Knox said:
Let's not sell KO short ("even KO" LOL). KO is quite powerful and has another big thing going for it, it is a Level 1 count. I'm not yet convinced that UBZ is superior to True Count KO, or TKO. I've also not seen anything to refute that a customized KO, incorporating additional indices, can't outperform anything currently under study with UBZ.
Not knocking UBZ, but sometimes I think KO gets a bad rap because it is so simple. For many people, a Level 1 count is a huge advantage in simplicity compared to a Level 2. UBZ looks like it can outperform straight KO, but barely. Once again, I think customized TKO holds a lot of promise.
There is another thread going on about rounding indices. I don't know a lot about UBZ, but apparently it uses multiple individual index values based on the discussion. That's another strike against UBZ. So now the thread goes on about rounding indices, just like that simple 'ol KO system does. LOL again.
Maybe the better approach is to refine KO rather than try to make UBZ better by making it more like KO. I guess I should be posting this on the other thread.
Well, finally a critical mind! I found the UBZ-OS-project a little boring in the last time, now thats a input I wanted to see all the time!
With CVData it should be possible to sim TKO, but we have to set a strategy that changed by deck depth. I believe I read somewhere that BJRM allready contains a sim of TKO, maybe another member who got this software can say something about it.
Here is comparision of
SCORE (Archive copy) for different systems by Cacarulo. As you can see, like you supposed, TKO outperforms UBZ2 when bigger spreads are applied. Now, then comes the question, what is easier to learn, a new level 2 system or TC'ing the system someone allready knows? It depends of the personal liking i think.
Well, to the index rounding. I haven't read George C's UBZ2 book but i think he didn't used rounded indices, also he doesn't gave much information about the key count and so on like Mimosine said. Now Mimo as a KO-user considered to switch to a stronger system with the same ease of use, that was his intention I think.
I wouldn't it see as a "strike against UBZ to use rounded indices" simply because there are no exact static indices for unbalanced count. They are already always a estimation and a compromise, because a unbalanced systems works best in the middle of the deck and near the pivot. The more we deviate the more accuracy we lose. Not to mention the assumption we make when we design the indices like penetration, number of players at the the table and so on.. I know you know that already. But if we would compare rounded against "exact" indices there wouldn't be much difference.
Again, enter Cacarulo
Let me say something about TKO (Archive copy)
You made a good point when suggest to refine KO instead of making UBZ easier. I would like to make a other point, on the one hand, when we switch to another system we spend a lot time practicing the new count etc., so to improve the system we already feel comfortable with garuantees us more time at the table in the casino where we make money, not at home in the kitchen.
On the other hand, when we are able to apply a level 2 system with the same precision like a level 1 system, we could bring more money on the table with the same risk or apply lower spreads therefore enjoy less heat and more longevity.
But in our example here i share your opinion for the most part. I would rather spend the time TC KO than to learn a new system. Who knows if we ever realize the difference in real life.