Learning Precognition in stages


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I've never found the internet tests for precognition very helpful for predicting the outcome of the next card to be drawn. Those that test for Precog with cards shapes anyway.

Oddly the one that I've found helpful is our friendly "Strategy Trainer" right here on Blackjackinfo.

Analysis: A random card on an internet test doesn't rally any genuine feeling or interest in my mind. However the idea of "Should I hit my stiff sixteen against dealers ten"? DOES put some emphasis in my brain and feelings. I've found this important.

If we subscribe to the idea that ESP does exist then we ought to analyze it's purpose. Am I to learn or be given precognitive (or other) sensory abilities just for the purpose of accurately predicting a random card on some web site? Or is there a higher purpose of ESP that might not expose itself for the trite purpose of predicting the deal of random cards?

In other words it is my feeling that a blackjack trainer MAY rise to the sufficient level of importance to accurately predict the next card while a random test does not.

This brings up another idea: Does the game of blackjack even rise to the level of criteria necessary to stimulate precognitive powers in a human mind? Or: Does the idea of making money, maybe even a lot of money (through card playing) fit into my primary objective in life?

Because if the answer is no then maybe I ought to go fishing up at Clearlake instead of hitting Twin Pines Casino this coming December.

At any rate I have found that blackjack DOES rise to the level of importance enough to suggest that ESP can show it's head and help my game.

What I do:

First of all I use common sense most of the time. If it is a negative 8 running count I do not wager a hundred dollars. Not unless some profound thought suggests that I do. That is kinda rare. Generally I will follow basic strategy but will make various changes. Mostly on hitting stiff hands against a strong dealer up card.

On more rare occasions I may hit my 17 or 18, but this is uncommon.

What matters to me is not always if I improve my hand but what the dealer ends up with had I NOT hit the hand. That said, the place I notice precognitive powers the most is on hitting a hard 17! I have been very fortunate in my trial test decisions of whether to hit a hard 17 or not. Only busting a minority of the time and even then against a dealer hand that my 17 wouldn't have beaten anyway!

Yet if I hit my hard 17, get a 3 and but the dealer still wins at 21? Well I don't count that as a positive necessarily. Maybe the 3 that I got would have stiffened the dealer's hand and caused her to go bust. So the smart move would have been just to stand.

So I play the single deck version in similar mode as the local games: No DAS, H17.

I try to maintain an alert but relaxed state while considering the cards. Again, most of the time I'm following basic strategy and some general indices. I may hit my twelve against dealers up card of six so long as the count is very low. And I may ask for a little help from the unconscious too.

So I LISTEN to that voice. Generally it comes in the form of a "voice". A tone similar to my late dear brother. So it is a very comforting sound. If I hear another voice I dispute it and either follow basic strategy or wait to I hear a more familiar tone.

Other times in life when I'm pondering a question of basic concern, like "What should i do about my family"? I wait to hear another voice: The one of my recently deceased best friend. Her calm strength seems to predict the better choice.

What are my results with the basic strategy trainer? Good but i can't prove it. ESP is always hard for me to prove in a clinical setting. Difficult in ANY setting actually. I need to be focused and relaxed. It is difficult to maintain this state while alternately recording data of whether it was helpful to hit that stiff. Or to note whether to bet two hundred in a more marginal advantage or not.

That said, it is possible to still lose in a given deck even with a fairly focused Precognitive ability. Precog does not control the shuffle. Controlling the shuffle would be telekinesis and I do not know of any real cases of that. I believe that this may exist but have no evidence, either personal or otherwise that suggest it is something I could expect to attain. At best we are trying to achieve something similar to that of hole card advantage.

And you can lose with a hole card advantage! Not in the long run but negative variance can show its head there too.

But my feelings is that Precognition works and could be a very useful area of development. Both in cards and life.

Especially life!

Edited: Just played the trainer this past minute and hit a hard 17 to give me a twenty one! Dealer would have drawn a 20 herself otherwise. instead "she" busted. It's a good feeling.


Well-Known Member
The more I read your different post, the more I wonder why any casino would possibly barr you. I would think they would say "you are welcome to play any game, especially blackjack, promoting the pit critter that can get you to play more :laugh:

I apoligize if this comes across as a personal attack or being critical of you. It really is not meant that way. Despite your humorous name, you appear somewhat intelligent, and I think you comprehend the concept of counting cards to play with an advantage, yet that doesn't seem satisfactory to you. You seem to want to do everything within your power to not play with an advantage in an attempt to find some magical formula for greater success that just does not exist. Either that or perhaps your posts are all made in jest and the humor of them is lost on me. At any rate, I wish you the best of ugh...LUCK, since you refuse to use the mathematics to your advantage.


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
The more I read your different post, the more I wonder why any casino would possibly barr you. I would think they would say "you are welcome to play any game, especially blackjack, promoting the pit critter that can get you to play more :laugh:

I apoligize if this comes across as a personal attack or being critical of you. It really is not meant that way. Despite your humorous name, you appear somewhat intelligent, and I think you comprehend the concept of counting cards to play with an advantage, yet that doesn't seem satisfactory to you. You seem to want to do everything within your power to not play with an advantage in an attempt to find some magical formula for greater success that just does not exist. Either that or perhaps your posts are all made in jest and the humor of them is lost on me. At any rate, I wish you the best of ugh...LUCK, since you refuse to use the mathematics to your advantage.
Why don't you try re-reading the original post and comment on the aspects of precognition I mentioned? Either comment, dispute or address them for additional explanation.

This is, after all the "Voodoo" forum. I'm not the first person in the world to suggest that ESP is a valid ability. So it would seem more than reasonable to discuss this subject under the above forum heading.

If you are looking merely to denounce all forms of ESP then why the heck would you even tread here in this forum? I don't go to the Catholic Church to promote Planned Parenthood. A waste of time.

If you were to take the time to address my topic you might note these matters:

1. The areas where I'm more likely to try and employ ESP are in those marginal areas of basic strategy. Like hitting a sixteen or fifteen against a powerful dealer up card (7 or higher). If one could produce a strong precognitive ability to take the best action here it would be an enormous advantage! All said and done there isn't a huge loss associated with the decision to occasionally not hit a sixteen against a strong dealer up card.

2. I have taken the time to describe a positive thought pattern in recognizing thoughts that can help accurately predict future outcomes. You don't have to believe me but it wouldn't do you any harm if you did.

Lastly: I have chosen my screen name as it is my cover act to appear drunk and Irish. in fact i don't drink at all though may put a little beer on my breath to appear like the typical gambling loser. It also makes it easier to hit on female cocktail waitresses. I've not dated a dealer yet though. Maybe in time.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
If you can demonstrate a valid precog ability, you can make much more money from the Randi Foundation:


If you'd rather pursue blackjack than a $1m prize, clearly, you are not2brite, or you really don't believe in this precog nonsense.
I have to ask WHY people like you would post upon a "Voodoo Strategy" forum? If you want to dismiss the matter fine but this topic is not designed for YOU.

Might as well go diss Barbie and Mattel Toys if you want.

I would not waste time discussing the values of Atheism to the Catholic Conference. Nor spirituality at the Agnostic forum.

This subject is NOT for you. Find a forum where you can contribute. This isn't your channel.


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
I have to ask WHY people like you would post upon a "Voodoo Strategy" forum? If you want to dismiss the matter fine but this topic is not designed for YOU.

Might as well go diss Barbie and Mattel Toys if you want.

I would not waste time discussing the values of Atheism to the Catholic Conference. Nor spirituality at the Agnostic forum.

So what we see is a near insane response from our typical trollers:

This subject is NOT for you. Find a forum where you can contribute. This isn't your channel.

Stupid?? insane responses from typical trollers?

Why do you need to resort to name calling? :confused: Perhaps, you should re-read Ken's posting guideline #3 Be nice. Reasonable people can disagree, but make an effort to be civil.


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
Do you actually believe in precognition?
Yes. Will get to your reply in moment.

First of all let me apologize for the remark of "stupid". Words like that are not helpful and can cause resentment. The opposite of my intentions. I will edit the post in a minute.

In my defense I didn't actually call the person by that name but referenced the idea in that fashion. Acceptable on most forums as it didn't involve a personal attack per se. It was an attempt to attack the post NOT the person though the dividing line may be thin.

All said: WHY would anyone diss an ESP related post in a "Voodoo" forum? This forum is for discussion of card playing techniques which fall outside mathematical systems.

But to Johndoe's question:

If you doubt the reality of ESP then do this simple task: Go to a decent church or synagogue for about six weeks. It doesn't much matter where or what denomination you go to just do it. Although you might want to avoid all the whack jobs who handle venomous snakes and preach fire & brimstone. Use common sense.

Then while attending these services sing all the hymms and read all the prayers etc. Get to know the spiritual leader(s) and the people. Also: Participate in various church functions/goodwill benefits.

At the end of this six seek period I can almost guarantee that some kind of consciousness awareness will result.

THAT is a form of ESP.

OK so what have I done here? Suggested some concrete steps that nearly guarantee an increase your personal metaphysical awareness. Any problem with that? What's the big deal?

OK now simply re-categorize the terms and attempt to apply ESP principles to card prediction:

1. Is it possible that card prediction is of VALUE to your spiritual life? Because if the answer is no you'd be better served by going bowling or cleaning the garage.

2. Illustrate some techniques to help that feeble ability to grow and become reliable.

A number one: Use common sense: Don't apply precognitive dimensions to foolish risks like splitting fives against dealer's ten up card. That's just unwise. Then gradually use positive energy to form and reform a predictive voice that will illustrate a better choice of choosing whether to hit, stand or double your dealt hand. I have developed a voice that explains these matters but if ESP comes to you in a vision then so be it. Take your pick. Sometimes I get a vision in other matters. Like predicting some package that will arrive in the mail. However for the most part my precog ability is aural.

Meanwhile keeping counting and figuring the best strategic move but also try and develop that inner voice.

Later gravitate to bet size selection.

And don't get discouraged! There are many factors involved with precognitive card playing. It takes a strong sense of standard card play plus the ability to calmly focus.
johndoe said:
If you can demonstrate a valid precog ability, you can make much more money from the Randi Foundation:


If you'd rather pursue blackjack than a $1m prize, clearly, you are not2brite, or you really don't believe in this precog nonsense.
I don't consider Randi to be a valid test of precog or any paranormal ability. If you really did have precog, $1M would be diddly-squat compared to what you would be able to make in other ways without having to go public with your ability.

Precognition may be possible being causality takes place on a time axis that is probably illusory anyway. Once we learned that the presence of an observer can affect results all bets are off about cause needing to precede effect. I'd love to do this kind of research but I can guarantee you I won't be doing it in a casino!

Hey, speaking of observers, maybe cheating is more accurately defined as "reversing causality relative to an observer." I mean, if time is illusory, then it doesn't really matter if I put chips down before or after I see my cards, right? And if nobody who works for the casino saw it, then there was no observer external to the action thus it didn't actually happen relative to their frame of reference. Maybe I can do this experiment in a casino after all- instead of giving myself precognition I'll resort to postcognition and place the bet after seeing the cards rather than trying to see the cards before placing the bet. :joker:


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
If you doubt the reality of ESP then do this simple task: Go to a decent church or synagogue for about six weeks. It doesn't much matter where or what denomination you go to just do it. Although you might want to avoid all the whack jobs who handle venomous snakes and preach fire & brimstone. Use common sense.

I do use common sense. And common sense tells me you can't predict what the next card is going to be simply because you believe you have some mystical ability.


Well-Known Member
1357111317 said:
I do use common sense. And common sense tells me you can't predict what the next card is going to be simply because you believe you have some mystical ability.
Fine. That's a starting place. Let me ask you this:

Have you ever had a feeling that someone you hadn't seen in years was trying to reach you? And then soon after you got a call from them?

You start small and work upwards. You don't need to throw out all your skepticism but being completely filled with it prior to examination won't do you any good either.

There are techniques for building this. While it is a field often filled with fraud we shouldn't let this blind us prior to examination. The reason there are signs for the psychic clinic isn't because people can't automatically comprehend where the exhibit is but because everyone has a VARYING degree of ESP. Even those that pretend to shut themselves off from the idea do too.


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Fine. That's a starting place. Let me ask you this:

Have you ever had a feeling that someone you hadn't seen in years was trying to reach you? And then soon after you got a call from them?

You start small and work upwards. You don't need to throw out all your skepticism but being completely filled with it prior to examination won't do you any good either.

There are techniques for building this. While it is a field often filled with fraud we shouldn't let this blind us prior to examination. The reason there are signs for the psychic clinic isn't because people can't automatically comprehend where the exhibit is but because everyone has a VARYING degree of ESP. Even those that pretend to shut themselves off from the idea do too.
OMG!! I knew you were going to say that!! :eek::laugh:


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Yes. Will get to your reply in moment.

First of all let me apologize for the remark of "stupid". Words like that are not helpful and can cause resentment. The opposite of my intentions. I will edit the post in a minute.

If you have such great precognitive abilities how could you not see that your post was going to offend others?

If you doubt the reality of ESP then do this simple task: Go to a decent church or synagogue for about six weeks. It doesn't much matter where or what denomination you go to just do it. Although you might want to avoid all the whack jobs who handle venomous snakes and preach fire & brimstone. Use common sense.

Then while attending these services sing all the hymms and read all the prayers etc. Get to know the spiritual leader(s) and the people. Also: Participate in various church functions/goodwill benefits.

At the end of this six seek period I can almost guarantee that some kind of consciousness awareness will result.

THAT is a form of ESP.

Huh? What does "I can almost guarantee" mean? It means nothing to me. Everyone has different experiences. Consciousness awareness is a rather vague term, which again means nothing to me. I've attended church and church functions for most of my life. The only consciousness/awareness I received was that I was wasting my time when I could be doing something else. Not that there's anything wrong with those who do like to attend church and church functions-it just wasn't for me.

OK so what have I done here? Suggested some concrete steps that nearly guarantee an increase your personal metaphysical awareness. Any problem with that? What's the big deal?

What you've suggested does no such thing. You haven't given any proof or any kind of credibility to your misguided/illogical blurb. You're using the old "it's this way because I say it is argument."

OK now simply re-categorize the terms and attempt to apply ESP principles to card prediction:

1. Is it possible that card prediction is of VALUE to your spiritual life? Because if the answer is no you'd be better served by going bowling or cleaning the garage.

Strange, but using your church example above, I don't know of any church/denomination, etc that would consider gambling to be of any value to your spiritual life. In fact many churches may well ex-communicate you if you even mention gambling in any positive vein, much less acknowledge being a participant.

And what do you have against bowling? Here's where one's precognitive skills can really come into play. For instance I can tell with great regularity when the ball is less than halfway down the lane and when I didn't quite roll the ball correctly that I'm going to leave a soft 10-pin. I know with a great degree of regularity when I do roll the ball properly that I'm going to get a strike before the ball gets anywhere near the pins. I can even predict with a great degree of regularity that when my opponent is hot I'm going to get my ass kicked.

2. Illustrate some techniques to help that feeble ability to grow and become reliable.
Once again, you've done no such thing.

A number one: Use common sense: Don't apply precognitive dimensions to foolish risks like splitting fives against dealer's ten up card. That's just unwise.
Now wait just a minute! If you really have such precognitive abilities you could use splitting fives and other "foolish" moves very well to your advantage! Not only that, you've already admitted to sometimes making foolish moves like hitting hard 17 or 18.
Let me tell you something. I once was able to successfully guess where a random card was in a deck 55 out of 60 times including 27 times in a row! Now that has to be more than coincidence or luck but I've never been able to duplicate anywhere near those results since. And I've never been able to apply that ability to predicting what the next card would be in a game of blackjack, nor do I believe for a moment that anyone else can. And even if you could do so, I don't see where it would be that much benefit unless you also have the ability to use telekinesis to physically change the card or cards that are coming up. Even if you know what cards are coming up you're going to be faced with the situation of "damned if I hit, damned if I don't" much of the time.


Well-Known Member
And last night I left a 7-10 split. For some reason I was pretty certain I was going to pick it up and nearly said aloud that I was going to make it, but I remained silent and did indeed pick it up. The last time I picked it up I called it. Of course there's been a few times that I've called it and not picked it up...and then you just look stupid.


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Let me tell you something. I once was able to successfully guess where a random card was in a deck 55 out of 60 times including 27 times in a row! Now that has to be more than coincidence or luck but I've never been able to duplicate anywhere near those results since. And I've never been able to apply that ability to predicting what the next card would be in a game of blackjack, nor do I believe for a moment that anyone else can. And even if you could do so, I don't see where it would be that much benefit unless you also have the ability to use telekinesis to physically change the card or cards that are coming up. Even if you know what cards are coming up you're going to be faced with the situation of "damned if I hit, damned if I don't" much of the time.
Sounds to me like a fairly typical response to an incidence of ESP:

Initially you had a strong positive effect. Later it dimmed and afterwards stopped working at all and so you gave up. Even going into denial that it happened at all in the first place.

This is specifically WHY I wrote the thread: To point our that ESP is a legitimate skill that everyone has. Something that needs to be practiced with a positive attitude over a period of time.

I even mentioned a few steps that work for me.

There are some good books on the matter however the one I learned on is out of print. Can't even remember the author! It involved meditation and relaxed focus.

Here is one that seems intriguing and I intend to buy:

All Pets Go to Heaven: The Spiritual Lives of the Animals We Love



Well-Known Member
Interesting advice and thoughts here: http://www.silvacourses.com/research/develop___utilize_precognitive_abilities.htm

An example of getting precognition information is the sudden thought that comes to an automobile driver to take a side road rather than the usual straight and shorter highway. The thought is not heeded, and later on down the highway, the motorist runs into a traffic tie-up.
In the book My Darling Clementine, Sir Winston Churchill is reported to have "gotten a feeling" that caused him to sit on the side of the car that he never uses. Later on during the auto trip, as the auto was speeding down the road, a bomb exploded, causing the auto to rise up on two side wheels. But due to Churchill's weight, the auto did not turn over but righted itself. Had Churchill not heeded the information that came to him, he would probably have been killed.
The executives that we studied not only had to be able to recognize the format of precognition information, they had to be prepared to get it any time. For them, this was not an ability that could be controlled to the extent that it could be turned on and off at will.
Next, the user of precognition information has to have the faith and "guts" to use it. It is necessary to accept the existence of the phenomenon, whether or not the user knows how or why it happens.
Finally, the "practice makes perfect" rule is invoked. The intuitive decision maker has to build up the habit of using precognition information. It's like oiling a machine until it runs free, or like practicing driving an auto until the routine and reactions become automatic.
Each decision maker has to test the existence of precognition for himself with an open, positive, mental attitude.
If you deny its existence, you are in effect repressing it and it will go away.
We tend, out of fear, to resist anything we do not understand. For ESP abilities to function, we have to overcome that resistance. Interestingly, we found in our research that the best results were achieved when resistance was at a minimum.


Well-Known Member

Irish, seriously it's not something a person train themselves to do. You are or you are not that is just that.Men who stare at decks are not that different then those who stare at goats. I'm being serious with you because it doesn't happen all the time to some and almost never to the greater majority of people. Women have an intution which I have learned to trust because of their uncanny ability to read people and situations that most men blow off. This Randi fella with his 1mil challlenge is not quite right and seems more intent on defrocking people's abilities than proving anything. Case in point since there are mediams that can and do solve crimes with presiscion that are amazing.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
Irish, seriously it's not something a person train themselves to do. You are or you are not that is just that.Men who stare at decks are not that different then those who stare at goats. I'm being serious with you because it doesn't happen all the time to some and almost never to the greater majority of people. Women have an intuition which I have learned to trust because of their uncanny ability to read people and situations that most men blow off. This Randi fella with his 1mil challenge is not quite right and seems more intent on defrocking people's abilities than proving anything. Case in point since there are mediams that can and do solve crimes with presiscion that are amazing.
I'm not trying to dismiss your statement but you have just sort of agreed with the words from the website I pasted. that and my own experience.

You state: "Women have an intuition which I have learned to trust because of their uncanny ability to read people and situations that most men blow off".

OK fine, but WHY? Why do "women" and other "mediums" have this ability that you imply? And if others really do have this isn't it a reasonable matter that others (outside this category) could develop their own latent or potential precognitive abilities?

Whenever I see someone dismiss matters of ESP it is almost always done after previously admitting that it does exist!


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chemical or neurological

We all posses sort instances of the hey wait a minute I was just thinking that moments in our lives.A person has no more chance of developing physic ability than developing a high IQ. This of course is just an oppinion from fellow ap not from a doctor. I myself prefer remote viewing since I have no way of knowing when it will happen. When it does it scares the hell out of me and don't mention it to anyone.:yikes: