Learning Precognition in stages

The only reasons psychics exist is because people are ignorant.

Randi, and any other competent magician, can do what you want to learn Irish about 98-100% of time. Of course his methods have more to do with deception and sleight of hand than any knowledge of future events. You would probably spend your time better learning his methods.

I don't believe that anyone claiming to be a psychic has any more ability than the average person at predicting the future or deciphering the past. The claims that psychics helped solve murder cases are false as no psychic has given such explicitly accurate information that actual police work was not used to solve a murder case. Take for example the recent Casey Anthony case, one news story centered on a group of psychics who had stumbled onto the site where the child was discarded. The psychics made a big deal about feeling something and told the driver to slow down and they got out of the car and said things like "this place has a wierd vibe" and the sort. What they didn't show was the 40+ hours of video showing those psychics doing the same thing at other sites.:grin:

It's all a parlour trick and whether or not psychics do it deliberately to cheat people or they do it subconciously and actually think they are helping people does not change that fact. The 1 million dollar Randi challenge is open to every person who claims paranormal ability. No one has even come close to actually claiming it. Including the famous Sylvia Brown. The only Psychic to actually take the test:eek:


Well-Known Member
Adm. Buckles said:
Randi, and any other competent magician, can do what you want to learn Irish about 98-100% of time. Of course his methods have more to do with deception and sleight of hand than any knowledge of future events. You would probably spend your time better learning his methods.

I don't believe that anyone claiming to be a psychic has any more ability than the average person at predicting the future or deciphering the past. The claims that psychics helped solve murder cases are false as no psychic has given such explicitly accurate information that actual police work was not used to solve a murder case. Take for example the recent Casey Anthony case, one news story centered on a group of psychics who had stumbled onto the site where the child was discarded. The psychics made a big deal about feeling something and told the driver to slow down and they got out of the car and said things like "this place has a wierd vibe" and the sort. What they didn't show was the 40+ hours of video showing those psychics doing the same thing at other sites.:grin:

It's all a parlour trick and whether or not psychics do it deliberately to cheat people or they do it subconciously and actually think they are helping people does not change that fact. The 1 million dollar Randi challenge is open to every person who claims paranormal ability. No one has even come close to actually claiming it. Including the famous Sylvia Brown. The only Psychic to actually take the test:eek:
Obviously "psychic acts" are an area filled with a lot of fraud. Same as money scams and other cons. But how does this diminish those sincere practitioners of the concept?

The "1 million dollar Randi challenge" while possibly a good scientific condition probably isn't a very good arena to test an average person's psychic abilities. Tension, expectations, drama and negative emotion would certainly cloud my thinking. The best results I get from precognitive decisions generally occur while calm and in private. The reason I have limited these decsions inside the casino. Maybe as I progress in making effective calculations I will use it more and more.

Right now i mostly only use precognitive decisions in very limited situations. Like a marginal call of "Should I hit my 15 against dealer eight in a +3 count"?

If I deviate from the normal pattern of "hit" I'm not giving up much if my decision to "stay" is proved incorrect. This is because I won't come across situations of 15 vs dealer 8 in +3 TC very often.

You may choose to believe or not believe, that is your choice. But so long as no one was trying to hustle or con you what harm would it do to try some of the suggestions these people suggest?

Or, why don't you go back to my earlier post where i recommended taking about six weeks study or participation at some kind of mainstream religious group? I'm going to bet that this would change your mind somewhat about the availability of metaphysical elements.

As for me my best precognitive decisions usually occur while in good health, relaxed and in a positive scenario. As such i wouldn't want to take the Randi test as I couldn't likely maintain the specific mood required for long.

Trying to pull off strong precognitive decisions while under the gun of a testy peer group is like trying to expect a house fly to land and stay still on a moving Ferris Wheel.

So my goal would be to try and find as close of a relaxed positive condition inside a casino. Not always the most common condition. However perhaps in the early am hours and playing heads up could fit the bill.

My own personal test for precognitive decisions seems to be to rate my success on those rare occasions when I choose to hit my 17! Under this scenario I generally will either improve my hand or would have lost either way against a stronger pat hand belonging to the dealer.
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Obviously "psychic acts" are an area filled with a lot of fraud. Same as money scams and other cons. But how does this diminish those sincere practitioners of the concept?

The "1 million dollar Randi challenge" while possibly a good scientific condition probably isn't a very good arena to test an average person's psychic abilities. Tension, expectations, drama and negative emotion would certainly cloud my thinking. The best results I get from precognitive decisions generally occur while calm and in private. The reason I have limited these decsions inside the casino. Maybe as I progress in making effective calculations I will use it more and more.

Right now i mostly only use precognitive decisions in very limited situations. Like a marginal call of "Should I hit my 15 against dealer eight in a +3 count"?

If I deviate from the normal pattern of "hit" I'm not giving up much if my decision to "stay" is proved incorrect. This is because I won't come across situations of 15 vs dealer 8 in +3 TC very often.

You may choose to believe or not believe, that is your choice. But so long as no one was trying to hustle or con you what harm would it do to try some of the suggestions these people suggest?

Or, why don't you go back to my earlier post where i recommended taking about six weeks study or participation at some kind of mainstream religious group? I'm going to bet that this would change your mind somewhat about the availability of metaphysical elements.

As for me my best precognitive decisions usually occur while in good health, relaxed and in a positive scenario. As such i wouldn't want to take the Randi test as I couldn't likely maintain the specific mood required for long.

Trying to pull off strong precognitive decisions while under the gun of a testy peer group is like trying to expect a house fly to land and stay still on a moving Ferris Wheel.

So my goal would be to try and find as close of a relaxed positive condition inside a casino. Not always the most common condition. However perhaps in the early am hours and playing heads up could fit the bill.

My own personal test for precognitive decisions seems to be to rate my success on those rare occasions when I choose to hit my 17! Under this scenario I generally will either improve my hand or would have lost either way against a stronger pat hand belonging to the dealer.
But this is the same old con. You can't honestly prove any ability without control methods to keep out the sheisters. The idea that pressure and lack of ideal conditions is what keeps anybody from proving their gifts beyond a reasonable doubt is a cop out. Either you can or you can't. I have read your original post and I think the religous study is hardly proof of anything. I have felt the same euphoria after a football game. My body's physical reaction is explained in any junior high biology book.

What I am saying is that your's or anyone else's practice methods for learning precognition and psychic ability is flawed. There is no practice method to broaden your supernatural abilities.Becuase such abilities don't exist in any quantifiable way. You can only broaden your knowledge in reason, logic and fact. Sherlock Holmes was not a psychic yet he used reason and logic to determine a person's history. Sherlock Holmes was fictional but his methods were sound and every psychic uses them either conciously or subconciously. I don't believe that all psychics aim to defraud people but I do believe that all psychics are frauds.

You may choose to believe or not to believe but the one constant is that if a person like a card sharp, a magician, or a holecarder told you their abilities were supernatural you could not disprove them with your knowledge of psychic ability. But they could disprove yours with reason, logic, and facts. You could disprove them by asking the holecarder to perform at different tables, giving the magician something he did not provide, or asking the card sharp to do the same thing while you shuffled. But that would be introducing control methods into the equation something you would not be willing to do with your abilities.


Well-Known Member
Adm. Buckles said:
But this is the same old con. You can't honestly prove any ability without control methods to keep out the sheisters. The idea that pressure and lack of ideal conditions is what keeps anybody from proving their gifts beyond a reasonable doubt is a cop out. Either you can or you can't. I have read your original post and I think the religous study is hardly proof of anything. I have felt the same euphoria after a football game. My body's physical reaction is explained in any junior high biology book.

What I am saying is that your's or anyone else's practice methods for learning precognition and psychic ability is flawed. There is no practice method to broaden your supernatural abilities.Becuase such abilities don't exist in any quantifiable way. You can only broaden your knowledge in reason, logic and fact. Sherlock Holmes was not a psychic yet he used reason and logic to determine a person's history. Sherlock Holmes was fictional but his methods were sound and every psychic uses them either conciously or subconciously. I don't believe that all psychics aim to defraud people but I do believe that all psychics are frauds.

You may choose to believe or not to believe but the one constant is that if a person like a card sharp, a magician, or a holecarder told you their abilities were supernatural you could not disprove them with your knowledge of psychic ability. But they could disprove yours with reason, logic, and facts. You could disprove them by asking the holecarder to perform at different tables, giving the magician something he did not provide, or asking the card sharp to do the same thing while you shuffled. But that would be introducing control methods into the equation something you would not be willing to do with your abilities.
That was a well put and fairly common critical analysis. It is, however something I would disagree with from my own perspective.

What happens is that your conscious mind is attempting to shut out any form of metaphysical matters. My guess is that you actually have had some strong feelins of ESP when you were very young, but that was quite some time ago and you have locked out this from your normal consciousness.

Another way to look at ESP:

Mathematics says we can not divide by zero. This is because zero as a divisor indicates that we are not dividing at all. That there is no way to put in an = sign as we didn't divide to begin with.

But there is an interesting exception. When we use a graph scale in Negative numbers.

I suppose maybe we would use a negative graph to define precipitation absorption in years of drought. The drought years would be represented by graphed numbers below the horizontal line. Then in rainy years we would graph our dots in lines above the horizontal. Perhaps there are better examples. This is just the only one I can think of without digressing too far.

What we find is that our perception of a zero divisor must be modified. In a Negative graph we can't multiply a -2 x -2 and get a -4. this is because the sum of any two negative numbers is always a positive number.

However in a negative graph a positive number would put the sum in positive scale or above the plane we want to work in. Unacceptable to, say, describe the content of moisture within a soy bean field in a dry Autumn.

So (as my 12th grade algebra teacher taught me) we must use IMAGINARY numbers. Thus:

-2 x -2 = i4. "I" for "Imaginary number".

The "Imaginary number" is quite real within the concept of our graph. We could call this usage as "Imaginary logic" It is perfectly logical but doesn't fall into the realm of most ordinary mathematical equations we're commonly used to.

How does this apply to precognition?

Well the time to use "Imaginary logic" is when we have a typical person who has strong doubts as to the validity of ESP, or even one who refuses to accept the plausibility of the concept at all. Obviously that second person would be less inclined to even study the idea to begin with. However if we apply some "Imaginary Logic" to these people we at least have a starting point.

So I have suggested that these people consider adopting a strategy which would apply this logic within the confines of a seemingly illogical "graph". For starters I mentioned that he/she begin attending some mainstream religious circle for a length of time. Not to brainwash the individual but to expose the person to others who have found a spiritual path and thus have improved their lives together in a positive way.

An old but very wise person once said: "About the only deniers of the power of prayer are the ones who've never tried it".

So try that and later maybe we can continue the discussion more effectively.

Next: Look at this "Imaginary logic" from a utilitarian level. We're not trying to levitate or move physical objects. But even more importantly we don't want to change any of the basic fundamentals of our blackjack play. We wouldn't split fives, or double down on stiff hands.

All we would want to do is look for those minority of times where some small decision like "hit or stay on fifteen in +3 TC against dealer's eight" would make a difference. And maybe all we would do is bat 50/50.

Fine. However each time we did this we might evaluate what thoughts came to mind when we made an accurate decision to stay or hit. What was the feeling? Was there a voice? Etc. Then after wards and over time we'd take stock of this sense and develop it more.

And if nothing panned out? Well then so what? It isn't like we gave up much EV on a borderline decision anyway. Hell even if we arbitrarily asked this question on every near 50/50 judgment call it wouldn't have much effect over-all.

My first precognitive call was very striking to the adults around though I didn't make much of it at the time. And it was in a card/board game. The one by Parker Bros. called "Clue".

My whole family was on vacation at a coastal Oregon Beach. We were in a very comfortable lodge. It was one of my happiest moments growing up with my family. I was about four or five years old at the time.

The grownups let me play even though the game is really for older children. A lot of deductive reasoning that a four year old wouldn't normally be able to comprehend. Mom and dad just didn't want me to feel excluded as my other two siblings (brother & sister) were much older than me.

And yet I won the game!

I hadn't done the paperwork like brother sis, mom and dad did. Instead towards the end of the game I had the perfect vision of the three cards left in the little black envelope. I said:

"I want to make an accusation. Colonel Mustard did it in the kitchen with the knife".

No one else in the family had those cards! So we checked the black envelope and my guess was right on the money.

I had the family as witnesses but as naturally happens they attributed the prediction as luck or some other matter. Adult humans often refuse to accept these things. Maybe not even if a UFO landed in their own back yard. Some would still deny this!

No, I haven't seen any of those...

However I could SEE the cards! It was through a different focus of attention. These days I have to be very relaxed and in a deep meditative state to get anywhere near close to that kind of vision. Becoming an adult, dealing with uncertainty, negative thinking, negative influences and other matters tend to block out these very real forms of ESP.

So the solution to precognitive development (and other spiritual matters) seems to be a positive, steady acceptance of their reality but through baby steps and rational thinking.

Just like the negative numbers in a graph we can apply logic to them. The important things is to behave logically in all other matters.

Like a -6 x -6 = i36.

AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Have you ever had a feeling that someone you hadn't seen in years was trying to reach you? And then soon after you got a call from them?
This sounds alot like confirmation bias to me. Have you ever had the feeling that someone you hadn't seen in years was trying to reach you? An then soon after you DIDN'T get a call from them? Yes, you have. Lot's of times, but you have no reason to remember it since it's not unusual.


Well-Known Member
I don't want to argue in this debate, as it will go nowhere, but fyi, i = SQRT(-1). -2 x -2 = 4. SQRT(-4) = 2i. This is not really relevant to anything, but just fixing a minor error :p


Well-Known Member
Sloane Kettering said:
This sounds a lot like confirmation bias to me. Have you ever had the feeling that someone you hadn't seen in years was trying to reach you? An then soon after you DIDN'T get a call from them? Yes, you have. Lot's of times, but you have no reason to remember it since it's not unusual.
I had implied that the unlikelihood of the distant friend reaching out to me was very high. So we might argue that this person from the past was seldom if ever on the mind of the one who had the premonition.

Or: How many times in a game would you hit a seventeen? Probably never. Not unless you wanted make a cover play or throw money away foolishly.

However most of those rare rare times I make that decision to hit my 17 it tends to help my hand. More often than not. Sure I might wonder a few times about whether or not I'd get a low card yet actually end up staying on 17 because that is the logical thing to do.

However there have been a couple times when my whole body rebelled at the idea of staying on 17! I even get it on the strategy trainer here at times. And when that very positive feeling occurs i listen.

Fortunately it hasn't happened with five hundred dollars on the table at the same time...
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
I had implied that the unlikelihood of the distant friend reaching out to me was very high. So we might argue that this person from the past was seldom if ever on the mind of the one who had the premonition.

Or: How many times in a game would you hit a seventeen? Probably never. Not unless you wanted make a cover play or throw money away foolishly.

However most of those rare rare times I make that decision to hit my 17 it tends to help my hand. More often than not. Sure I might wonder a few times about whether or not I'd get a low card yet actually end up staying on 17 because that is the logical thing to do.

However there have been a couple times when my whole body rebelled at the idea of staying on 17! I even get it on the strategy trainer here at times. And when that very positive feeling occurs i listen.

Fortunately it hasn't happened with five hundred dollars on the table at the same time...
When I read this, 2 things jump out at me. One is confirmation bias, and the idea of selective recall. If you really think you can predict your success by hitting or standing on 17, it's natural for your memorey to overly focus on the times that you were right. It's nothing intentional or dishonest, just how the brain works.

I'm not just trying to be a naysayer. But you must admit that having ESP is a bold claim. It's the sort of claim that needs empirical evidence. You may understandably care less if people beleive you. But without any empirical evidence you could easily be fooling yourself.


Well-Known Member
Sloane Kettering said:
When I read this, 2 things jump out at me. One is confirmation bias, and the idea of selective recall. If you really think you can predict your success by hitting or standing on 17, it's natural for your memory to overly focus on the times that you were right. It's nothing intentional or dishonest, just how the brain works.

I'm not just trying to be a naysayer. But you must admit that having ESP is a bold claim. It's the sort of claim that needs empirical evidence. You may understandably care less if people beleive you. But without any empirical evidence you could easily be fooling yourself.
I'm making the claim that we all have ESP. Not that I have any particular ability. My guess is that comparatively speaking I'm kind of weak in this sense.

So there is nothing bold about my statement at all. In fact you have probably noticed this ability in yourself, but have attempted to block it out.
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
I'm making the claim that we all have ESP. Not that I have any particular ability. My guess is that comparatively speaking I'm kind of weak in this sense.

So there is nothing bold about my statement at all. In fact you have probably noticed this ability in yourself, but have attempted to block it out.
2 more things:

1. I have noticed this ability in myself. I've also noticed that as far as I can tell from standing on the ground, the earth appears flat. I've also noticed that my desk appears to be solid, as opposed to being comprised of atoms (and containing more empty space than matter). My very obvious point is that I've learned that I can't always rely upon how things "appear to me" (especially in what sounds like , like it or not, a classic case of Confirmation Bias) Which brings me back to...

2. You need empirical evidence to back up your claim. Without it you may just be deluding yourself and others.


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
I'm making the claim that we all have ESP. Not that I have any particular ability. My guess is that comparatively speaking I'm kind of weak in this sense.

So there is nothing bold about my statement at all. In fact you have probably noticed this ability in yourself, but have attempted to block it out.
Yeah, but who has ESP and can use it correctly 100% of the time, or even most of the time? I've had other possible ESP episodes in my life. Probably 3 or 4 times I've woke up a minute or so before my radio-alarm goes off and I'll have a tune running through my head, then when the radio alarm goes off not only will that same song be playing, but it will be in the exact same spot in the song, same key, everything. But it's only happened a few times and I'm sure I've woke many times with a tune running through my head that wasn't what was being played on the radio. So what good is it if it happens so infrequently and you can't depend on it?


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Yeah, but who has ESP and can use it correctly 100% of the time, or even most of the time? I've had other possible ESP episodes in my life. Probably 3 or 4 times I've woke up a minute or so before my radio-alarm goes off and I'll have a tune running through my head, then when the radio alarm goes off not only will that same song be playing, but it will be in the exact same spot in the song, same key, everything. But it's only happened a few times and I'm sure I've woke many times with a tune running through my head that wasn't what was being played on the radio. So what good is it if it happens so infrequently and you can't depend on it?
I don't mean to sound sarcastic but...



You think you're going to get a magic wand and start SEEING after just one reading session?

Perhaps I'm too blunt. Just my nature. I probably ought to work on that.


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
I don't mean to sound sarcastic but...



You think you're going to get a magic wand and start SEEING after just one reading session?

Perhaps I'm too blunt. Just my nature. I probably ought to work on that.
You can't simply learn precognition! It's an innate ability some have in varying degrees, but I don't know of anyone who can use it with any degree of accuracy or who can produce results at will, especially when trying to predict what the next card will be. I think you're just being delusional and/or living up to your ID here if you actually believe you can learn and use such rubbish.


Well-Known Member
Here we see the almost schizoid statement by 21gunsalute: He admits that he believes that ESP does exist but denies that it can be developed...

Which way do you want to call it? Do things fall up or down?


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Here we see the almost schizoid statement by 21gunsalute: He admits that he believes that ESP does exist but denies that it can be developed...

Which way do you want to call it? Do things fall up or down?
Hey if you think you can rely on ESP to make your decisions while playing Blackjack then by all means go for it. Just don't expect masses of people to follow the leader like the Branch Davidians followed David Koresh. That's how one gets burned.

My sister had a poodle/terrior mix named Cindy that apparently had ESP and could use it. We kept finding dead birds in the yard and couldn't figure out what was going on. One day I was outside with her and she started acting very strangely, hunching down like she was about to pounce on something and making strange sounds. About 5 seconds later a bird flew almost literally right over my shoulder and she leaped about 4 or 5 feet in the air and snatched it in her teeth! WTF? She either had some type of precognition that a bird was about to fly over where she could get it or she had telepathically called the bird over to her.

And this dog loved chocolate too (I know-very bad for dogs). We found out about her chocolate fetish when we came home from church and discovered she had eaten most of my sister-in-law's birthday cake, but I digress. Not too long after that we came home and found that she had involved our 2 cats in one of her chocolate acquiring schemes. We had some malted milk balls (Whoppers I believe) up on top of the refrigerator. One cat was digging the malted milk balls out of the carton and batting them to the other cat who was knocking them over the side of the fridge into Cindy's awaiting mouth. So obviously this dog had an ESP thing going on with other animals and yet couldn't use this ability to know when we were coming home to catch her in the act and give her a good scolding!

And this dog was an absolutely terrible blackjack player and basically sucked at playing cards altogether! In fact she couldn't use this ability to play any games or to make money. If only she could have used this ability for good instead of the evil she used it for, such as killing birds and stealing chocolate!


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you this: Do you ever have losing sessions? If you truly have psychic ability you should be able to tell ahead of time that you are going to lose at the casino and stay away! Do you know of anyone else who never has a losing session because of psychic ability? If you can document such then I may start taking you seriously, but don't hold your breath.


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Let me ask you this: Do you ever have losing sessions? If you truly have psychic ability you should be able to tell ahead of time that you are going to lose at the casino and stay away! Do you know of anyone else who never has a losing session because of psychic ability? If you can document such then I may start taking you seriously, but don't hold your breath.
Yes of course I have losing sessions. As you know everyone has losing sessions. The only way a person could utilize ESP and avoid a losing session would be either for them to be precognitive in the extreme and somehow realize in advance the lay of all cards in a shoe or deck and avoid those rounds which were not in their favor and/or participate only in those decks which were in their favor.

Or taken to extreme: To use telekinesis in order to produce a very favorable slug. I have serious doubts about that ability.

Now had you read my earlier threads (instead of just reacting in a knee jerk fashion) you'd have seen the words "Learning precognition in stages".

Ok what does that mean (jeez it gets annoying to have to repeat remarks for others that REFUSE to READ)?

It means that people MAY be able to learn precognitive abilities in a progressive fashion. Nowhere do I make any claim of certainty or exceptional ability to predict or always win.

Always winning requires either exceptional precog or telekinesis. And that's not part of any discussion i'm ready for.

Also, if you had read some of my earlier posts (which obviously you didn't) you would have seen remarks to the effect:

"I'm still wondering if blackjack rises to the level of an area where metaphysical elements are likely to sprout. My question being 'is 21 a good use of my time in s spiritual sense".

Loosely quoting myself.

In the past week i interviewed a good friend about her association with Tibetian monks who are close to the Dalai Lama. I went on to ask her about their precognitive abilities.

She replied that SEEING was not an end in itself but a byproduct of their spiritual life attainments. That the usage of ESP was beneficial in order to inspire their students and to direct these followers.

And I kind of concurred. So the question i ask myself is; Should i keep on practicing precog exercises in 21 or is there a more valuable use of my time?

This leads to other questions: Is taking or breaking a casino a good idea? I decided that it is but am also questioning my direction in that regard.

Maybe i should be working for a group that feeds children or something. then again winning big at 21 might FEED a bunch of kids.

It's not all about always winning (which we can't do). In my case I'm just leaning on the precog decisions in those few and marginal areas where a lucky draw could help. Like hitting my sixteen in a + 3 position. And I'm not claiming any exceptional ability.

This is a DISCUSSION folks, not a lecture. I have a lot to learn but wanted to put the idea on the table. Since doing this (of course) I've had clueless, egotistical twits try and put words in my mouth, take things out of context and otherwise try and defeat any sane, positive effort to merely chat these concepts over. Maybe that's to be expected on an internet forum.

Again, apologies for my bluntness. Am working on that too.


Well-Known Member
AnIrishmannot2brite said:
Yes of course I have losing sessions. As you know everyone has losing sessions. The only way a person could utilize ESP and avoid a losing session would be either for them to be precognitive in the extreme and somehow realize in advance the lay of all cards in a shoe or deck and avoid those rounds which were not in their favor and/or participate only in those decks which were in their favor.

Or taken to extreme: To use telekinesis in order to produce a very favorable slug. I have serious doubts about that ability.

Now had you read my earlier threads (instead of just reacting in a knee jerk fashion) you'd have seen the words "Learning precognition in stages".

Ok what does that mean (jeez it gets annoying to have to repeat remarks for others that REFUSE to READ)?

It means that people MAY be able to learn precognitive abilities in a progressive fashion. Nowhere do I make any claim of certainty or exceptional ability to predict or always win.
If your above statement is indeed correct then you are setting a dangerous precedent! Think about it. Let's say you do have some psychic ability. Let's say you have a good session where you can "predict" what the next card is going to be with a great degree of regularity. That could no doubt lead one to rely too heavily on this ability in future sessions, perhaps disregarding basic strategy, indices, etc. Furthermore, it may be that you can predict the next card with a good deal of regularity when the count is low or negative but not at all when the count gets high, more money is on the table and your heart starts beating faster and your breathing is altered. You may even just start betting high all the time since you can "predict" what the next card is going to be. That is how one sets himself up for a big fall!


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
If your above statement is indeed correct then you are setting a dangerous precedent! Think about it. Let's say you do have some psychic ability. Let's say you have a good session where you can "predict" what the next card is going to be with a great degree of regularity. That could no doubt lead one to rely too heavily on this ability in future sessions, perhaps disregarding basic strategy, indices, etc. Furthermore, it may be that you can predict the next card with a good deal of regularity when the count is low or negative but not at all when the count gets high, more money is on the table and your heart starts beating faster and your breathing is altered. You may even just start betting high all the time since you can "predict" what the next card is going to be. That is how one sets himself up for a big fall!
You misunderstand my intent and methodology. Like everyone else here I have paid and am still paying some dues at 21. Maybe I have been fortunate in some ways to have not found a whole ton of positive variance early on in the game.

I do not play progression bets (except minor amounts for camouflage). And As mentioned I am still debating the concept of investing my time in precognitive decisions in 21.

In some ways i wrote the post more for the discussion of ESP related matters in general. As such maybe I should have put in in the Zen zone.

At any rate and with what i hope is the last time: My game is fairly sound I think. Play conservatively only raising bets in positive situations. No hokus pokus most all the time. I reserve precognitive ideas for only the most marginal of calls. Like whether to hit my 16 against dealers 8 in a +3 situation. Not a lot of difference in EV regardless of the matter. Almost like a coin toss decision. And so far it seems to shows some promise. In my opinion. Baby steps is all.

And sometimes I will hit a 17 against dealer ten. Rarely but sometimes.

And yet all I see here are cats who blather on about stuff I never even mentioned. I would never put up $100.00 in a low count. Nor do dumb things like split fives or hit eighteens. Silliness.

I'm not really sure why this post has seemingly generated so many blustery and projecting replies. Responses that seem not to be grounded in anything i stated earlier at all.

WTF? i dunno.