Easy to Become Confused, Yes.
Various books advise taking your bankroll (tripBR or sessionBR or totalBR)
and dividing it by 150 or 125 or 100 to get a max. bet amount.
But it is left to the reader to figure out the relationship between
max bet and bet spread.
Thanks for the clarification.
That's why I read, and re-read the good books over and over.
It's difficult to learn and comprehend all the info, and then put it
all together into a plan to take on the casino. Luckily, many BJ
books now have an index in the back to facilitate reference, so
one can develop a plan in a step-by-step manner.
IMHO memorizing BS, and learning a count may be the easy part
of becoming a successful AP.
Various books advise taking your bankroll (tripBR or sessionBR or totalBR)
and dividing it by 150 or 125 or 100 to get a max. bet amount.
But it is left to the reader to figure out the relationship between
max bet and bet spread.
Thanks for the clarification.
That's why I read, and re-read the good books over and over.
It's difficult to learn and comprehend all the info, and then put it
all together into a plan to take on the casino. Luckily, many BJ
books now have an index in the back to facilitate reference, so
one can develop a plan in a step-by-step manner.
IMHO memorizing BS, and learning a count may be the easy part
of becoming a successful AP.