially decline however, because whatever I say is bound to be taken out of context and / or ridiculed by others.

If you want serious discussion on these matters, feel free to PM me.


Well-Known Member
davidpom said:
Thank you for the invite. I'll officially decline however, because whatever I say is bound to be taken out of context and / or ridiculed by others.

If you want serious discussion on these matters, feel free to PM me.
What about your Zen betting schedule was taken out of context? I think you'd be less ridiculed if you admitted that your betting schedule (and quite a bit of your advice/blog) is misleading at best.


Unshake said:
What about your Zen betting schedule was taken out of context? I think you'd be less ridiculed if you admitted that your betting schedule (and quite a bit of your advice/blog) is misleading at best.
My blog represents my personal opinions and thoughts only, and I'm not bothered whether you feel the advice is good or bad. The thoughts are mine alone, it's my blog, and under freedom of speech laws I'm entitled to say what I feel. The site has a full disclaimer attached. You can visit the blog or not, you can follow the ideas / thoughts or not. That's your choice.

I'm happy to "admit" that some of my betting thoughts in this forum could well be wrong - I've never claimed to be perfect, but there's certainly been no intent to mislead. I've said many times that I'm here to learn also. But I have suffered from people misquoting and I'm just sick of it frankly. Again, your views may differ. That's fine.


davidpom said:
I'm happy to "admit" that some of my betting thoughts in this forum could well be wrong - I've never claimed to be perfect, but there's certainly been no intent to mislead. I've said many times that I'm here to learn also. But I have suffered from people misquoting and I'm just sick of it frankly. Again, your views may differ. That's fine.
IF you are not a bona fide card counter, thats okay, we misunderstood. IF you are, then simply clarify in this thread your original answer.

Also, IF you are not bona fide, please do not offer advice in the Counter or Advanced Strategies forums. The rest of the place is yours to wander and post freely... ESPECIALLY the VOODOO zone (hint).

Thanks and WELCOME to BJINFO. zg


Active Member
davidpom said:
I'm happy to "admit" that some of my betting thoughts in this forum could well be wrong - I've never claimed to be perfect, but there's certainly been no intent to mislead. I've said many times that I'm here to learn also. But I have suffered from people misquoting and I'm just sick of it frankly. Again, your views may differ. That's fine.
I'm a little confused about where in this thread you were misquoted?

You advised to spread 25-300/400 on an 8 decker with a 6k roll. Somebody questioned that advise. Somebody else ran a sim showing 66.2% RoR vs doubling. Then they asked you to explain yourself multiple times.

I assume you thought dough boi would be comfortable with over 60% RoR? If not you wouldn't have advised him.


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
IF you are not a bona fide card counter, thats okay, we misunderstood. IF you are, then simply clarify in this thread your original answer.

Also, IF you are not bona fide, please do not offer advice in the Counter or Advanced Strategies forums. The rest of the place is yours to wander and post freely... ESPECIALLY the VOODOO zone (hint).

Thanks and WELCOME to BJINFO. zg
see? i told you (somewhere in the general section) that ZG would welcome you with open arms on US soil.

clarify your skill status (newb or experienced counter, basic strategy player, etc), and let's move on.


Well-Known Member
RG1 said:
I'm a little confused about where in this thread you were misquoted?
You advised to spread 25-300/400 on an 8 decker with a 6k roll. Somebody questioned that advise. Somebody else ran a sim showing 66.2% RoR vs doubling.
You know I'm only jumping in here because I don't think any of us is perfect and I just don't see why anyone has to be so hard on anyone.

It's not like I agree with alot of what David says but, just to be fair, this is my take as far as misquoting goes.

I think QFIT's oririginal ROR of around 66% was a lifetime ROR. That's my guess and I don't know the Zen count or whatever count was being used. Someone asked if that was a lifetime ROR or ROR vs doubling. ZG responded that it was ROR vs doubling (bank of $6K I assume).

It just doesn't seem reasonable to me that 66% could be an ROR vs doubling original bank. I'd guess a spread like that would have more like a 60% of succeeding and doubling bank before losing it trying. Heck maybe a 75%ish chance of winning $3K before losing it all.

If I'm misquoting you ZG, apologies in advance, but, if I'm not, I'm wondering what made you, or anyone, think it's an ROR vs doubling bank? If so, what do you think the lifetime ROR was?

Maybe QFIT/anyone could confirm both/either ROR's based on original $6Kroll, $25 unit, spreading 1-16 in play-all for the 6.5/8 game in question.

Looking forward to being bashed by all lol.


Kasi said:
I think QFIT's oririginal ROR of around 66% was a lifetime ROR. That's my guess and I don't know the Zen count or whatever count was being used. Someone asked if that was a lifetime ROR or ROR vs doubling. ZG responded that it was ROR vs doubling (bank of $6K I assume).

It just doesn't seem reasonable to me that 66% could be an ROR vs doubling original bank. I'd guess a spread like that would have more like a 60% of succeeding and doubling bank before losing it trying. Heck maybe a 75%ish chance of winning $3K before losing it all.

If I'm misquoting you ZG, apologies in advance, but, if I'm not, I'm wondering what made you, or anyone, think it's an ROR vs doubling bank? If so, what do you think the lifetime ROR was?

Maybe QFIT/anyone could confirm both/either ROR's based on original $6Kroll, $25 unit, spreading 1-16 in play-all for the 6.5/8 game in question.

Looking forward to being bashed by all lol.
Someone bash this kid, please. zg


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
bull cr@p he likes that stuff!QUOTE]

I was only objecting to the being called a kid part :)

OK - I also do confess to a little disappointment in that I really thought ZG could do his own bashing without resorting to sub-contracting it out to "someone" or discriminate against me based on my age :grin:

Aside from all that, really just designed anyway to see what whoever might think about whether that spread that QFIT analyzed was indeed a lifetime ROR or not and/or also whether the chances of doubling that original $6K roll before losing it all, assuming play with no time limit but stopping at either doubling roll or no more money, whichever comes first, actually has a very high chance of succeeding - like maybe 3 out of 5 or so.

And I thought it was ZG who first associated QFIT's ROR % as being versus doubling roll and, if so, what made him think that.

Then, hopefully, eventually I'll figure out where I went wrong and can self-flagellate myself appropriately lol.


Kasi said:
sagefr0g said:
bull cr@p he likes that stuff!QUOTE]

I was only objecting to the being called a kid part :)

OK - I also do confess to a little disappointment in that I really thought ZG could do his own bashing without resorting to sub-contracting it out to "someone" or discriminate against me based on my age :grin:

Aside from all that, really just designed anyway to see what whoever might think about whether that spread that QFIT analyzed was indeed a lifetime ROR or not and/or also whether the chances of doubling that original $6K roll before losing it all, assuming play with no time limit but stopping at either doubling roll or no more money, whichever comes first, actually has a very high chance of succeeding - like maybe 3 out of 5 or so.

And I thought it was ZG who first associated QFIT's ROR % as being versus doubling roll and, if so, what made him think that.

Then, hopefully, eventually I'll figure out where I went wrong and can self-flagellate myself appropriately lol.
I think it was 60% RoR NOT lifetime. Okay, now bash me. zg


Well-Known Member
zengrifter said:
Kasi said:
I think it was 60% RoR NOT lifetime. Okay, now bash me. zg
Now I see, since you asked that, like I did, why before you had to have "someone else" do it - now I realize I too can only be on the bashee, not basher, end myself. :grin:

Just got a vision of hell for us - there we are forever with something sitting between us to bash with but no one to swing it.

My solution is someone who knows more than I do anyway, like Sonny or QFIT, resolve whether this 60ish% is a lifetime ROR or an ROR of going bust before doubling roll. I keep getting this fairly high success rate of doubling roll, mostly with alot of assumptions, as illogical as that might seem.

Then they can bash away at at least one of us lol.


First of all, I'd like to thank you all for the input towards this discussion. I've learned a lot and it was much appreciated. Now on to an update on my progress so far. I've managed to build a bank roll of 15k and been playing playing with the following spread:
+1 $5
+2 $25
+3 $50
+4 $75
+5 $100
+6 $125

There is only $5 tables in the early afternoon which soon get changed to $15+ min so I have to play all. However, what I've been doing is getting up from the table for 15 min at a time and back counting other shoes and betting 50 at tc 2, 75 at tc 3, 100 and tc 4 and above. Then I'd return to my grandfathered 5 dollar table. I've been extremely lucky and up about 4.4k in 25 hours of play.

I did deviate from this strategy once when I wonged in at TC +2 for 50, 100 for TC of 3, and 150 for TC of 4 or above. I played for $25 on TC of +1 and left the table if it went below that. In a 4 hour session, I was up $2900! It was a great feeling, however I thought about it and it seems my ROR is way too high! If i lost the $2900 instead of winning it, i would have lost 20% of my bankroll in 1 session, which make a huge dent.

I am curious as to what my risk of ruin for both strategies with my 15k bank roll and what my hourly expectation would be. any input would be greatly appreciated again.


dough_boi said:
First of all, I'd like to thank you all for the input towards this discussion. I've learned a lot and it was much appreciated. Now on to an update on my progress so far. I've managed to build a bank roll of 15k and been playing playing with the following spread:
+1 $5
+2 $25
+3 $50
+4 $75
+5 $100
+6 $125

There is only $5 tables in the early afternoon which soon get changed to $15+ min so I have to play all. However, what I've been doing is getting up from the table for 15 min at a time and back counting other shoes and betting 50 at tc 2, 75 at tc 3, 100 and tc 4 and above. Then I'd return to my grandfathered 5 dollar table. I've been extremely lucky and up about 4.4k in 25 hours of play.

I did deviate from this strategy once when I wonged in at TC +2 for 50, 100 for TC of 3, and 150 for TC of 4 or above. I played for $25 on TC of +1 and left the table if it went below that. In a 4 hour session, I was up $2900! It was a great feeling, however I thought about it and it seems my ROR is way too high! If i lost the $2900 instead of winning it, i would have lost 20% of my bankroll in 1 session, which make a huge dent.

I am curious as to what my risk of ruin for both strategies with my 15k bank roll and what my hourly expectation would be. any input would be greatly appreciated again.
Someone run his ROR if anyone is inclined, but here's my mod based on limited info (I'm thinking this is play-all?) -
-0 $5
+1 $10
+2 $10-10
+3 $20-20
+4 $40-40
+5 $60-60
+6 $80-80