Recent content by BlackDog

  1. B

    In search of advice

    Read everything you can get your hands on. Start by searching this site for your specific questions. All of the answers are here. Practice counting, basic strategy like there is no tomorrow then go back and do it again. Once you have that down perfect you can start losing your money to the...
  2. B

    Last box: Different Strategy?

    Hey JimmyFortune, Maybe you had this guy dealing to you. (Archive copy) I often wondered how dealers felt about the players...I certainly hope this guy is the exception and not the rule. He is way overdue for a job...
  3. B

    Moscow gambling boom

    I may have to plan a trip to Moscow. Not sure I would be interested in the cock fights though...
  4. B

    Is 6 deck game beatable?

    That is a very broad question. The short answer is yes 6 decks is beatable given the proper rules...since they vary from casino to casino. All you need to do is play perfect basic strategy and learn a counting system that you can perform perfectly.
  5. B

    "Unbalanced" counting systems

    While it is technically more accurate...and you don't have to divide the running count by the number of decks left...I really don't find it that difficult to do the math. I will be sticking with the hi-lo. (For now) I think that anyone learning how to count should simply find a system...
  6. B

    Question 2 Ken Smith & others w/experience

    I think that the best way that I have heard it explained is this. Any player that makes "bad" plays will make "bad" plays that hurt you as often as they make "bad" plays that help you. There is no way to know which cards are going to be dealt until they are dealt. It is RANDOM ;) Anyone...
  7. B

    7 card hand...what are the chances

    Had a great fathers day gave me a 6 deck card shuffler and a shoe. :cool2: So, I thought I would practice some BS. Went through the shoe twice. Started into the third and after about three "hands" (dealing three hands minimum plus dealer) I dealt this hand. Anyone, know...
  8. B

    Spam deleted, and posters banned

    What Mike said! I just hope that the few do not ruin it for the rest of us in the long run. I have seen good fourms suffer miserable deaths due to a few bad seeds. Thanks for your time and effort Ken!
  9. B

    Getting forced out of the casino???

    Generally no. Unless you are cheating...if you are only counting cards and not breaking any laws you should be fine. However, if they catch you counting refer to Scorcho's reply... :)
  10. B

    Anyone tried this betting strategy?

    The sim that Ken has on this site does that I think...on the left side of the home page click strategy trainer/free blackjack trainer :)
  11. B

    Anyone tried this betting strategy?

    Well, I worked this system as much as I am going to. Three hours with a live dealer...and about 1000 simulator hands. I am convinced that it is a very subjective plan that works about as well as any other betting system. You are required to rely on hunches and luck. I honestly think you...
  12. B

    Home tournament

    While I have not done any tournement play the solution my son and I have come up with for this when we play is as follows. Whomever is the dealer always plays "first base" so they are first to act. After all of the cards are delt out if the "dealer" hand shows a possible BJ, First base (the...
  13. B

    Home tournament

    Unfortunately, I can't be of too much more help on this. Looks like Scorcho gave you some good info. Other than that you might check out this link for some tournament info... Have fun!
  14. B

    Anyone tried this betting strategy?

    Thanks...I am going to work this one some more...just to see what happens.
  15. B

    Anyone tried this betting strategy?

    OK...normally I don't concern myself with betting strats any longer but I couldn't help much time on my hands I guess. I just went through 4100 bucks on Casino Verite using this system. Lost it all quick. So, I would like to know... 1. Your suggested bankroll size to start...