Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:You misunderstand my intent and methodology. Like everyone else here I have paid and am still paying some dues at 21. Maybe I have been fortunate in some ways to have not found a whole ton of positive variance early on in the game.
I do not play progression bets (except minor amounts for camouflage). And As mentioned I am still debating the concept of investing my time in precognitive decisions in 21.
In some ways i wrote the post more for the discussion of ESP related matters in general. As such maybe I should have put in in the Zen zone.
At any rate and with what i hope is the last time: My game is fairly sound I think. Play conservatively only raising bets in positive situations. No hokus pokus most all the time. I reserve precognitive ideas for only the most marginal of calls. Like whether to hit my 16 against dealers 8 in a +3 situation. Not a lot of difference in EV regardless of the matter. Almost like a coin toss decision. And so far it seems to shows some promise. In my opinion. Baby steps is all.
And sometimes I will hit a 17 against dealer ten. Rarely but sometimes.
And yet all I see here are cats who blather on about stuff I never even mentioned. I would never put up $100.00 in a low count. Nor do dumb things like split fives or hit eighteens. Silliness.
I'm not really sure why this post has seemingly generated so many blustery and projecting replies. Responses that seem not to be grounded in anything i stated earlier at all.
WTF? i dunno.
Maybe it's because you can't even agree with yourself. Or that you have no documentation for anything you've stated. Don't expect anyone else to base their game on fantasy. Try showing us some facts, scientific research into the phenomenon or at the very least try making posts that don't contradict your previous statements. And playing a hand a certain way because of hearing voices in your hand telling you to do so is not a very sound and proven concept. Many mass murderers have used the "voices inside my head" line.AnIrishmannot2brite said:First of all I use common sense most of the time. If it is a negative 8 running count I do not wager a hundred dollars. Not unless some profound thought suggests that I do. That is kinda rare. Generally I will follow basic strategy but will make various changes. Mostly on hitting stiff hands against a strong dealer up card.
On more rare occasions I may hit my 17 or 18, but this is uncommon.