best counting system


Well-Known Member
Easy to Become Confused, Yes.

Various books advise taking your bankroll (tripBR or sessionBR or totalBR)
and dividing it by 150 or 125 or 100 to get a max. bet amount.
But it is left to the reader to figure out the relationship between
max bet and bet spread.

Thanks for the clarification.

That's why I read, and re-read the good books over and over.
It's difficult to learn and comprehend all the info, and then put it
all together into a plan to take on the casino. Luckily, many BJ
books now have an index in the back to facilitate reference, so
one can develop a plan in a step-by-step manner.

IMHO memorizing BS, and learning a count may be the easy part
of becoming a successful AP.

BJinNJ :cool:



Hello all new to the board
been playing blackjack for about 5yrs now have not counted pretty much just go with my gut and visuals see a lot of low cards i bet more the next couple hands..

Q- What is a good counting system I read a lot of posts on here
and looks like the toss up is between ZEN and Hi LO

PS You guys ever notice 75% of the time the card that comes out after a cut card i s a face..

EDIT : Looks like Im going to learn the ZEN system for 6 deck BJ
before i Start practicing is this the right system?

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
freshpl said:
Q- What is a good counting system I read a lot of posts on here
and looks like the toss up is between ZEN and Hi LO
HiLo and KO are two of the most popular systems to start with. Zen is also a great system but it is a little more complicated.

freshpl said:
Looks like Im going to learn the ZEN system for 6 deck BJ
before i Start practicing is this the right system?

Yeah, that’s it.



Well-Known Member
Criminy! Snyder says on p.207...

of the latest ed. Blackbelt book that a bet spread for multideck
games can be accomplished by raising the max bet or lowering
the min. bet. Of course! How logical. :rolleyes:

Started reading Blackbelt the other day. Definitely one of the best
overall BJ resources found thus far. (BJA3 is next on the reading

AFA playing 8 deck games, it may be necessary on the East Coast.

BJinNJ :cool:


BJinNJ said:
Started reading Blackbelt the other day. Definitely one of the best
overall BJ resources found thus far. (BJA3 is next on the reading
BJinNJ :cool:

I'm going to pick it up that book tomorrow. I cut my deck counting from 5X sec to 3X today in just 3hrs its going to take a couple hrs more to get into the 2X range


Well-Known Member
Positive variance to you!

freshpl said:
I'm going to pick it up that book tomorrow. I cut my deck counting from 5X sec to 3X today in just 3hrs its going to take a couple hrs more to get into the 2X range
I start practicing in earnest this week, with a New Year target date(BR).
Either Mentor or Hi/Lo count. BS from Stickysoft multideck card, and
CVBJ software for practice. Planning to over train, so reality will seem

BJinNJ :cool:


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Published Betting Spreads in B/J Bluebook II

Hello all. Been busy lately and just noticed this thread containing posted questions regarding Mentor Count and betting schedules.

ZG is right. The betting recommendations in BJBBII for spreading wider as the number of decks go up do not clarify that if you're betting $10-to-$40 in single deck, you don't go $10-to-$100 over at the six deck pit. Yes, you should increase the spread from "1-to-4" to "1-to-10" -- but you can't max bet 2.5 times as much in the shoe as at single deck. That would indeed bring too much flux for the same bankroll. While players with some counting experience would intuitively realize this, newbies could indeed be led astray. I'm afraid I let that fall through the cracks there.

Actually, the relationship between max bet and number of decks with regard to keeping ROR the same on a constant bankroll would break down about like this, for lengths of play between 25 and 300 hours (using 6 decks as the benchmark reference spread of 10-to-100).

6 Decks (1-10).........2 Decks (1-6)........1 Deck (1-4).........8 Decks(1-12)

In the latest print run of Bluebook II just coming out now, I re-wrote pages 182 and 183 (Bankroll Recommendations) to shed some defining light on this. Using John Auston's BlackJack Risk Manager software, the new pages present three tables showing how many "max" bets you need in double deck and shoe play, to play with a 10%, a 5% and a 2% ROR for 4 hours, for 25 hours and for 300 hours. I'll be glad to e-mail those two new pages to anyone who sends me a PM.

And thanks Zen, for bringing this nebulous subject to light. It's posts like these that have caused me to squeeze several small additions into Bluebook II over the past four years.


freshpl said:
Looks like Im going to learn the ZEN system for 6 deck BJ before i Start practicing is this the right system?
Yes, BUT, consider learning BJINFO OPEN SOURCE UBZ instead. Also Mentor is good right out of the box (Renzey's Bluebook). ZEN as currently published with 1/4D TC is not optimum, so you will need to get ZEN advice here, 1D TC indices, etc. zg


Well-Known Member
Thanks. pm sent.

Renzey said:
Hello all. Been busy lately and just noticed this thread containing posted questions regarding Mentor Count and betting schedules.

ZG is right. The betting recommendations in BJBBII for spreading wider as the number of decks go up do not clarify that if you're betting $10-to-$40 in single deck, you don't go $10-to-$100 over at the six deck pit. Yes, you should increase the spread from "1-to-4" to "1-to-10" -- but you can't max bet 2.5 times as much in the shoe as at single deck. That would indeed bring too much flux for the same bankroll. While players with some counting experience would intuitively realize this, newbies could indeed be led astray. I'm afraid I let that fall through the cracks there.

Actually, the relationship between max bet and number of decks with regard to keeping ROR the same on a constant bankroll would break down about like this, for lengths of play between 25 and 300 hours (using 6 decks as the benchmark reference spread of 10-to-100).

6 Decks (1-10).........2 Decks (1-6)........1 Deck (1-4).........8 Decks(1-12)

In the latest print run of Bluebook II just coming out now, I re-wrote pages 182 and 183 (Bankroll Recommendations) to shed some defining light on this. Using John Auston's BlackJack Risk Manager software, the new pages present three tables showing how many "max" bets you need in double deck and shoe play, to play with a 10%, a 5% and a 2% ROR for 4 hours, for 25 hours and for 300 hours. I'll be glad to e-mail those two new pages to anyone who sends me a PM.

And thanks Zen, for bringing this nebulous subject to light. It's posts like these that have caused me to squeeze several small additions into Bluebook II over the past four years.
Looking forward to learning Mentor Count VERY WELL!

BJinNJ :cool:


Well-Known Member
Fred sent me rewritten pages...

for BJ Bluebook II (on Bankroll), per his post above.
Just pm him if you want them.

BJinNJ :cool: