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did you ever wonder what luck was?
i did maybe once when i was a child. but i'm not really sure. just would have to assume i did since i guess i have some concept of what luck is. not sure if i ever looked up the definition of luck either. so but here are some definitons from one source:
–noun 1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
2. good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance: He had no luck finding work.
3. a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person: She's had nothing but bad luck all year.
4. some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend: This rabbit's foot is my luck.
—Verb phrasesInformal. 5. luck into or onto, to meet, acquire, become, etc., by good luck: She lucked into a great job.
6. luck out, to have an instance or run of exceptionally good luck: He lucked out when he made a hole in one during the tournament.
7. luck upon, to come across by chance: to luck upon a profitable investment.
—Idioms8. down on one's luck, in unfortunate circumstances; unlucky: She hated to see her old friend so down on her luck.
9. in luck, lucky; fortunate: We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.
10. luck of the draw, the luck one has in or as if in drawing cards.
11. out of luck, unlucky; unfortunate: When it comes to getting World Series tickets, we're usually out of luck.
12. push one's luck, Informal. to try to make too much of an opportunity; go too far. Also, crowd one's luck.
so i guess we know you might get lots of different ways to define luck from various sources. so but maybe this one will do.
so but why bother? after all we all know what luck is right?
well maybe not me since of late with my obsessive interest in gambling and investing and all the question of luck has become a point of interest and in my case a good bit of confusion.
so but of late i've actually been trying to think about the subject of luck. not much lol, not enough to get a headacke. but enough to maybe think luck is vastly more complicated than one might think at first blush just going about ones daily activities. but still why bother? for me now it's just a natural confluence of my interest in gambling and investing but invigorated by a kind of a wake up call mentally when i stumbled upon the book The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb.
now there is a guy who's obsessed with luck and has been so ever since a young age.
so but anyway it's an interesting subject and suprisingly perhaps not even applicable to casino's! the thing for me about luck, real luck not standard deviation, not making your expectation but the prospect of fortune is the question of can it be realized in a casino. it's always been an interest of mine ever since learning some things about advantage play that the process is so robotic and lends no room for judgement, thought or wisdom. a computer which experts say isn't even as intelligent as a grasshopper can perform advantage play flawlessly. but when it comes to luck, really luck a computer is clueless and so are probably most of us. but well if you believe Taleb wisdom has it's place.
i did maybe once when i was a child. but i'm not really sure. just would have to assume i did since i guess i have some concept of what luck is. not sure if i ever looked up the definition of luck either. so but here are some definitons from one source:
–noun 1. the force that seems to operate for good or ill in a person's life, as in shaping circumstances, events, or opportunities: With my luck I'll probably get pneumonia.
2. good fortune; advantage or success, considered as the result of chance: He had no luck finding work.
3. a combination of circumstances, events, etc., operating by chance to bring good or ill to a person: She's had nothing but bad luck all year.
4. some object on which good fortune is supposed to depend: This rabbit's foot is my luck.
—Verb phrasesInformal. 5. luck into or onto, to meet, acquire, become, etc., by good luck: She lucked into a great job.
6. luck out, to have an instance or run of exceptionally good luck: He lucked out when he made a hole in one during the tournament.
7. luck upon, to come across by chance: to luck upon a profitable investment.
—Idioms8. down on one's luck, in unfortunate circumstances; unlucky: She hated to see her old friend so down on her luck.
9. in luck, lucky; fortunate: We were in luck, for the bakery was still open.
10. luck of the draw, the luck one has in or as if in drawing cards.
11. out of luck, unlucky; unfortunate: When it comes to getting World Series tickets, we're usually out of luck.
12. push one's luck, Informal. to try to make too much of an opportunity; go too far. Also, crowd one's luck.
so i guess we know you might get lots of different ways to define luck from various sources. so but maybe this one will do.
so but why bother? after all we all know what luck is right?
well maybe not me since of late with my obsessive interest in gambling and investing and all the question of luck has become a point of interest and in my case a good bit of confusion.
so but of late i've actually been trying to think about the subject of luck. not much lol, not enough to get a headacke. but enough to maybe think luck is vastly more complicated than one might think at first blush just going about ones daily activities. but still why bother? for me now it's just a natural confluence of my interest in gambling and investing but invigorated by a kind of a wake up call mentally when i stumbled upon the book The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb.
now there is a guy who's obsessed with luck and has been so ever since a young age.
so but anyway it's an interesting subject and suprisingly perhaps not even applicable to casino's! the thing for me about luck, real luck not standard deviation, not making your expectation but the prospect of fortune is the question of can it be realized in a casino. it's always been an interest of mine ever since learning some things about advantage play that the process is so robotic and lends no room for judgement, thought or wisdom. a computer which experts say isn't even as intelligent as a grasshopper can perform advantage play flawlessly. but when it comes to luck, really luck a computer is clueless and so are probably most of us. but well if you believe Taleb wisdom has it's place.
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