QFIT said:
You are incorrect. Very few posts are moderated.
It is illegal to use fraud in an attempt to destroy a US corporation.
Not slightly correct.
You do not know the history. The Fight Club was specifically designed to destroy other forums and in particular businesses held by people that BJF did not like. The very first post attacked four other BJ forum managers. On both the Fight Club and main pages, astounding libelous statements were made on a continuous basis, and the victims of this fraud were and are barred from responding. Most of the posts were by one person using numerous aliases. She even used names of known experts as aliases. Do not be fooled into thinking the posts are from the people claimed.
Clearly incorrect as ZG is barred, and I think AM is also barred. Cyrus was actually barred for claiming that people are barred. I am also barred, although Stalker and others have stated, over and over, that I am not barred but somehow chicken to respond. There have even been posts using my name that I didn't make. Only, I can't post they weren't from me. As for truth, you have been taken in. I have been accused of numerous felonies all of which have not one scintilla of truth. In an attempt to destroy CV, it was posted, multiple times, that if you buy CV I will turn you into the casinos. The concept is ludicrous. It was posted that if you even read advantageplayer.com, then you will be tracked down and robbed. There are dozens of claims that I said things that I've never said or thought. And again, the victims are not allowed to respond. I am saddened by the fact that anyone would defend this blot on the AP world. It is an embarrassment to us all.
Yes, that last paragraph and what you stated is so ridiculous and outrageous that it had me laughing out loud. Not at you but at their antics, everyone with a brain saw what they were doing, looked upon them as the 3 Stooges, and laughed their asses off.
I can tell you no one took their antics as fact, but simply Frat House shennanigans. Of course some people fear buying your software and then being outed at some time in the future, I have heard that from many players, just a healthy bit of paranoia.
Truth, yes, there was some truth thrown in, do not discount it entirely,,,after all maybe you did need a new hair style:laugh:
I will say that at times the politics page at BJ21 looks just like the fight club.
Q, you have done a great job with your software and you should be proud. I have recently referred to you and your software as "God Norm and his Holy Sacrament".
Norm, I think you need to relax, lighten up and laugh alot more, you are way to serious.

AS to
Parker and the other site, as you have said the Fight Club is dead and all true AP's have left, the same can be said for
Parkers site,,,even DS jumped ship, that is so evident.