Anyone tried this betting strategy?


New Member
I recently read a book called 'blackjacks hidden secrets, win without counting' by George Pappadopoulos. (whata' name) anyway he says he has a 78% win average with this betting strategy. The strategy says your first bet must be twice the table minimum for example at a $5 table your first bet would be $10. If you win you regress your next bet to $5, win, your next bet is back to $10, win again you bet up one unit which would be $15, win $20 etc you keep going up until you lose. When you lose you go back to your starting bet of $10 and start the cycle over. The goal of this system according to the author is to increase your session bankroll by 50% then stop playing for the day. So for example if you start with a $100 bankroll you would stop playing when you got to $150. The system is based on streaks and it wouldn't really take a very big streak to increase your bankroll by 50% unless your starting bankroll is very large to begin with. The reason I'm interested in the system is because of the the fact after your first win you drop your bet back to table min. so if you lose this second hand your still ahead one unit because you bet 2 units to start with. This also helps protect you against streaks by the dealer. I have played around with this strategy on the internet for play money and it seems to work pretty well but I'm still not confident in using it with real money as I'm not sure about betting systems in the long run. So if anyone uses this system let me know if you have had good results. 2units-1unit-2units-3units-4units-etc. Lose you go back to 2units and start over.


Well-Known Member
rwrw1 said:
George Pappadopoulos. (whata' name)
I am kinda fond of Nick Pappageorgio myself...might even name my next kid that :D

Anyway, I have not messed with betting strategies. I just do not see enough advantage when it is SO easy to count cards.

I might be fun to try this at home though...just to see what would happen...


New Member
Don't Use It!

rwrw1 said:
I recently read a book called 'blackjacks hidden secrets, win without counting' by George Pappadopoulos. (whata' name) anyway he says he has a 78% win average with this betting strategy. The strategy says your first bet must be twice the table minimum for example at a $5 table your first bet would be $10. If you win you regress your next bet to $5, win, your next bet is back to $10, win again you bet up one unit which would be $15, win $20 etc you keep going up until you lose. When you lose you go back to your starting bet of $10 and start the cycle over. The goal of this system according to the author is to increase your session bankroll by 50% then stop playing for the day. So for example if you start with a $100 bankroll you would stop playing when you got to $150. The system is based on streaks and it wouldn't really take a very big streak to increase your bankroll by 50% unless your starting bankroll is very large to begin with. The reason I'm interested in the system is because of the the fact after your first win you drop your bet back to table min. so if you lose this second hand your still ahead one unit because you bet 2 units to start with. This also helps protect you against streaks by the dealer. I have played around with this strategy on the internet for play money and it seems to work pretty well but I'm still not confident in using it with real money as I'm not sure about betting systems in the long run. So if anyone uses this system let me know if you have had good results. 2units-1unit-2units-3units-4units-etc. Lose you go back to 2units and start over.
Read my strategy to beat the online casinos with very little risk of losing at

It sounds like a betting system made up by the casinos. Let's say you are at a $5 table. Betting 2 units, then 1, 2, 3, and 4 and winning all hands will result in winning $60. On the next hand, according to the system you bet 5 units. If you lose, you lose $25. The $60 you won on the first 5 hands minus $25 lost on the 6th hand results in a $35 profit. If you just bet 2 units each hand or $10 a hand, you win $50 for the first 5 hands and lose $10 on the sixth hand. A profit of $40. $35 profit vs $40 --- forget the system and just bet $10 a hand!

Good Luck!

SoBu Mike

My system of betting is gut feeling. I know thats a big no no with card counters, but I have not lost in my last 8 or 9 sessions with my average profit being probably around 400. When I feel that hot streak, I start betting big. When the dealer is kicking my butt, I bet smaller. It's not very scientific, but I have been doing incredibly well.



tried and testing

yes I have tried this betting strategy in the UK, it has some merit but I have not won consistently. My records show me that lack of discipline has let me down, but the tests I have run in real casinos with real cash have proved that this system can win, but the house edge grinds you down and the lack of discipline kills you.

I am learning card counting now, but I still use the betting startegy against continuous shufflers as card counting is not possible. In the UK there is a mixture of shoe and continuous shufflers depending on the casino you visit - some have both.


I've shied a way from learning card counting up untill now as I get by just using a progression, and also its not exactly Las Vegas here as there is only 2 casino's ( out of 5 ) left here that are none CSM's and one of thoses has got them, they've just not reinstalled them yet after they moved to their new location, ( as they had them in their old location and as they cost about £1200+ its only a matter of time ) so taking the time and effort out to learn and practice Kiss III so I can play at may be only the 1-2 casinos left, I'm not 100% its worth the effort, as I can't exactly "Walkaway" from tables regularly as generally there is only 2 tables running ( 3 when busy ) and getting a seat at a other table might not be possible as they are rammed or practical to go table hoping, and continuous card counting at the one casino will eventually may be cause suspicion, but as I have Casino Vérité any way, that I use for testing a mish mash of various wagering progressions, I'm giving it a go, and I'll use it now and then to get a extra edge, using my progression as cover, when the situation arises ;)
take care and be lucky



little John

New Member
This one works.

I'm new to this site but I've just got to share a betting system that I used to win over $45,000 in just a few days of play. First I should say I'm a pretty new player, and I'd lost alot of money just learning to play. But one night as I was playing an old pit boss stood next to me and said the following. Young man I've been watching you for some time now, and I wanted to complement your play. I fact in all the time I've spent watching you you've not made even one wrong play, however if you don't mind me saying so, you don't have clu one about betting. He then told me he was going to take a break in a few minutes and he wondered if I would meet him outside at that time. So a few minutes later I followed the old gent outside and he told me a little about himself. He said he made alot more money in the players seat than he did on the floor. I never asked him why he didn't play full time. Perhaps I should have. But what he taught me has worked for me at my local casino and also in Las Vegas. The system is a (modified martingale). It's simple and although it requires a bit of guts and fairly full pockets it works. It goes like this. Basic unit times two plus one unit with a cap. Win return to basic unit. $15,$45,$135,$405,$1215. This isn't exactly how I play it for two reasons. First, at my local casino the table limit for the $15 tables is $1000. Second I don't go beyond the fourth bet often, and frankly I don't often need too. Thirdly until I'm up over one thousand I don't make the thousand dollar max bet. Once I'm up $5000 I switch to a $25 table. and the progression is $25, $75, $225, $675, $2000. However I don't make the max bet until I'm up $12,000. One night I walked to the window with $17,000. Many time I've cleared over $5,000. On more than one night I've had hotel security walk me to my room with my pockets stuffed with the casinos money. I've taught this system to players at the table and I've seen more than one person walk away with thousands of the houses money. This system requires one to play for long hours to win. And I must add that seeking to play catch up after a string of losses is almost always a disaster. Two things I can't say to strongly is don't sit down short on cash. And if you find that you've lost three cycles of bets with any one dealer "walk". A cycle is 15 45 135 405 or 25 75 225 675. Thats twelve hands in a row, And I've found that hot dealers don't often cool. Most important is perfect basic play.


Staff member
Just in case anyone needs reminding, no betting system can change a negative edge game into a positive edge game. Despite any claims to the contrary, all progressions lose money in the long run, equivalent to the house edge times the total money wagered.

In many cases, the progressions do worse, because they may put you in a situation where you don't have enough bankroll left to double and split appropriately. For example, imagine little john gets dealt a pair of 8s with his $1000 bet working. Does he have the bankroll left to put $8000 in play if he makes four hands that should each be doubled?

Progressions may be fun, and they may cause you to be a winner on many of your sessions. But, at the end of many sessions, you'll still lose roughly the same amount as a flat-betting basic strategy player whose bets total the same as yours.

little John

New Member
This one works reply

Ken it's truly an honor to to have someone of your stature even consider my less than perfect system. I certainly make no claim whatsoever to it's perfection. All I know is that for three and a half years I left my money at the casino, now I take theirs home with me. Of my last aprox forty sessions of between three to five hours, I've won $108,980. I've won over ninty percent of the time. I've found that if I limit my play to cycles 15, 45, 135, 405. And wait till I'm up over $1000 to max my bet it works. I've been in a situation where I wasn't able, because I lacked the cash, to make the splits and doubles I should have. This however hasn't detered me from winning. If I didn't have the money to double I just didn't double. Thank you so much Ken for your flash trainer. It's really where I learned to play. To overcome the problem you just gave reference to I now take a hefty bank roll with me. Between $10,000 and $20,000. I leave most of it in a casino lock box or room safe. I was at Pachanga Casino not long ago and was playing with a guy that had just lost most of his money. I pulled him aside taught him a this system an he left up over $8,000. Another lady once kissed me at the table when she went from $400 to over $2,000 in about four hours. My wife almost punched her. It works every time I use it on your trainer, and I mean every time. In fact I sent you an e-mail to enquire if you trainer was true to life because I've found that the results are for the most part the same as actual play. I do so hope your wrong, because if your right, I'm in for some serious losses. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
OK...normally I don't concern myself with betting strats any longer but I couldn't help much time on my hands I guess. I just went through 4100 bucks on Casino Verite using this system. Lost it all quick. So, I would like to know...

1. Your suggested bankroll size to start with.

2. How do you treat pushes?

3. To be sure I am doing this correctly...after you lose 15 then 45 then 135 then you lose 405 do you start back at 15?

4. How do you treat you play the system through it or do you start back at 15 for the new shuffle?

5. Do you have a particular BS chart that you use?

Any other specifics that you think might be important let me know.

little John

New Member
Strats reply

Hi Black Dog.
(1) I think of my bank roll in terms of cycles. Each cycle is 600 so I go to the table with 6 to 8 cycles. However I don't always play the 405 bet. If the dealer is hot as they often are I want to know it before I take it up to 405 or 1000. I also want to know what the players at the table are doing. I won't stay if people are constantly making bad plays. Although I don't know if in the long run it matters what others besides third base are doing. So starting out my basic cycle is 195.
(2) If I push I keep the same bet out.
(3) As to losses, I've found that I need to win about forty percent of all hands to avg 600 to 700 per hour, and if a dealer is hot, I complement them and walk. Six cycles of three bets is a good tester. If I don't at least break even I'm gone.
(4) As to shuffels, I usually start back at the basic unit although I can find no real justification for doing it.
(5) All I know of B.S. is what I've read in pehaps a dozen or so books. I don't think theres a great deal of differance between them. Most of what I learned of B.S. I got from the flash trainer. Great tool for practice.


Well-Known Member
little John said:
Hi Black Dog.
(1) I think of my bank roll in terms of cycles. Each cycle is 600 so I go to the table with 6 to 8 cycles. However I don't always play the 405 bet. If the dealer is hot as they often are I want to know it before I take it up to 405 or 1000. I also want to know what the players at the table are doing. I won't stay if people are constantly making bad plays. Although I don't know if in the long run it matters what others besides third base are doing. So starting out my basic cycle is 195.
(2) If I push I keep the same bet out.
(3) As to losses, I've found that I need to win about forty percent of all hands to avg 600 to 700 per hour, and if a dealer is hot, I complement them and walk. Six cycles of three bets is a good tester. If I don't at least break even I'm gone.
(4) As to shuffels, I usually start back at the basic unit although I can find no real justification for doing it.
(5) All I know of B.S. is what I've read in pehaps a dozen or so books. I don't think theres a great deal of differance between them. Most of what I learned of B.S. I got from the flash trainer. Great tool for practice.

Well, I worked this system as much as I am going to. Three hours with a live dealer...and about 1000 simulator hands. I am convinced that it is a very subjective plan that works about as well as any other betting system. You are required to rely on hunches and luck. I honestly think you have found a system to use at about the same time you were in your "winning streak". I realize you have won some cash but I want to warn you that you may be in for a major losing streak at some point so just be prepared. I wish you all the best and hope you continue to have such great luck.

For now I have to continue to believe the following... (Archive copy)


New Member
I've been following along on this discussion about systems and I was wondering if anyone has a BJ simulator that shows the number of hands lost in a row. Such as 3 in a row, 4 in a row, 5 in a row, etc. and how many times it may happen, say in about a 1000 hands?


Well-Known Member
mwrit said:
I've been following along on this discussion about systems and I was wondering if anyone has a BJ simulator that shows the number of hands lost in a row. Such as 3 in a row, 4 in a row, 5 in a row, etc. and how many times it may happen, say in about a 1000 hands?
The sim that Ken has on this site does that I think...on the left side of the home page click strategy trainer/free blackjack trainer :)


Well-Known Member
mwrit said:
I've been following along on this discussion about systems and I was wondering if anyone has a BJ simulator that shows the number of hands lost in a row. Such as 3 in a row, 4 in a row, 5 in a row, etc. and how many times it may happen, say in about a 1000 hands?
Yes...I have one. It will handle up to 9,999 sessions of 9,999 hands each.

It will return the results of every streak and how many times it occurred both wins and losses.


New Member

Is it a commercial software? If so, who's it made by? If you've ran several simulations before, what was the frequency of dealer winning streaks of 4 hands or more?

Thanks for your help.



Well-Known Member
I bought it off the internet and I think it's by Dreammaker but I can't find it on the internet any more. It was something like $6 and I bought it just for grins. It turned out to be quite a good investment if for no other purpose than to reassure me that streak betting is a really big gamble!

Of course, the results are variable in different runs.

Basic Strategy, 6-deck shoe, dealer hits soft 17, 9,999 hands:

Total player wins: 4241
Total dealer wins: 4775
Pushes: 983

Streak breakdown:

Player Dealer

1 1138 1027
2 524 505
3 257 294
4 132 153
5 59 92
6 37 38
7 15 26
8 4 21
9 5 11
10 2 6
11 2 1
12 1 3

Results of course vary when this is reran. Sometimes the dealer wins more of the streaks, sometimes the player does. Sometimes the streaks run to as many as 18 in a row! What I'm saying is that you cannot draw conclusions from one run of 10,000 hands.


New Member
Thanks Mike. I new the results would vary each time but I was just curious how many times a dealer might win X number of games in a row. Thanks again.

Naddo 21

New Member
Back to strategy 212345...

While little John's cycleing system has me confused, I too read and learned basic strategy first from 'BIG Daddy' Pappadopoulos, and feel his simple 212345... unit system has merit when applied correctly along with his full five basic strategy rules. I've been cashing out when I win 20X's the table min, as he teaches, consistently.
However, my BIG concern still with this system is the impending loss as I push against the odds continuing to increase one unit after my 3rd winning hand.
Anyone know what the odds are for winning 3,4,5... hands in a row as you continue with this system. I guess that is influenced by the table's rules, but even a rough idea would be helpful.
My thought against this system is that, as you revert back one unit after your 2nd win, it seems you should have to revert back again after 'X' number of wins otherwise, you will inevitably lose out on a big bet and be right back were you started from.
However, that concern stated with the understanding that this system could be flawed and/or improved, I have been winning back 50% of my bank roll consistently following Pappa's rules to the letter. As he emphasizes, the most important rule of the game is discipline!